What the fact was was that it was recorded in Scripture and not something I made up.
Everyone understands you are not making stuff up. But you believe scripture is actually words from a god and other people believe it was words written by people.
So he doesn't think god is a liar he thinks the men who wrote scripture just did not know the correct science to be accurate.
It is science...not scientists. The parts of science that claim to deal in origins put out stories that are very opposed to Scripture, obviously.
So how is that hating or denigrating? They make theories then test them and the ones that survive years of scrutiny and testing become science. If it doesn't support what it says in any religion how is that hate or denigration?
Many things written in scripture have been used as science in the past such as "the "
firmament" is claimed to be a solid "roof" over the world."
Biblical scientific errors - RationalWiki
but religion just moves on and forgets about the error. They don't deny that the Earth is round or not at the center of the universe and they especially don't say "oh no, science hates and denigrates us?"
True. That someone may just be ignorant or misinformed or etc. Here we are dealing with systematic claims of so called science. Also on this forum, we have seen posters denigrating the bible and creation and believers.
Science isn't ignorant or misinformed because it doesn't base it's theories on religions?
Would you want to open a science book and have it say "because the Hindu scripture says x science believes it.."
No, you want science to base results on testing theories. Please don't lie and say this isn't true. If you really believed that you would never use any modern medical technology and medicine because it's all a result of scientific procedure. You would just use prayer only. I'm pretty sure when you need a life saving surgery or medicine you will then rely tested science which has a good rate of success.
If you just used scripture as science rather than experiments we would not have cars, computers or anything else you probable enjoy. So why cherry pick science and accept stuff that doesn't conflict with a religious text but then hate on stuff that does?
Science simply uses the same method for all discoveries.
I bet you're ok with most modern technology, all a result of science.
Why would you want to force your beliefs on everyone and not allow real world experiments to judge what is accurate?
As far as people on the forum hating on religion, that isn't science and I do not care.
But again, it's a forum, are you against freedom of religion? Who cares if someone doesn't have the same beliefs as you.
Again, where is science hating or denigrating religion? Explain how having a theory then testing it over and over with multiple teams over years and years, having the theory shown correct or to be the most accurate theory is hating?
It so happens that poster also routinely expresses anti bible/God views rather than addressing issues here. I do not really care what he or anyone else believes. The issue is offering beliefs as science!
It isn't an issue in science. There are theories and they test them and that's it.
Evolution isn't mathematical like Newtonian gravity but it's not just beliefs.
You would have to be more specific,
Evolution - Wikipedia
which exact thing is just beliefs? All science is saying is this is the best theory, it never says it's just beliefs? Point out which aspect is just beliefs.