Nachash is the Hebrew word we translate as serpent, but nachash means 'shining one'. Moses made a 'nachash' of brass. (There is a historical Moses - Pharaoh Thothmoses 2, brought up by the Queen Hatshepsut around 1500BC, did not reign long after T1 died, vanished and was succeeded by Hatshepsut who became regent for long reigning T3, the reason he did not go back for so long perhaps). Snakes were especially important in Egypt, the Pharaoh wore one on his forehead. This all suggests to me those 'fallen' angels'. On thy belly shalt thou go and dust thou shalt eat (ie. planetary bound). The Greek word in the Revelations serpent is in fact 'dracon'. Dragons are even more powerful than snakes in mythology. But it does not take Freud to see the sexual equation here either. 'I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between her seed and thy seed, it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise (her?) heel.' Odd sentence to pass on the snake isn't it. And it is noteworthy that Adam was with Eve when she 'saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also to her husband with her and he did eat. And the eyes of both of them were opened.'
She had a husband whose 'voice' said they couldn't eat things and she had started seeing a 'shining one' who said they could eat them but he was frightened that if they did she would realise that he was perhaps not perfect in all departments. So is it sex with 'gentiles' or 'strangers' which is the fruit of this tree and as soon as they start swinging with the locals thay are sent back to the jungle.
Sounds like an early description of a psychadelic experience. I wonder if the actual word for 'tree' here is not 'mushroom' and/or 'manna'. No wonder they were expelled and told they would meet an early death as they are sent packing to earn a living for once. Now why would anyone make that up and pass it down through endless generations? To get the kids to sleep I presume.
These are archetypical situations that we face generation after generation, even with inheritance and kids who fight and in fact hate each other. Wives who hide the shopping bills. Evictions that follow. losing cushy job - ex-presidents come to mindpointless to speculate if the events happened as they do and always did. This story tells us why our ancestors thought it had happened. 33% of people hear God speaking to them directly. That is Adam, not Eve and Cain. Abel gets it but not for long. One in five of us 'see' things. That is Eve. She sees a shining one. Tell someone that and you see snakes which I think has something to do with DT's after taking too much alcohol. If you see what I mean. This is when the other guys come in isn't it. Next thing there are children. Genesis is quite specific that other people have already been created but do not live in this private garden 'Eden'.
Put a modern couple in this paradise isolation and they go mad. Everything looks tempting after a bit. Eve did not have the luxury of choosing her partner, nor Adam. Paradise up to a point. They had no education. Fulfilled only to a point. Open the door and you cant go back. Democracy is great if you are working like a maniac and actually paying the bills.
She had a husband whose 'voice' said they couldn't eat things and she had started seeing a 'shining one' who said they could eat them but he was frightened that if they did she would realise that he was perhaps not perfect in all departments. So is it sex with 'gentiles' or 'strangers' which is the fruit of this tree and as soon as they start swinging with the locals thay are sent back to the jungle.
Sounds like an early description of a psychadelic experience. I wonder if the actual word for 'tree' here is not 'mushroom' and/or 'manna'. No wonder they were expelled and told they would meet an early death as they are sent packing to earn a living for once. Now why would anyone make that up and pass it down through endless generations? To get the kids to sleep I presume.
These are archetypical situations that we face generation after generation, even with inheritance and kids who fight and in fact hate each other. Wives who hide the shopping bills. Evictions that follow. losing cushy job - ex-presidents come to mindpointless to speculate if the events happened as they do and always did. This story tells us why our ancestors thought it had happened. 33% of people hear God speaking to them directly. That is Adam, not Eve and Cain. Abel gets it but not for long. One in five of us 'see' things. That is Eve. She sees a shining one. Tell someone that and you see snakes which I think has something to do with DT's after taking too much alcohol. If you see what I mean. This is when the other guys come in isn't it. Next thing there are children. Genesis is quite specific that other people have already been created but do not live in this private garden 'Eden'.
Put a modern couple in this paradise isolation and they go mad. Everything looks tempting after a bit. Eve did not have the luxury of choosing her partner, nor Adam. Paradise up to a point. They had no education. Fulfilled only to a point. Open the door and you cant go back. Democracy is great if you are working like a maniac and actually paying the bills.