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For Parents: If God Told You To...


The Adversary
The story presents an ethical dilemma: doing what God commands, which is walking in righteousness with God, or doing what one personally feels is right, which in this case is an individuality that would stand alone against God. It's a dilemma of two rights, so which foot to stand on: which foot is the one that will hold a (good) man up?

And my question is which one do you choose...obey god or not...the answer she gave was her god wouldnt give her the scenario in the first place...that isn't an answer to the question.

Me Myself

Back to my username
And my question is which one do you choose...obey god or not...the answer she gave was her god wouldnt give her the scenario in the first place...that isn't an answer to the question.

She did answer, long ago:

She said if she thought she heard God telling her to kill his son she would go to a psychiatrist, and she wouldn´t think that voice to be God at all.

I think it was in her first post.

edit: wait, who are we talking about here? :eek:


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
Genesis 22 (New International Version)

22 Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!”

“Here I am,” he replied.

2 Then God said, “Take your son , your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you. ”

It is what is written. It says it is a test. Whether or not it had some usefulness in the future, and we can both agree that it had, it doesn't make it any less of a test.:shrug:

We have to assume the God of the Bible is omniscient don't we? So what actual testing was going on if God knew the outcome. Even later it says...

12 “Do not lay a hand on the boy,” he said. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son. ”

You'd think that knowledge would be readily available in heaven. The idea of testing contradicts God's omniscience so I can only assume this testing was a facade. It's testing only from the perspective of the narrative. God would have known the outcome so God must have had some other motivation.

This is way beyond my point.

And it wasn't easy the get there either. :D
But the point was it makes no sense to repeat it now.

Could had been the case. Who knows? :shrug:

It's probably a story made up to instill the importance of willing to be obedient to God. The morality of Abraham being willing to sacrifice his son was probably never taken into consideration.


The Adversary
She did answer, long ago:

She said if she thought she heard God telling her to kill his son she would go to a psychiatrist, and she wouldn´t think that voice to be God at all.

I think it was in her first post.

edit: wait, who are we talking about here? :eek:

Correct, that isn't an answer to the question of what she would if god commanded her.


The Adversary
She did answer, long ago:

She said if she thought she heard God telling her to kill his son she would go to a psychiatrist, and she wouldn´t think that voice to be God at all.

I think it was in her first post.

edit: wait, who are we talking about here? :eek:

She may have given a response but it wasn't an answer to the specific question.


Premium Member
Bobby didn't ask if you got a message in your head, he asked if god told you. Why do you keep avoiding the question and ChristinES I don't believe that either you or Kathryn have said you wouldn't kill your child even if god asked you to.

I haven't avoided the question at all- I said I would not sacrifice my child because I don't believe God would ask me to, because God had no intention of Abraham sacrificing Isaac. That is a legitimate answer- even if you don't like it or agree with it. :shrug:The God of Abraham does not require human sacrifice (And, no, I don't believe Jesus to be a human sacrifice).

(I suppose avoiding a question nowadays means that the person asking does not like your answer):foot::D


The Adversary
Im sorry that isn't an answer to the hypothetical. You can't start an answer negating the entire hypothetical, if you do, which you have, your not answering the question...your answering a question that wasn't asked.


The Adversary
I haven't avoided the question at all- I said I would not sacrifice my child because I don't believe God would ask me to, because God had no intention of Abraham sacrificing Isaac. That is a legitimate answer- even if you don't like it or agree with it. :shrug:The God of Abraham does not require human sacrifice (And, no, I don't believe Jesus to be a human sacrifice).

(I suppose avoiding a question nowadays means that the person asking does not like your answer):foot::D

Btw this simply asinine to say because Chinu answered it in the worst way a human could...however he answered the question.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Correct, that isn't an answer to the question of what she would if god commanded her.

In what way is it not? If God commanded her to do so, she would believe God to be an halucination of her head because she doesn´t think God would ever ask her that :D

That was pretty much her answer.


Premium Member
And my question is which one do you choose...obey god or not...the answer she gave was her god wouldnt give her the scenario in the first place...that isn't an answer to the question.
As I said in the post before, that is an answer. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't an answer. And I really don't care if any of you like my answer or not. I am not here to please you, but to give my view- which I have done. :shout:)

Have a very nice day, guys. I am done responding to the thread- I may keep reading it, though or maybe not. Who knows. :) (I said my piece, gave my opinions and now I am moving on). Great discussion- even though it was harsh, it was kind of satisfying, in a way.

Me Myself

Back to my username
I mean if you want to make a new question it would be:

What would you do if God asked you to kill your son and you knew that it was indeed God who is asking you to do it, having no doubt in your mind that it is him? (it IS a different question


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
She may have given a response but it wasn't an answer to the specific question.

I have answered every question asked of me. You just don't like some of the answers.

Some questions posed as "Yes or No" questions cannot be answered with a simple "yes or no." For instance:

"Is it wrong to kill chickens?"

So if you demand a simple answer to a question that requires expounding upon, not only would we have a lot of very short threads on this forum, we'd also put all attorneys and courts out of business.

Tempting - I know - but not feasible. ;)

And, like Christine, I am done responding to this thread.


The Adversary
I have answered every question asked of me. You just don't like some of the answers.

Some questions posed as "Yes or No" questions cannot be answered with a simple "yes or no." For instance:

"Is it wrong to kill chickens?"

So if you demand a simple answer to a question that requires expounding upon, not only would we have a lot of very short threads on this forum, we'd also put all attorneys and courts out of business.

Tempting - I know - but not feasible. ;)

And, like Christine, I am done responding to this thread.

Are you sure? You've said that like 4 times before and youre still responding.


The Adversary
I mean if you want to make a new question it would be:

What would you do if God asked you to kill your son and you knew that it was indeed God who is asking you to do it, having no doubt in your mind that it is him? (it IS a different question

Correct, however somewhere in the 40 something pages that stipulation was added and the answer was the still the same.

Me Myself

Back to my username
I am not saying you didn´t add it, but I certainly didn´t see it :D.

Shall we put it again? :p

Given that I answered my question similar to Kathiryn, I´ll answer the question now if I truly thought some god wanted me to sacrifice my(future? :D ) kid (Do keep in mind, this hypothetical I don´t know what kind of posible thrauma can happen to me so that for some reason I can think this to be true, but I´ll just go with the question) :

I would probably question the god and ask why do I need to sacrifice my kid? what happens if I dont? etc.

I may do it depending on the what happens. For example, if it is the biblical God and he tells me I will definetely go to hell if I dont and somehow I am so incredibly deranged that I actually believe him then I would probably do it. After all, my kid is going to heaven anyways. to be honest, any payment anyone can make to make someone not go to hell eternaly would be a moral duty. Of course, I dont believe in eternal hell, I dont expect god to be such an ******* .

But then, who wouldnt? and wouldnt they repent eternaly? who wouldnt do what s/he must to avoid eternal hell if they do believe in it? you´d have to be crazy(er :D ) to not avoid it whatever the cost was.

This is one of the reasons that belief is so dangerous.


The Adversary
Ok I asked if your god, not what you believed to be your god...your god. I still say this is a non answer...When saying your god it's implied you know it's your god
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