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Frustrated athiest asks why do you believe in God?

Summary: Why do you believe in God? What do you find to be the most compelling evidence that God exists?

Long Version:
I have found that I am getting frustrated at the thought of people who do not listen to reason, logic, evidence, and facts. You may have noticed this frustration seeping into the conversations I have on RF. I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just angry at you for not seeing what I see, which is not really fair. I'll will try to have more patience and explain things more clearly in the future.

One way to influence others is to first be influenced by them. In other words, seek first to understand, then to be understood. Maybe I would be less frustrated if I actually knew the reasons why you believe in God. Help me understand, and in turn I will respectfully respond, and if you care to hear I will respond with the reasons why I don't believe in God.

Thank you in advance for the conversation
Summary: Why do you believe in God? What do you find to be the most compelling evidence that God exists?

Long Version:
I have found that I am getting frustrated at the thought of people who do not listen to reason, logic, evidence, and facts. You may have noticed this frustration seeping into the conversations I have on RF. I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just angry at you for not seeing what I see, which is not really fair. I'll will try to have more patience and explain things more clearly in the future.

One way to influence others is to first be influenced by them. In other words, seek first to understand, then to be understood. Maybe I would be less frustrated if I actually knew the reasons why you believe in God. Help me understand, and in turn I will respectfully respond, and if you care to hear I will respond with the reasons why I don't believe in God.

Thank you in advance for the conversation


Well-Known Member
No you didn't. You said you wouldn't live in a world with a less than perfect God, but you already choose to live in a world where everyone is evil to one extent or the other.
I did. And that is not even remotely what I said. Why is it okay for you to be dishonest about me? Just because you see me as your enemy?
Summary: Why do you believe in God? What do you find to be the most compelling evidence that God exists?

Long Version:
I have found that I am getting frustrated at the thought of people who do not listen to reason, logic, evidence, and facts. You may have noticed this frustration seeping into the conversations I have on RF. I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just angry at you for not seeing what I see, which is not really fair. I'll will try to have more patience and explain things more clearly in the future.

One way to influence others is to first be influenced by them. In other words, seek first to understand, then to be understood. Maybe I would be less frustrated if I actually knew the reasons why you believe in God. Help me understand, and in turn I will respectfully respond, and if you care to hear I will respond with the reasons why I don't believe in God.

Thank you in advance for the conversation

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
The stakes are a bit higher..eternal death or eternal life.

The God of the Bible is love.
It's not just what he does... it's what he is.
"God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. God is love,

God is love - true. God lives in everyone's heart - true. God's love does not and could not involve eternal death - that is limiting God to an image of a 1950's stern and judgemental father whose love is contingent on having certain beliefs.

If I had your view of God, I'd be an atheist in a heartbeat because I could not and would not accept such a cruel and limited view of Divinity.

Daniel Nicholson

Blasphemous Pryme
No, I said people that think God is evil don't understand the Bible.
To paraphrase, I said the Abrahamic God endorses (encourages or acts out) murder, and you said I'm just plain wrong, then I gave you 5 examples from the old testament. So that's one point for me, let's move on. Hit the little arrow in the quote and trace back the convo if you don't believe me.


Veteran Member
The ruler of the universe, the one who created you and has the right to do whatever he wants to do with you, can not be judged to be evil by your human whims. He allows you to continue to exist every second and you should have some gratitude for that.
So those children who are too young to understand anything about life yet have to face treatment for serious genetic health issues is due to the one that created us. As if this ruler of the universe can't explain why children are facing suffering and death to some moral norms that we humans can understand and value we still can't judge this God?

So we are just like ants in an ant farm the way you describe it. You don't indicate that this God has any obligation for those it created. Could it be your words reflect more of your indifference and tainted morality rather than any sort of God?
The issue is not whether one believes, or not... the issue is one of thinking, or Knowing? The Energy of God is "NSgy" [Neutral Spiritual Energy] I believe, and that is entirely invisible to the brain and one's physical senses. Man is composed of four separate dimensions: Three of which are invisible to the brain and one's physical body. So, to experience God [one's Spiritual Energy dimension], one must go to one's Spiritual Dimension via one's faculty of Intuition... which requires a certain level of Consciousness, and this has nothing to do with one's brain, thinking, or intelligence.
all-of-man copy.png
This sketch illustrates the Whole of a person, and #1 is the physical body, with brain. The only faculty we have for experiencing the other three is one's faculty of Intuition. Which requires a Soul to have acquired a substantial amount of Knowledge, which is acquired by Completing Karma over many lifetimes... which goes against the beliefs of many Christians.
So... thinking alone will never provide one an experience of the Spirituality existing "Within" oneself. Peace


Veteran Member
No, I said people that think God is evil don't understand the Bible.
Yeah, it's probably that whole drowning all humans and animals in a global flood except for a few that is misinterpreted as a bad thing. Let's note this fix didn't fix anything, sinn still was a problem. It was such a problem that God had to impregnate a woman to create a human to sacrifice to itself for the sin of mankind. Of course this whole system is what this God created, so ultimately the responsibility fall on the Creator's shoulders. It makes us wonder if this God is so perfect why did creation go off the rails so badly and so often?


Veteran Member
I haven't found this to be true at all. I live among lots of conservative believers and they are some of the most generous people on the planet.
So these folks are open to gay marriage? Are they open to universal healthcare and support Planned parenthood's efforts to help the poor? They oppose tax cuts to the wealthy so social programs can be funded to help the needy? Plus wealthy Christians should be giving their wealth away to the poor, as Jesus taught, yes? Is this what you see among your conservative Christian friends?


Veteran Member
So these folks are open to gay marriage? Are they open to universal healthcare and support Planned parenthood's efforts to help the poor? They oppose tax cuts to the wealthy so social programs can be funded to help the needy? Plus wealthy Christians should be giving their wealth away to the poor, as Jesus taught, yes? Is this what you see among your conservative Christian friends?
Gay marriage has nothing to do with it. And no they don't support killing babies. Yes they tend to give to the less fortunate. And will help anyone who needs help, regardless of who that person is.


Veteran Member
We are like ants compared to him. Would you become an ant in order to save them from destruction that was due to their own mistakes?
So we are just like ants in an ant farm the way you describe it. You don't indicate that this God has any obligation for those it created.


Veteran Member
Right has no meaning whatsoever in a godless universe. In that universe the strongest survive and that's that... so might does make right if there's no God.
And the strongest do survive, which is how the theory of evolution was formed as an observation. Do you think the children born with genetic defects stood a chance before medicine was able to treat them? No, they died. Yet many humans still thought a loving God existed and cared for people. I guess they were grateful they survived and weren't those who lost the lottery of life.


Veteran Member
To paraphrase, I said the Abrahamic God endorses (encourages or acts out) murder, and you said I'm just plain wrong, then I gave you 5 examples from the old testament. So that's one point for me, let's move on. Hit the little arrow in the quote and trace back the convo if you don't believe me.
God doesn't encourage murder. Read The ten commandments. Instead he died to save the people who had him killed.