Jayhawker Soule,
I really do not understand what you are trying to get at.
I do hope that you know that The KJV is not the Original Autographs.
If you want to know exactly what the original writings said, you need to consult, either a concordance or an Interlinear Bible.
If you read in the prefaces of many Bibles, especially the Bibles that follow the habit of the KJV, to substitute the Titles, LORD, or GOD, where the Original Autographs had God's Personal, or Proper Name, in Hebrew YHWH, called The Tetragrammaton, or The Four letters in Hebrew, for God's Name.
In the Originals God's Proper Name was in His Book over 7,000 times. I believe it is an enormous sin to remove God's name from His own book, when it was God's Holy Spirit that guided men as they wrote, 2Tim 3:16,17, 2Pet 1:20,21. The translators that removed God's personal name from His own book have judged themselves, Matt 5:17-19, Rom 14:22.