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Fear of God?


Well-Known Member
faith in things unproven.

Take it a little further...

i am alive..no choice there. did you choose to be born?

Which is better, living or existing?

i don't believe the god of the bible is

Because the god of the bible is what?

i am alive that is my experience of being alive and i recognize it as life.

Such a woefully cold, circular definition.

another ad hominem... you can't help yourself can you?
if you're going to present scripture, choose life, why can't you try to find one that supports your unsubstantiated claim of god's unconditional love?
hence the ad hominem, you can't.

The bible is not fact. Unless you are claiming that it is, you cannot say I don't believe you because the bible doesn't say so.


Veteran Member
Take it a little further...
to the trashcan perhaps :rolleyes:

Such a woefully cold, circular definition.
you know this how?

The bible is not fact. Unless you are claiming that it is...

i never claimed the bible to be fact...where did you get that idea from?
if you claim the bible is not fact, then where do you get these ideas?

something to read for enjoyment...

You don’t know me but I’m your brother
I was raised here in this living hell
You don’t know my kind in your world
Fairly soon the time will tell
You, telling me the things you’re gonna do for me
I ain’t blind and I don’t like what I think I see...

-doobie brothers

And when they found our shadows
Groups 'round the TV sets
They ran down every lead
They repeated every test
They checked out all the data in their lists
And then the alien anthropologists
Admitted they were still perplexed
But on eliminating every other reason
For our sad demise
They logged the only explanation left
This species has amused itself to death

-roger waters

what i'm gonna do now
is freak the freak out...

-victoria justice


The Lost One
spanjo said:
There are 3 reasons why people obey God

1. "Fear"

2. Duty

3. Love

Love is ultimately what God desires for us, but love is often a process. Our selfish human natures are not always prepared to obey out of love. Unless God intervenes and says "listen, if you don't change, this is where you are headed, do you really want to go that way?" we will continue down the path of selfishness and receive our reward. All that He does, He does out of love for us. He knows what is best for us.

Your example (in bold & red), in no way or even "implied" that God is doing this out of love.

spanjo said:
4. reverential awe, esp. toward god.

Again, "awe", or even "reverential awe", in no implied "love".

Only a Christian would twisted the word out of it socket, to equate fear with love.

If you read what God has to say in Job (conversation between God and Satan):

Job 1:8 said:
Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.”

Job being so faithful and all (eg "blameless and upright"), and yet God say that Job's faith come from "fear", not "love". No where does LOVE appear in the picture, from the very 1st verse to the last verse in the book (of Job).

And what did God do, when he reply to Job, he intimidate him with his boast of his powers chapter 38, 39, 40 & 41). The only reason why you would intimidation is to strike fear upon someone.

Do you think you would use intimidation to arouse a feeling call - LOVE?

I suppose you could feel love through intimidation, if you were a sick masochist.

(ps - I don't mean "you" personally; I'm using "you" in general. Sorry for the confusion.)
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Well-Known Member
to the trashcan perhaps :rolleyes:

If you are unwilling to take this as far as it goes, then we have nothing further to talk about. If you insist on using this definition of faith, but don't want to talk about why faith is the way you think it is, then you have no faith at all. Faith is not just the end, but the journey as well. You must have both.

you know this how?

Because life can mean more than existing.

i never claimed the bible to be fact...where did you get that idea from?

If I had found a passage in the bible that said god's love is unconditional, would you then have accepted it? Of course not. So why ask me to find one?

if you claim the bible is not fact, then where do you get these ideas?

Life perhaps. Facts are not the only things that give knowledge. And in my experience, facts give woefully unimportant knowledge at that.


Veteran Member
If I had found a passage in the bible that said god's love is unconditional, would you then have accepted it? Of course not. So why ask me to find one?

yes of course i would accept the bible says god's love is unconditional
the reason i ask is because i have yet to find it.

Life perhaps. Facts are not the only things that give knowledge. And in my experience, facts give woefully unimportant knowledge at that.

life is experience. experience gives you knowledge. believe it or not
what is unimportant knowledge?

you know throughout history the philosophers/scientist of the day would come to their wits end and eventually would say, this is beyond me it must be god
until the next scientist would come along and take the previous idea to a new level and so on...and now today, we now understand how little we know. what we do know
is that you and i are made of stardust. are these the facts you deem as unimportant? i think it's fascinating. much more then a 2000 yr old book written by men with limited knowledge of the the world and the cosmos surrounding them.


Well-Known Member
yes of course i would accept the bible says god's love is unconditional
the reason i ask is because i have yet to find it.

Yet the very passage you see as proof of God's conditional love is the same one I see as proof of his unconditional love. I also gave you another passage, which you dismissed just as quickly.

life is experience. experience gives you knowledge. believe it or not
what is unimportant knowledge?

Knowledge that does not advance your own understanding of yourself. Knowledge that does not invite you to do so. Knowledge that just sits there, only to be read and never used.

you know throughout history the philosophers/scientist of the day would come to their wits end and eventually would say, this is beyond me it must be god
until the next scientist would come along and take the previous idea to a new level and so on...and now today, we now understand how little we know. what we do know
is that you and i are made of stardust. are these the facts you deem as unimportant? i think it's fascinating. much more then a 2000 yr old book written by men with limited knowledge of the the world and the cosmos surrounding them.

In this statement lies the reason for your simple definition of faith. Care to elaborate?


New Member
To have fear of a god(s) would mean to fear myself as only my mind can generate validity to an ideal that was created by the very same mind.


Veteran Member
Yet the very passage you see as proof of God's conditional love is the same one I see as proof of his unconditional love. I also gave you another passage, which you dismissed just as quickly.
which i have reasonably refuted.
unconditional love has no conditions for which it is offered
in this case, belief for everlasting life. and everlasting life is the expression of love for those that believe.
sort of like telling a child;
if you second guess me, i will throw you out of the house. but if you believe in me you can stay home...
Knowledge that does not advance your own understanding of yourself. Knowledge that does not invite you to do so.

wouldn't you consider that narcissistic

Knowledge that just sits there, only to be read and never used.

if you are referring to science, science has contributed more then faith.
just within the last 100 yrs.

In this statement lies the reason for your simple definition of faith. Care to elaborate?

the knowledge of science was very limited when these oral traditions emerged. had we known what causes diseases, we wouldn't consider it a curse from god. had we known what causes earthquakes, we wouldn't call it an act of god. had we known we were not the center of the universe, perhaps we'd be more humble. had we known we are all made of stardust, perhaps we wouldn't be taught to discriminate...

faith is a stick in the wheel. it fears to be refuted and it fears to be replaced by reason and logic for the purpose of progress.

i will piggyback on a statement hitchens said about mother theresa, he called her a fundamental religious terrorist. i thought that was a rather shocking assessment about a person who's life's work was based on helping the needy.
however when the knowledge, the realization, of what her stance on condoms/birth control were, i came to that same conclusion. it was her faith that told her the use of condoms was worse then perpetuating the problem, it was her faith that fed into the suffering. she couldn't see beyond herself, her selfishness. her faith was the stick in the wheel. reason and knowledge would support the use of birth control because those methods would have alleviated the suffering immeasurably, without doubt. as you can plainly see hitchens was right about mother theresa, she was not a humble servant rather she was a cold blooded tyrant creating a system that sustained misery which exalted her as the ultimate servant.

that is an obvious undeniable act of hypocrisy which was laid out for the world to see but to those that are blinded by faith.

no sir, faith is the enemy of progress because faith is a friend to degeneration.
no thanks.
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Well-Known Member
which i have reasonably refuted.
unconditional love has no conditions for which it is offered
in this case, belief for everlasting life. and everlasting life is the expression of love for those that believe.
sort of like telling a child;
if you second guess me, i will throw you out of the house. but if you believe in me you can stay home...

The offering of the choice is the expression of love. You may think that choice is wrong or unfair, but that doesn't mean it isn't love.

It's like saying to a child, 'don't put your hand on that hot plate, or you'll get burned'. The child is free to follow their parent's advice, or put their hand on the hot plate and get it burned. Either way, you learn something.

wouldn't you consider that narcissistic

I call it advancement. Personal, mental, emotional. Worshiping yourself is narcissistic. Self knowledge and self discovery are not.

if you are referring to science, science has contributed more then faith.
just within the last 100 yrs.

Believe what you wish. Science is easy to see. Faith is not.

the knowledge of science was very limited when these oral traditions emerged. had we known what causes diseases, we wouldn't consider it a curse from god. had we known what causes earthquakes, we wouldn't call it an act of god. had we known we were not the center of the universe, perhaps we'd be more humble. had we known we are all made of stardust, perhaps we wouldn't be taught to discriminate...

I don't think earthquakes are curses from God. I don't think we are the center of the universe (though, where the center of the universe is, is a subject of debate. It could be anywhere, so technically, we could be.)

faith is a stick in the wheel. it fears to be refuted and it fears to be replaced by reason and logic for the purpose of progress.

Most of the time, yes, I agree with you. Faith is very confusing, and it leads to people making stupid statements, when in reality there is no need for assertions such as 'god created the universe, not the big bang', or 'evolution isn't true', etc. It is a very immature view.
Yet, you, with all of your intelligence, cling to this immature idea of faith like your life depended on it. Why do you refuse to accept, or even consider, a new idea of faith when it is presented to you?

i will piggyback on a statement hitchens said about mother theresa, he called her a fundamental religious terrorist. i thought that was a rather shocking assessment about a person who's life's work was based on helping the needy.
however when the knowledge, the realization, of what her stance on condoms/birth control were, i came to that same conclusion. it was her faith that told her the use of condoms was worse then perpetuating the problem, it was her faith that fed into the suffering. she couldn't see beyond herself, her selfishness. her faith was the stick in the wheel. reason and knowledge would support the use of birth control because those methods would have alleviated the suffering immeasurably, without doubt. as you can plainly see hitchens was right about mother theresa, she was not a humble servant rather she was a cold blooded tyrant creating a system that sustained misery which exalted her as the ultimate servant.

Or she was following her belief. She was doing what she thought was right. You coming along and saying it was wrong doesn't change that. You're right, being stubborn is a slippery slope. But sometimes what you fight for is a very good thing. The American revolution is an example. The haitian revolution is another.
It's hit or miss. You pointing out a miss doesn't disprove faith at all, but in fact proves it without a doubt.

no sir, faith is the enemy of progress because faith is a friend to degeneration.
no thanks.

And here we finally get to what you think of faith. I would guess that, if you were forced into faith, you believe it to be a suspension of rational thinking, and in that sense completely and utterly wrong.

At least we agree on something.


Veteran Member
The offering of the choice is the expression of love. You may think that choice is wrong or unfair, but that doesn't mean it isn't love.

are you serious? really.
an ultimatum as an expression of love? it's not a choice. it manipulation.

It's like saying to a child, 'don't put your hand on that hot plate, or you'll get burned'. The child is free to follow their parent's advice, or put their hand on the hot plate and get it burned. Either way, you learn something.

sorry, this metaphor doesn't apply to john 3:16
being thrown out of the house if one were to second guess their parent applies...

I call it advancement. Personal, mental, emotional. Worshiping yourself is narcissistic. Self knowledge and self discovery are not.

you've got to be kidding me.
believing in a divine supreme being is actually interested in your life isn't narcissistic?:facepalm:

Believe what you wish. Science is easy to see. Faith is not.
that is why faith, which is supposed to be the beacon of humanity , fails.

I don't think earthquakes are curses from God. I don't think we are the center of the universe (though, where the center of the universe is, is a subject of debate. It could be anywhere, so technically, we could be.)

i wasn't talking about you, i was referring to the bible...
you know why there are earthquakes because of science...
other's like pat robertson doesn't....need i remind you what that idiot said about haiti?

Most of the time, yes, I agree with you. Faith is very confusing, and it leads to people making stupid statements, when in reality there is no need for assertions such as 'god created the universe, not the big bang', or 'evolution isn't true', etc. It is a very immature view.
Yet, you, with all of your intelligence, cling to this immature idea of faith like your life depended on it. Why do you refuse to accept, or even consider, a new idea of faith when it is presented to you?

why do you think we placed 25th in science in the world?

Or she was following her belief. She was doing what she thought was right. You coming along and saying it was wrong doesn't change that. You're right, being stubborn is a slippery slope. But sometimes what you fight for is a very good thing.

explain to me what so good about perpetuating misery?

The American revolution is an example. The haitian revolution is another.
It's hit or miss. You pointing out a miss doesn't disprove faith at all, but in fact proves it without a doubt.

it proves faith fails. faith in god has never proved anything definitive, so what's he point?

And here we finally get to what you think of faith. I would guess that, if you were forced into faith, you believe it to be a suspension of rational thinking, and in that sense completely and utterly wrong.
At least we agree on something.

no one can be forced against their self dignity and integrity, however they can be manipulated when faced ultimatums.

happy new year...


Well-Known Member
are you serious? really.
an ultimatum as an expression of love? it's not a choice. it manipulation.

It looks that way, doesn't it? Experience the ultimatum, then see if it really is what you say.

sorry, this metaphor doesn't apply to john 3:16
being thrown out of the house if one were to second guess their parent applies...

If you throw a child out for disagreeing with you, then you are a child yourself. God is not a child.

you've got to be kidding me.
believing in a divine supreme being is actually interested in your life isn't narcissistic?:facepalm:

It's quite unbelievable, actually. That's why you can't believe it. You have either experienced it, or you haven't. Once you have the experience, you get even more confused as to why its true, but you have experience of that truth.

that is why faith, which is supposed to be the beacon of humanity , fails.

The reason you believe faith fails is the same reason that I know faith succeeds.

i wasn't talking about you, i was referring to the bible...
you know why there are earthquakes because of science...
other's like pat robertson doesn't....need i remind you what that idiot said about haiti?

Please don't remind me. The guy is an idiot, and a great number of priests and other clergy agree with you and me on that. People who ignore science are ignoring God. They are blinding themselves purposefully because they have created their own pseudo reality in which they are god.

why do you think we placed 25th in science in the world?

Because we do not understand faith.

explain to me what so good about perpetuating misery?

Is learning a lesson misery? Life is painful, and necessarily. Pain is not the same as misery.

it proves faith fails. faith in god has never proved anything definitive, so what's the point?

If you wish to definitively prove something, use science. If you want to go deeper than that, use faith.

no one can be forced against their self dignity and integrity, however they can be manipulated when faced ultimatums.

You are correct. That's why God didn't force an ultimatum on us. We do a fine job of that ourselves.

happy new year...

To you as well.


Veteran Member
It looks that way, doesn't it? Experience the ultimatum, then see if it really is what you say.

you don't actually think i believe there is a real ultimatum, do you? i just don't respond to threats that well, that's all.

If you throw a child out for disagreeing with you, then you are a child yourself. God is not a child.

that is what your god set up, so yes your god is a childish god.

It's quite unbelievable, actually. That's why you can't believe it. You have either experienced it, or you haven't. Once you have the experience, you get even more confused as to why its true, but you have experience of that truth.

is it so hard to be humbled in the face of chaos and randomness?

The reason you believe faith fails is the same reason that I know faith succeeds.

but at what cost?

Please don't remind me. The guy is an idiot, and a great number of priests and other clergy agree with you and me on that. People who ignore science are ignoring God. They are blinding themselves purposefully because they have created their own pseudo reality in which they are god.

well, there are millions of viewers that hang on to his every word and who also believe the bible is a science book, when it's not.

Because we do not understand faith.

if you have a half an hour to check this out...
this is will give you an idea of why i disagree.
YouTube - The God of the Gaps (by Neil deGrasse Tyson)

Is learning a lesson misery? Life is painful, and necessarily. Pain is not the same as misery.

so a child born into misery, aids and horrific conditions in india, who will most likely die before the age of 5 has a lesson to learn?

If you wish to definitively prove something, use science. If you want to go deeper than that, use faith.

i wouldn't say deeper; it's a different direction all together.

You are correct. That's why God didn't force an ultimatum on us. We do a fine job of that ourselves.

the ultimatum isn't forced, nonetheless it is experienced as an ultimatum.
'do this, or else'

here's another video i recommend if you have the time.
YouTube - The Poetry of Science: Richard Dawkins and Neil deGrasse Tyson


Active Member
God does not tell you to fear him to keep you unto him. He tells you to fear this for I know the danger of what is with in. And tells you if you listen to me and take my hand. I will lead you away from danger into blessing. But the choice is then up to you. The clearest way I can explain this is as a father I love my child with all my heart and want only the best for them. As they grow I will tell them do not touch that it is hot and will hurt you, I have placed fear into them to lead them away and as long as I stand there he won't move. But if I walk away and let him decided what he wants to do what will he chose. If he choses not to touch and listens to that I have taught, he is now saved of the pain that it which I warned him. But, if he choses to ingnore my warning and touches it then he will have extreme pain. I will still love him as I always will, and I hope that from that pain he sees that what I say unto him be true. That I am here to love you and keep you from the pain that I know to be true.


Veteran Member
God does not tell you to fear him to keep you unto him. He tells you to fear this for I know the danger of what is with in. And tells you if you listen to me and take my hand. I will lead you away from danger into blessing. But the choice is then up to you.

fear what is within?
we all have the capacity to do evil as well as good friend.
so, i pose this question, what moral act can you do as a believer that i, as a non believer, can't?

The clearest way I can explain this is as a father I love my child with all my heart and want only the best for them. As they grow I will tell them do not touch that it is hot and will hurt you, I have placed fear into them to lead them away and as long as I stand there he won't move.

as a parent you know you would do anything for your child....anything.
fear has no place in love, at some point we need to let go and believe in them. where in your bible does god ever say i believe in you?

remember we are there to protect our children, i want to protect my child by giving him a defense tactic, the only thing to fear, is fear itself.

But if I walk away and let him decided what he wants to do what will he chose. If he choses not to touch and listens to that I have taught, he is now saved of the pain that it which I warned him. But, if he choses to ingnore my warning and touches it then he will have extreme pain. I will still love him as I always will, and I hope that from that pain he sees that what I say unto him be true. That I am here to love you and keep you from the pain that I know to be true.

yes you would continue to love him unconditionally, but you wouldn't set up a consequence of forever being separated would you just because he wanted to figure it out for himself, would you?

god tells you to fear him because he is a jealous god...
are you jealous of your child for figuring things out for themselves, as a loving parent, i'd think not.


Well-Known Member
you don't actually think i believe there is a real ultimatum, do you? i just don't respond to threats that well, that's all.

Well, you shouldn't because there isn't one, but your response says that you do. Whether the ultimatum is real of not has nothing to do with it. You think there is one, which is why you reject the concept of God.

that is what your god set up, so yes your god is a childish god.

I used to think the same thing.

is it so hard to be humbled in the face of chaos and randomness?

It's very easy. It is hard to be humbled when out of that chaos, something happens that absolutely shouldn't happen.

but at what cost?

Birds have nests and foxes have dens, but the Son of Man has no where to lay his head.

well, there are millions of viewers that hang on to his every word and who also believe the bible is a science book, when it's not.

That isn't faith, as I said before.

if you have a half an hour to check this out...
this is will give you an idea of why i disagree.

Saying 'Goddit' isn't faith. You've made my point for me. The video is explaining ignorance. God is not ignorance. Faith is not ignorance.

so a child born into misery, aids and horrific conditions in india, who will most likely die before the age of 5 has a lesson to learn?

As I said, pain and misery are not the same. Children can and are born into pain. Misery is a choice. You can be in pain and not be miserable.

i wouldn't say deeper; it's a different direction all together.

Fair enough. The direction is not contrary to science though.

the ultimatum isn't forced, nonetheless it is experienced as an ultimatum.
'do this, or else'

When you experience it, it ceases to become an ultimatum.


Veteran Member
Well, you shouldn't because there isn't one, but your response says that you do. Whether the ultimatum is real of not has nothing to do with it. You think there is one, which is why you reject the concept of God.
now your being presumptuous. it's an illogical concept.

It's very easy. It is hard to be humbled when out of that chaos, something happens that absolutely shouldn't happen.

that's chaos for you...
sometimes, we forget to measure the probability factor

Birds have nests and foxes have dens, but the Son of Man has no where to lay his head.
neither do the starving children in india

Saying 'Goddit' isn't faith. You've made my point for me. The video is explaining ignorance. God is not ignorance. Faith is not ignorance.

ahh to bad, you didn't watch it....you should

As I said, pain and misery are not the same. Children can and are born into pain. Misery is a choice. You can be in pain and not be miserable.
the bravery of being out of range.

When you experience it, it ceases to become an ultimatum.

experienced ultimatums...no thanks, as i said before i don't respond well to threats, especially made up ones


Well-Known Member
now your being presumptuous. it's an illogical concept.

I merely have connected the dots of your responses.

neither do the starving children in india

Are you a starving child in India?

ahh to bad, you didn't watch it....you should

:facepalm: I did watch it. It proves very succinctly that very few people in the science community (and very few of the general public) understand faith.

the bravery of being out of range.

Pain is a property, just like existence. Misery is a choice, just like life.

experienced ultimatums...no thanks, as i said before i don't respond well to threats, especially made up ones

It isn't a threat. Seeing it as one lets you tell yourself you don't have to deal with it. It's quite a common attitude. Make something we don't understand into something hostile and simple to understand. Then we can attack it and forget about it.


Veteran Member
I merely have connected the dots of your responses.

show me the dots captain.

Are you a starving child in India?

no i am not,
you do realize needless suffering exists, don't you?

:facepalm: I did watch it. It proves very succinctly that very few people in the science community (and very few of the general public) understand faith.

so you think nothing they were saying was true?

Pain is a property, just like existence. Misery is a choice, just like life.

children born with aids do not choose to be born with aids
children born into an abusive home do not choose to be abused.

It isn't a threat. Seeing it as one lets you tell yourself you don't have to deal with it. It's quite a common attitude. Make something we don't understand into something hostile and simple to understand. Then we can attack it and forget about it.

i guess you prefer celestial dictatorship...i don't.
some accept chaos and improvise others don't accept the chaos and need to be told what to do.