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Genesis,where did the other Guys come from


Outstanding Member
if i didnt think people could live forever i might have to agree with you


Just out of curiosity, what happens to the bodies if we manage to live forever?
How would the aging process work?


Jehovah our God is One
Just out of curiosity, what happens to the bodies if we manage to live forever?
How would the aging process work?

well from what I imagine, the body cells would continually renew themselves as they do in the early years, so we would always maintain a young appearance

It is interesting that our bodies do actually renew every cell on a regular cycle...it stops around the age of 30 though...from that point on our cells do not renew themselves and aging begins.


Active Member
there were many different races of homo sapiens at that time. The same as there is now.

well snakes dont and never did.

that is in direct contradiction with what the bible states

it is completely against evolution, ancient hebrews didnt have a clue about evolution. They thought magic man said "poof" there it is" and man magically appeared as written.

You have proved wrong so many times. You didnt even know a mouse was a mammal and somehow you believe you are the authority on all of the 3 million+ living species and probably hundreds of million extinct species evolutionists say exist that we havent found yet. Lmao!!!

Not to mention you expected archeologists to find the golden calf, which shows you not only have a lack of knowledge of zoology but you have a lack of knowledge of scripture as well. Im beginning to think you are a spambot programmed to just say you know everything for a fact and repeat your posts. Lmao!!!


this is not a creationist propaganda thread.

this is about the genesis myth and the mistakes made writing it.

do you have something to add besides your childish attacks?????


Well-Known Member
The damned "snake" was human.
Sheesh. We tell you that people were here before Adam, and of course, we are just full of it. It must be a fable because it is based on a fable that is, of course, being taken for absolute truth because certain people feel it betters them and makes them feel smarter than us stupid people who know the stories are akin to Aesop's stories.
But, noooo, why listen? My saying.what I have doesn't prove your point. I'm just talking out of my ***.


The damned "snake" was human.
Sheesh. We tell you that people were here before Adam, and of course, we are just full of it. It must be a fable because it is based on a fable that is, of course, being taken for absolute truth because certain people feel it betters them and makes them feel smarter than us stupid people who know the stories are akin to Aesop's stories.
But, noooo, why listen? My saying.what I have doesn't prove your point. I'm just talking out of my ***.

Oh your killin me :) lomao :D

hard earned frubals for you


Active Member
this is not a creationist propaganda thread.

this is about the genesis myth and the mistakes made writing it.

do you have something to add besides your childish attacks?????

The thread asks a question about where the other people were during the time of cain. I have answered that question.

I dont remember the op saying the thread was about mistakes in the writings of genesis. But of course spambots can only pick out certain words and respond the way they are programmed, so i wouldnt expect a spambot to actually understand what the thread is about.


I love all this back and forth about what is meant by the first two chapters of the first book of the first half of the Bible means. In a modern corporation, which is insignificant in comparison to the entire human race which the Bible purports to be the guide for, a middle manager or VP who issued such hard to understand documents to those who were meant to follow would either be fired or would go down in flames with the rest of the company when it failed. For a supposed very -- if not all -- powerful god to issue such ambiguous texts is one of the easiest ways to see it just ain't so.

And this is just the first 2 chapters. Let us not even get started on the thousands of other chapters. He is so concerned about being obeyed he turned Lot's wife into a pillar of salt for having the gall to disobey and LOOK at the town being destroyed, yet what exactly his words mean are debated endlessly by well meaning people. Something doesn't add up... until you figure out, it just ain't so.


when the light of reality hits it just right ,,, you cannot see the small amount of non fiction in it...

good analogy KnightOwl


The Lost One
iholdit said:
Its believed by many historians that the trojan horse existed but that is not my point. How about this, we once believed the city of troy was a myth and we now believe the city of troy actually existed.

The point is there is some archeological evidence to support some of the bible being literal. Will we ever find evidence of a body in a field that was murdered and prove it was able? I doubt it that is a hard find. We have difficulty in modern times finding children who have gone missing for example. A city is easier to find than one body in a field.
Having done (private) researches on myths that's really not a good argument.

In myths & legends, the use of real location, like city or town, is quite common. That in no way validate the myth being historical or factual. Troy, Mycenae, Pylos & Knossos being to be real doesn't any way prove that the Trojan War, Priam, Achilles, Helen, etc, to being real.

Even today, fictional novelists used and described real location but it doesn't in any way validate their stories to be anything other than fiction.


The Lost One
iholdit said:
Second, there are talking birds for example so a talking snake isnt exactly impossible. Have we ever found a talking snake? Not as far as i know, but evolutionists believe there is between 5 million and 100 million living species and we havent even found 2 million yet. This is just living species it doesnt include species that have gone extinct that we havent found. We could be talking hundreds of millions of species in total. Would it really be impossible to find 1 talking snake amongst them? We know we can communicate with certain animals such as with koko the gorilla etc. So is it really impossible that we could have communicated with a snake at some point?
Some species of birds may be able to mimic the sounds of human words but doesn't mean those birds understand what we are saying. Such bird can only repeat what it can remember, but it doesn't understand and it can't hold conversation or reason with us. That's reality.

On the other hand, the bible's talking serpent is completely different, iholdit.

In genesis, the serpent can do more than just mimic human words. It could have whole conversation, and even reason with Eve. The only reality here in this episode of the Genesis, is that we are dealing with fable.

And you do know what fable is, don't you? Story in which animal is used to demonstrate moral of the story.
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Wonderful Wizard
Premium Member
Then why were they not mentioned before Cain and Able,and in Genesis it definately say that Man=Adam was created and then Eve,there is plenty about Birds and Beasts but nothing about other people.
Is it too late to jump in here? Seems the thread meanders all over after this.

OK, JMHO about this topic. Nobody is going to like it. Adam and Eve are not the first people. They are the end product of a long evolutionary process to create a physical entity that has the potential to become human. The Genesis story is about the fusion of this physical body with the human soul, and G-d has a direct involvement in this final step. After they are ejected from Eden, of course they're back among these other people, and from that point onward, they have souls as well. That's where the wives of Cain and Able come from, not incest as some assume. If one really thinks that Adam & Eve & Cain & Able are all alone in the world, then the lament of Cain makes no sense. Who is he so afraid of when G-d banishes him for killing his brother?


Rogue Theologian
Is it too late to jump in here? Seems the thread meanders all over after this.

OK, JMHO about this topic. Nobody is going to like it. Adam and Eve are not the first people. They are the end product of a long evolutionary process to create a physical entity that has the potential to become human. The Genesis story is about the fusion of this physical body with the human soul, and G-d has a direct involvement in this final step. After they are ejected from Eden, of course they're back among these other people, and from that point onward, they have souls as well. That's where the wives of Cain and Able come from, not incest as some assume. If one really thinks that Adam & Eve & Cain & Able are all alone in the world, then the lament of Cain makes no sense. Who is he so afraid of when G-d banishes him for killing his brother?

Well said.
Have we discussed this in another thread?

Or is this the ongoing belief of your faith as you were taught?


Active Member
Some species of birds may be able to mimic the sounds of human words but doesn't mean those birds understand what we are saying. Such bird can only repeat what it can remember, but it doesn't understand and it can't hold conversation or reason with us. That's reality.

On the other hand, the bible's talking serpent is completely different, iholdit.

In genesis, the serpent can do more than just mimic human words. It could have whole conversation, and even reason with Eve. The only reality here in this episode of the Genesis, is that we are dealing with fable.

And you do know what fable is, don't you? Story in which animal is used to demonstrate moral of the story.

If you read the other posts you will see i brought up koko the gorilla who could have a whole converstion with people, although it was in sign language. We are certainly not talking about something impossible here. It is much less likely to believe an animal can change colors to adapt to its environment(and we know this happens) than it is to believe an animal can communicate with a human. We know a long list of animals make certain sounds or gestures to communicate with other members of their species, so animals in general communicate all the time. We have no idea what language adam and eve spoke for all we know they spoke the same language as the serpent.


Active Member
Having done (private) researches on myths that's really not a good argument.

In myths & legends, the use of real location, like city or town, is quite common. That in no way validate the myth being historical or factual. Troy, Mycenae, Pylos & Knossos being to be real doesn't any way prove that the Trojan War, Priam, Achilles, Helen, etc, to being real.

Even today, fictional novelists used and described real location but it doesn't in any way validate their stories to be anything other than fiction.

My point was that we thought the city of troy itself was just a myth until it was actually found. Had you read all of my other posts in this thread you would see we are not just talking about the bible using a place there is historical evidence for. In at least some cases the bible uses people that there is historical evidence existed, it uses events that there is historical evidence happened and have also been written in egyptian and assyrian texts and it was written around the same time as at least some of the places,people,events existed.

Many historians believe the bible after the time of solomon is based on historical fact. My argument is against the people who are saying all of the bible is a metaphor, when historians in general would agree at least some of it is literal or at least very close to literal.


Well-Known Member
Do you have any idea how many Jewish folklores could have made it into the Torah that involve talking animals? How many of them deal with morals and consequences? And we get accused of taking the damned story literally...


The serpent at this time was not evil, which was a Christian concept. It was a Sumerian tale anyway but in Canaan the serpent was the god Eshmun (In the Bible Adam's name was Ish and Eve was Ishshah before the expulsion). In the Sumerian tale (bear in mind Abraham is Sumerian at birth) their Adam (Adapa son of Ea) is told by his father to resist offerings of bread and water at Anu's Heavenly abode as they are the bread and water of death. Anu laughs when he tells him this and says he has resisted the bread and water of immortality. He is sent back and cursed with disease. Eshmun is the god of doctors with a staff entwioned by serpents. The story of the brazen serpent lifted up by Moses in the wilderness is another example of the symbolism in early hebrew tradition. In greek mythology the serpent is connected with the underworld and reincarnation (shedding skin) and most importantly with the special knowledgewhich the spirits of the ancestors are supposed to possess(according to PEAKES COMMENTARY) . Thisn of course was thought to be evil by the author (the Yahwist) and equated with the jealousy of the gods making enemies with 'God' by guile and deception.To eat or not to eat that is the question