Feminism is a Satanic principle?
Sorry, what??
I'm surrounded by spiritual movements of people who can't even demonstrate the veracity of their claims but somehow claim they know more than others.
That's not how we come to know things about the world we live in.
Thats because religion is based on faith an observation. In short God is in top position. Would you prove yourself to an ant?
In gods view his gifts are evidence. We fit his desires he doesnt fit ours unless he sees greatness in individuals which has happened several times.
Also it takes seeking god to gain a better understanding. Without doing that you wont understand as God considers you an enemy.
Those who do understand see through the presented human created matrix and gain understanding of life and all things in it. Scripture is accurate to life, it always is.
For exanple you cannot read the bible and understand it. You must study it as its verses become relevant across the course of your life and its messages are revealed as your understanding grows and as the wicked fullfil prophecy.
Essentially im saying that without studying for most of your life there is no way for someone to tell you for you to understand.
You have to seek God for yourself to gain understanding and no I dont mean church.
Also yes feminism is a satanic principle as God set the order of all earthly things when he created the world and man. Feminism onviously goes against Gods order, so if you actually researched Satanism, Feminism is always one of its top 3 principles. Which makes sense cobsidering edomites/white people (decendants of cain/essau/lucifer). So feminism being pushed in society today fits into the confusion that is said to happen in scripture and revelations. Along with other popolar confusions, homesexuality and trangenderism
Life itself has order, its a huge system that works together as God set it to do so. Men Marry women, animals eat grass, animals eat the animals that eat the grass, worms eat the dead etc. The flow of life is a huge working system that works together to sustain the planet and life on it.
Im basically telling you that the current and future of humanity is in the bible, always has been.
The proof of god is in Scripture and you have to gain understanding of scripture and life to even begin to understand god. When you do you understand reality, life,people, death, the wicked, and most importantly gods will.
Again this understanding isnt just told to you or gained by sitting and listening in church. It definitely cant be gained from me just telling you. Jesus himself was not fond of churches as gateways to god. The word is ment to be preached in the streets.
The ignorant don't know that they are ignorant
. The stupid,think they know, the smart understand that they dont know and seek knowledge. Which of these categories do atheists fall under? Surface observation is never full observation, and god, higher beings, and/or spirits arent going to dance for you.
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