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Frustrated athiest asks why do you believe in God?


Veteran Member
And the strongest do survive, which is how the theory of evolution was formed as an observation. Do you think the children born with genetic defects stood a chance before medicine was able to treat them? No, they died. Yet many humans still thought a loving God existed and cared for people. I guess they were grateful they survived and weren't those who lost the lottery of life.
Dying isn't the end... I just can't figure out why people that think dying is the worst thing that can happen to you, choose eternal death, over eternal life.

In the animal kingdom the biggest chicken gets to rule the flock. That's the world we have. But God gave us a different picture in Jesus, someone who said that the leader must be the servant of all.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
And the strongest do survive, which is how the theory of evolution was formed as an observation. Do you think the children born with genetic defects stood a chance before medicine was able to treat them? No, they died. Yet many humans still thought a loving God existed and cared for people. I guess they were grateful they survived and weren't those who lost the lottery of life.
Actually it is those that are best adapted to a particular environment. Sometimes "strength" is too costly biologically and those that make best use of existing resources will do better than those that are merely strong. If It takes 4,000 calories a day to survive if one is strong and only 3,000 calories ad ay to survive if one is "weak" and there are only 3,500 calories available the "weak" will survive and pass on one's genes.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
God doesn't encourage murder. Read The ten commandments. Instead he died to save the people who had him killed.
The Bible is full of contradictions since there are countless verses where God encourages killing others. Whether one calls it "murder" or not is merely making excuses.


Veteran Member
Gay marriage has nothing to do with it.
Nonsense, loving thy neighbor has everything to do with what jesus taught. If your conservatives friends are intolerant of gays then you offer an example of how these Christians are hypocrites and antiChrists.

And no they don't support killing babies.
I didn't bring up abortion, I mentioned Planned Parenthood that does crucial healthcare service for poor people yet Christians conservatives ignore this service over a divisive political issue. So how moral is that, to sabotage crucial healthcare for political rhetoric?

Yes they tend to give to the less fortunate. And will help anyone who needs help, regardless of who that person is.
And you totally ignored the greed/wealth issue that Jesus was very vocal about. And you ignored the healthcare for all issue, which is considered not only crucial for the poor and needy, but also a moral policy.

It's easy for conservatives to label themselves good people following Jesus but when certain moral questions are asked you waffle and ignore the very things that expose the hypocrisy.


Veteran Member
Actually it is those that are best adapted to a particular environment. Sometimes "strength" is too costly biologically and those that make best use of existing resources will do better than those that are merely strong. If It takes 4,000 calories a day to survive if one is strong and only 3,000 calories ad ay to survive if one is "weak" and there are only 3,500 calories available the "weak" will survive and pass on one's genes.
I understand this, but I'm using "strong" as a broad metaphor as used by those who don't understand the science and proper terminology. I am hoping to move their understanding with their own terms away from an unworkable religious framework to a crude realistic framework.


Veteran Member
My personal reason is when I started seeing God, I have not stopped. The first time it felt immense the experience, but the experience never went away.

However, the seeing explanation, has reinforced certainty, so it's part of it.
Chemicals in your brain is the most likely answer.


Veteran Member
According to your human judgement which is not just imperfect but completely inadequate to judge God.
You are aware we are not dealing with any actual Gods, yes? We are dealing with concepts and descriptions of gods in human lore. There is nothing that suggests any of these many gods exist outside of human imagination, including yours.

So I assume an intellectual authority to judge any God you claim exists. And your God is powerless to stop me. And your claims of eternal damnation means what to me? Nothing. Baseless threats from believers trying to coerce other humans.


Veteran Member
God doesn't encourage murder. Read The ten commandments. Instead he died to save the people who had him killed.
WE can't murder, but your version of God gets to. And you want critical thinkers to adopt your view as if that is OK? It's not acceptable.


Veteran Member
Your bets are based on conjecture.
It's based on science. PET and fMRI scans, as well as monitoring hormone levels in the blood, all explain why people have experiences of euphoria when they have religious thoughts. These thoughts stimulate the emotion centers in the brain which releases hormones into the brain.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It's based on science. PET and fMRI scans, as well as monitoring hormone levels in the blood, all explain why people have experiences of euphoria when they have religious thoughts. These thoughts stimulate the emotion centers in the brain which releases hormones into the brain.

That doesn't prove anything against religious experiences. It just shows the brain reacts to the pleasure of God's sustenance and remembrance and is pleased with it. It proves the experience is pleasurable, it doesn't say whether it's real or not. That is up to the seer to determine.

To me, there is "the truth" which is connection to God's light and is from God and returns to God, and when you can detect the truth of God's light then here is no doubt about God's light.


Veteran Member
We are like ants compared to him. Would you become an ant in order to save them from destruction that was due to their own mistakes?
Would you think twice about putting out ant poison since you are a higher power? You can stomp on them and feel nothing. Yet you are going to become an ant to save their souls?


Veteran Member
Not if you have the ability as creator to know who needs killed to make better world.
How about not creating beings that need to be killed? Let's note your God allows many bad people to survive this culling. It either doesn't do its job, or doesn't exist.

And how does killing a 5 year old girl make the world a better place? How does using Leukemia and taking almost two years to kill her making the world a better place?


Veteran Member
That doesn't prove anything against religious experiences. It just shows the brain reacts to the pleasure of God's sustenance and remembrance and is pleased with it. It proves the experience is pleasurable, it doesn't say whether it's real or not. That is up to the seer to determine.

To me, there is "the truth" which is connection to God's light and is from God and returns to God, and when you can detect the truth of God's light then here is no doubt about God's light.
This illustrates the script that you use to explain and justify your beliefs. Much of what you say is mimicked and repeated from what others have said. No actual Gods are known to exist.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
This illustrates the script that you use to explain and justify your beliefs. Much of what you say is mimicked and repeated from what others have said. No actual Gods are known to exist.

God is known to those who see God with vision of truth through the connection. What is the vision to see his beauty? There is two visions, one is rationally detecting a Creator existing, the other is seeing his glory and majesty. The latter can only be valued by love's eyes. The problem is you don't seek to see God through eyes of love. And so you don't know what connects us to God. What connects me to God is telepathy of the Guide that emanates God's glory and light to all things.

When you realize the Imam of time is connected to all things, and you are telepathically linked to him, and while Mohammad (s) and Ali (a) and his family (a) can telepathically link, is Imam Mahdi (a) that is constantly connecting us to God. You see the sustenance that he get's and is emanating from God and even within your own soul, the power and honor is from God.

Imam (a) makes you see rationally God is One/absolute/lacks nothing, while at the same time is an arrow flying towards God and pointing to God and attaching yourself to him, you know he is the path of truth and creates truth and light within you.

Imam (a) to a degree is hidden, he is a light and God's secret that can't be hidden from one perspective, and from another he is hidden. It's lovers who know him intimately and rely on his judgment and vision to define them.

On the other hand, there is an evil companion trying to misguide you and bring you to alternative "way" then God's way. That companion might belittle God's justice, call it ugly, tell you to be selfish and that God wants you to embrace your desires, but the two tug war for each soul.

The witness witnessing you is something you can't exist without. You need truth defining you, and he needs his vision to be emanating from truth from God.


Veteran Member
God is known to those who see God with vision of truth through the connection. What is the vision to see his beauty? There is two visions, one is rationally detecting a Creator existing, the other is seeing his glory and majesty. The latter can only be valued by love's eyes. The problem is you don't seek to see God through eyes of love. And so you don't know what connects us to God. What connects me to God is telepathy of the Guide that emanates God's glory and light to all things.

When you realize the Imam of time is connected to all things, and you are telepathically linked to him, and while Mohammad (s) and Ali (a) and his family (a) can telepathically link, is Imam Mahdi (a) that is constantly connecting us to God. You see the sustenance that he get's and is emanating from God and even within your own soul, the power and honor is from God.

Imam (a) makes you see rationally God is One/absolute/lacks nothing, while at the same time is an arrow flying towards God and pointing to God and attaching yourself to him, you know he is the path of truth and creates truth and light within you.

Imam (a) to a degree is hidden, he is a light and God's secret that can't be hidden from one perspective, and from another he is hidden. It's lovers who know him intimately and rely on his judgment and vision to define them.

On the other hand, there is an evil companion trying to misguide you and bring you to alternative "way" then God's way. That companion might belittle God's justice, call it ugly, tell you to be selfish and that God wants you to embrace your desires, but the two tug war for each soul.

The witness witnessing you is something you can't exist without. You need truth defining you, and he needs his vision to be emanating from truth from God.
None of what you write here is factual. You are reciting is an examples of a religious script that theists tell themselves to reinforce ideas that have no basis in fact or objective experiences. Believers are exposed to these types of scripts and learn to recite them so they can become more convinced their illusion is true.

These experiences are better explained by science, and without assuming any Gods exist.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
None of what you write here is factual. You are reciting is an examples of a religious script that theists tell themselves to reinforce ideas that have no basis in fact or objective experiences. Believers are exposed to these types of scripts and learn to recite them so they can become more convinced their illusion is true.

These experiences are better explained by science, and without assuming any Gods exist.
When you get a telepathy experience with connection, you have two options. You either acknowledge the telepathy and connection or you say it's all in your head. The problem with the "all in your head" dialogue, is so is everything else. Everything we talk about, the world, humans in general, are all in your head. It's meaningless to go this approach. It being registered in our minds doesn't tell us if it's truth or not.

The thing with telepathy, I don't know anyone who experiences it whether with misguiding Jinn or the Guides of the journey or telepathy of human to human connection (any human connecting to any human), that don't believe it to be real. They who experience know it better then an outsider that has not.


Veteran Member
When you get a telepathy experience with connection, you have two options. You either acknowledge the telepathy and connection or you say it's all in your head. The problem with the "all in your head" dialogue, is so is everything else.
Telepathy is a claim that has no real substance behind it. It's a fun idea, but studies don't show it to be a real phenomenon. If a person think they have this power they can prove it. If they can't, then we doubt their claim. Their belief of some ability would be in their head, meaning it is a false belief.

Everything we talk about, the world, humans in general, are all in your head. It's meaningless to go this approach. It being registered in our minds doesn't tell us if it's truth or not.
No true. There are many things we can verify its and are true via our senses and cognitive ability. We can even form valid beliefs. These are different from invalid beliefs. Valid beliefs have facts to support them. Invalid beliefs have no facts and are often contrary to knowledge.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Telepathy is a claim that has no real substance behind it. It's a fun idea, but studies don't show it to be a real phenomenon. If a person think they have this power they can prove it. If they can't, then we doubt their claim. Their belief of some ability would be in their head, meaning it is a false belief.

No true. There are many things we can verify its and are true via our senses and cognitive ability. We can even form valid beliefs. These are different from invalid beliefs. Valid beliefs have facts to support them. Invalid beliefs have no facts and are often contrary to knowledge.

The analysis of those facts are in your head. All verification of "knowledge" whether math or other things is technically in your head. If you have certain 1+1=2, then you can have certainty in other things, despite it all being in your head. This includes telepathy.