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Fifty-eight Percent of Americans Favorable to Palin

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
A God fearing woman or man will do more to defend this nation than one that is not, and will also strive to keep it economincally sound, more so than an non God fearing candidate.


Father Heathen

Veteran Member
No, no, no, that is too 60's. Those days are gone.

Nope, the Jesus of today, according to Republicans, if one can estimate what is going in their heads, would be like like Rick Warren. Whoelse could have commanded the two candidates to the presidency to come to his Saddleback, and grilled them for an hour on their morals? You think a pinko liberal hippy could do that? No way. The Today Jesus would attract 10,000 devotees every Sunday, with millions on the small screen, ergh, correction, the big screen, with millions of USD pouring in every year. He would make the top 10 in the Fortune 500 list, or else he wouldn't be Jesus...

Didn't seem to be the case during Roman times. If he wasn't successful then, why would be he successful now?


The Devil's Advocate
So about half of the U.S. doesn't want to have a God fearing Christian in the White House.
Damn straight! The last 8 years has actually taught us something!
Aw man, that SO deserves frubals. :p

The problem that I have with most so-called "God-fearing Christians" is that they don't seem to fear God so much as they fear people who are different from them.


Depends Upon My Mood..
God fearing or not..it cost 60.00 to fill up my car with a tank of gas..My electricity bill is almost 500.00 for a 1800 square ft house..Medical insurance is outrageous...I cancelled mine because it was too high... so for the first time in since I was 23 years old I have no insurance and Im 40 years old...groceries are going up and up...

What in the hell does fearing God have anything to do with that??...




Depends Upon My Mood..
Thats another thing that ****** me off..Last night at the convention some remark was made by one of the liars about "not depending on the government" to do things for you or something to that affect..

Well then the government can not depend on ME to pay and pay and pay them to BE the government.. But as long as they DEPEND on ME I WILL depend on them not to wreck this country for my children...




Father Heathen

Veteran Member
God fearing or not..it cost 60.00 to fill up my car with a tank of gas..My electricity bill is almost 500.00 for a 1800 square ft house..Medical insurance is outrageous...I cancelled mine because it was too high... so for the first time in since I was 23 years old I have no insurance and Im 40 years old...groceries are going up and up...

What in the hell does fearing God have anything to do with that??...



You're not fearing him hard enough. Otherwise food would've magically materialize in your fridge. That's how faith works.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I was just making a joke. But seriously, you're right. There are families who bust their balls and barely manage to stay afloat (like single mothers who work two jobs just to be able to provide the most basic necessities for their child). The conservatives who say it's their own fault that they're poor because they'e just lazy were probably born with a silver spoon in their mouth.
But back to the joke; the point I was trying to make with that is that conservatives put a lot of stock in "faith" and "god fearing" like it's some substantial value that actually makes a big difference.
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Depends Upon My Mood..
I was just making a joke. But seriously, you're right. There are families who bust their balls and barely manage to stay afloat (like single mothers who work two jobs just to be able to provide the most basic necessities for their child). The conservatives who say it's their own fault that they're poor because they'e just lazy were probably born with a silver spoon in their mouth.
But back to the joke; the point I was trying to make with that is that conservatives put a lot of stock in "faith" and "god fearing" like it's some substantial value that actually makes a big difference.

NOOO!! Remember..Huckabee said his dad worked two jobs and they lived in a "rented' house when he was growing up...

Oh and back to the joke..They can fear God untill they pee in their pants for all I care.. Just stabalize this economy...




Veteran Member
You do know that Obama is a lifelong, devout Christian, right?
Could you please explain this then ???

"Obama's home church in Chicago recently published an editorial penned by a top Hamas leader in its weekly bulletin. The Hamas op-ed justified the use of terrorist violence against Israelis, rejected the Jewish state's right to exist, and compared the violent Hamas charter to the US Declaration of Independence."

Hamas wants Obama to win US presidential election
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The Devil's Advocate
the point I was trying to make with that is that conservatives put a lot of stock in "faith" and "god fearing" like it's some substantial value that actually makes a big difference.
There are liberals who put a lot of stock in faith too. It makes a big difference to me.

Faith is what got Dr. King thru his hardest times.

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
There are liberals who put a lot of stock in faith too. It makes a big difference to me.

Faith is what got Dr. King thru his hardest times.

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."

But does "fearing god" make or break a candidate? Are competence, honesty, knowledge, integrity, etc. actually unimportant as long as one has "faith"? Keep in mind this was directed at those here who've implied "god fearing" alone makes for a superior leader.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I agree..you have to have faith..But faith is an action word ..not a feeling..Same as love..

As far as Im concerned its a verb..


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Depends Upon My Mood..
But does "fearing god" make or break a candidate? Are competence, honesty, knowledge, integrity, etc. actually unimportant as long as one has "faith"? Keep in mind this was directed at those here who've implied "god fearing" alone makes for a superior leader.

"Fearing God" can be a determining factor in decisions..But those desicions should be selfless ...IMHO fearing God should LEAD to competence..honesty..knowledge..integrity...etc...Otherwise you can not serve..let alone lead others...Your "fear" is useless..Bares ZERO good crops..


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Well-Known Member
Could you please explain this then ???

"Obama's home church in Chicago recently published an editorial penned by a top Hamas leader in its weekly bulletin. The Hamas op-ed justified the use of terrorist violence against Israelis, rejected the Jewish state's right to exist, and compared the violent Hamas charter to the US Declaration of Independence."

Perhaps God supports Hamas??:p

Or maybe, just maybe, God doesn't support any side in the continual shedding of blood in his name? Maybe his ways are higher than yours? And perhaps Barack Obama has, unlike you, a mind independant of his church?


Veteran Member

Buy some flourescent lights, no one should be paying 500 bucks a month for electricity, my electric bill is 30 dollars a month.

Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs : ENERGY STAR

I make 8 bucks an hour with about 25 hours overtime and my wife doesn't work. I ride a bullet bike to work to save money on gas, insurance, car payment, repairs, etc. and park my car in the driveway. I haven't driven it in 3 years and don't ever care to again.

I do what I need to do to get ahead of my bills and have money in the bank.
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I also don't have medical insurance, no need for it.

You may be the epitomy of health, but what happens when you get smeared by an uninsured motorist while you're riding your bullet bike.