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George Zimmerman Verdict: NOT GUILTY


Well-Known Member
Your story is really falling apart considering your basing it off the "facts" of a man who changed his case 10 times almost and your picking the fragments and making your conclusion by rearrangement.

I don't need Zimmerman's words. The phone call to non-emergency shows Zimmerman still in his car consistent at a point in the timeline when Rachel said Travon was running. From that moment to the beginning of the confrontation.. again, based on phone records, there was 4 minutes. And we know how far away from his house Martin was... the neighborhood wasn't all that big. We know Trayvon was a football player. He could have ran home in less than a minute. Why didn't he?

Nothing is falling apart because I'm basing it off the evidence.


Well-Known Member
Martin had already started running while Zimmerman was still in his car. All he had to do was keep going... 70 yards... less than a minute... in a straight line to his door.

"someone pulls a gun on me"... at what point did Zimmerman pull his gun? How do you know? What makes you think that he pulled his gun any earlier than the moment before he pulled the trigger?

I was giving a personal situation, of how I would react.

What makes you think that he didn't?

It is all hypothetical at this point.

But I bet if the situation of race was reversed it wouldn't have ended like this.--but again hypothetical....


Do you 'know' or believe?
Yup cause its always a good plan to let freaky guys who might hassle your friends and family or who might have a shotgun in the trunk or be a pyromaniac or whatever - no problem letting them know where you live... yep. best idea eva.


Well-Known Member
Yup cause its always a good plan to let freaky guys who might hassle your friends and family or who might have a shotgun in the trunk or be a pyromaniac or whatever - no problem letting them know where you live... yep. best idea eva.

Again... Martin was running already... down a foot path where a car couldn't go, out of Zimmerman's sight while Zimmerman was still in his car. There's no way Zimmerman would have been led to his house.


Depends Upon My Mood..
[3. You shouldn't lay down. You should run 70 yards in a straight line to your door while Zimmerman is in his car and can't see where you are going. End of story. You don't stick around and pick a fight. That's not standing his ground.... that's assault and battery./QUOTE]

So a black male in a "white" neighborhood coming out of a convienince store AND wearing a "hoodie" who sees Zimmerman in his car should start RUNNING as fast as he can towards all the white people's houses so he can maybe live?


Well-Known Member
Because he couldnt have gotten out of the car and seen which house martin ducked into.

It was dark, and the car wasn't on the street where the house was. And Trayvon could have easily covered 70 yards in under a minute. He was a football player.

Hell.. he could have ducked behind a different house to throw off zimmerman and sneak his way back home.

He could have done a million different things to stay alive... but instead, he chose to violently confront Zimmerman.

And he paid the price.


Well-Known Member
[3. You shouldn't lay down. You should run 70 yards in a straight line to your door while Zimmerman is in his car and can't see where you are going. End of story. You don't stick around and pick a fight. That's not standing his ground.... that's assault and battery./QUOTE]

So a black male in a "white" neighborhood coming out of a convienince store AND wearing a "hoodie" who sees Zimmerman in his car should start RUNNING as fast as he can towards all the white people's houses so he can maybe live?

He was approximately 70 yards away from his door. At the point where Zimmerman couldn't see him anymore because he turned down the T, it was a straight line to his door. all he had to do was go home.


Depends Upon My Mood..
No I think that's a good idea.Walk out of a 7-11 (young and black in a hoodie) and start running to save your life.That way you at least have a chance and it wont be your fault if you end up shot.


Do you 'know' or believe?
Well... if you start running you were probably doing something wrong. Better safe than sorry, where's Bethy *fishes around for his pump action*


Depends Upon My Mood..
I do think Trayvon even if he had still been killed would have been better off running from Zimmermen and shot in the back as far as possible justice. Only problem then the defense could have been Zimmerman was acting to protect the community because there was a young black male in a hoodie running from him.


Well-Known Member
No I think that's a good idea.Walk out of a 7-11 (young and black in a hoodie) and start running to save your life.That way you at least have a chance and it wont be your fault if you end up shot.

Now you're just being ridiculous. Did you see any of the maps of the neighborhood? Did you listen to any of the testimony? He was already inside the neighborhood when Zimmerman saw him. He didn't see him stepping out of the 7-11. He saw him on the grass, taking his time in the rain as if he were checking out a place he was going to rob. Not a terribly unreasonable suspicion... the neighborhood had a history of being robbed. That's why he called the cops to begin with.

Trayvon wasn't shot running away. He wasn't shot while both guys were standing and facing each other. He was shot while he was straddling Zimmerman, punching him in the face and slamming his head into the ground. At that point, Zimmerman was reasonably afraid that he might die. Zimmerman didn't choose to pick that fight. But he chose to end it.


Well-Known Member
Well... if you start running you were probably doing something wrong. Better safe than sorry, where's Bethy *fishes around for his pump action*

Martin had already started running. All he had to do was choose a destination that wouldn't involve a confrontation with the guy he was already running from.


Depends Upon My Mood..
[QUOTEHe saw him on the grass, taking his time in the rain as if he were checking out a place he was going to rob. Not a terribly unreasonable suspicion... the neighborhood had a history of being robbed. That's why he called the cops to begin with.][/QUOTE]

But he wasn't checking out any place to rob.Was he a robber? Last I heard it was his own neibhorhood where he lived .So he "took too much time" getting home? He "hovered outdoors" longer than made people comfortable?

Would Zimmerman have reacted the same way had it been say.....a 40 year old white female wearing a banana colored rain jacket?Hovering around outside?


Depends Upon My Mood..
The amazing thing is Trayvon in FACT was not in commission of any cirme when Zimmerman "suspected him".

He to my understanding (his crime) he had walked to a convenience store in his own neighborhood and purchased a bad of SKITTLES (he may have bought something else but it wasn't a gun ) then he was walking back home. Oh but it was "raining" and he was wearing a hoodie??? I see..That's a good reason to "suspect" him.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTEHe saw him on the grass, taking his time in the rain as if he were checking out a place he was going to rob. Not a terribly unreasonable suspicion... the neighborhood had a history of being robbed. That's why he called the cops to begin with.]

But he wasn't checking out any place to rob.
George Zimmerman didn't know that at the time. That's why he called the cops.

Was he a robber?
No. George Zimmerman didn't know that at the time. That's why he called the cops.

Last I heard it was his own neibhorhood where he lived.
Nope. It was the neighborhood where his father's girlfriend lived. He was visiting.

So he "took too much time" getting home? He "hovered outdoors" longer than made people comfortable?
If he was on the sidewalk, I doubt very much it would have bothered anyone. But if he was staring at someone's house while on that house's lawn, one can see where that might cause concern.

Would Zimmerman have reacted the same way had it been say.....a 40 year old white female wearing a banana colored rain jacket?Hovering around outside?

I believe he would have, according to the defense lawyer's description of the 6th phone call where he reported some kids playing. Not because they were a danger or a threat to anyone... but because he thought the cops ought to know about it.

It wasn't about the color of his skin or the clothes he wore. It was about his apparently suspicious behavior. Obviously we know that Zimmerman was wrong. But that's no reason to punch the guy in the face and slam his head into the sidewalk.


Well-Known Member
The amazing thing is Trayvon in FACT was not in commission of any cirme when Zimmerman "suspected him".
We are all aware of this fact. Nobody disputes this. The fact that you feel you have to drive the point home is puzzling. Almost as if you're not paying attention to what we're saying.

He to my understanding (his crime) he had walked to a convenience store in his own neighborhood and purchased a bad of SKITTLES (he may have bought something else but it wasn't a gun ) then he was walking back home. Oh but it was "raining" and he was wearing a hoodie??? I see..That's a good reason to "suspect" him.

You obviously know about this case from nothing more than headlines and facebook posts.

Do a little research, then try to have an intelligent conversation about the subject.


Well-Known Member
How about the fact Zimmerman is NOT a police officer. It was NOT his job to follow a "suspect criminal" that is the job of the police. He is just an untrained citizen acting out of his profession because someone looked "suspicious". Oh but he was neighborhood watch! I had no idea Neighborhood watch was a sub section of the police force. the "stand your ground" law should have NEVER come into this at all. Even if there had been a confrontation it was Zimmermans actions that lead to the confrontation. Had he called the police and done what the 911 dispatcher told him to do Trveon would have merely been pulled over and then sent home. Trevon did not look for a fight with him nor did he actively search him out for a fight this is evidenced by the fact that he was as has been stated running AWAY from Zimmerman. thus Zimmerman in the begining was not in immanent danger and had no grounds to "stand his ground" there was no attack to stand against!

Now here is the funny part that someone else mentioned. Zimmerman then chased HIM down and Trevon (this is still a debate mind you) "stood his ground". How does that law not work for Trevon? Someone was actually looking for him and he was obviously running and the person found him and confronted him. Why does all of a sudden the "Stand your ground" law not work the same from Trevons point of view?
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