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George Zimmerman Verdict: NOT GUILTY


well they should do the experiment in an all half white half hispanic community.Have the actors be half white half hispanic..the other group black..see what happens.doubt there would be much variation .

I don't know where the half white part is coming from...


Well-Known Member
No .That's not what I said or meant.The point is if you are BLACK ??You stand out and are "suspicious" in a mostly white community.Which I believe Travyon lived in .I do NOT think he would be dead now if he had been white.In the same clothing in the same circumstances.

Again... he didn't live there. He was visiting his father's girlfriend's house.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Oh and my sons are pretty much "cracker" white. I have one that is more olive.He got it from the sottish side with dark hair.The other two blond and fair.

Should they abstain from wearing hoodies? Or just the younger ones?


Well-Known Member
You're not paying attention to the conversation we're having.

AFTER he was told "we don't need you to do that", what evidence do you have that he continued to follow Trayvon?
Maybe I miss typed. I am sorry if I did. He should have never got out of his car and should have never followed him ever int he first place.


well they should do the experiment in an all half white half hispanic community.Have the actors be half white half hispanic..the other group black..see what happens.doubt there would be much variation .

Black and Hispanic people actually get along pretty well, in my experience. I grew up in a majority black neighborhood and never had any racial problems. My stepfather is black and I never got any second looks when introduced to his family. I think if the experiment was in a Hispanic neighborhood, people would just check to make sure it wasn't their car and keep moving. At least that's what would happen in my neighborhood.


Oh and my sons are pretty much "cracker" white. I have one that is more olive.He got it from the sottish side with dark hair.The other two blond and fair.

Should they abstain from wearing hoodies? Or just the younger ones?

Again; don't warn them not to wear hoodies. Warn them not to punch people with guns.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I miss typed. I am sorry if I did. He should have never got out of his car and should have never followed him ever int he first place.

You know, you're right. He shouldn't have.

However, this does not make him responsible for being in the position of having to defend himself against Trayvon.

Following a person you're wrongly suspicious of doesn't mean that an altercation is inevitable. The altercation happened as a result of a choice that Trayvon made to confront Zimmerman. Completely unnecessary. As unnecessary as Zimmerman following Trayvon. Except following him to keep an eye on him isn't a crime. Initiating a scuffle by punching a guy in the face and slamming his head on the ground... that's a crime. That's deadly force, which Zimmerman responded to appropriately.


Maybe I miss typed. I am sorry if I did. He should have never got out of his car and should have never followed him ever int he first place.

When he followed him, he was following the "observe and report" guidelines of the Neighborhood Watch program. After he had given the officer sufficient information, the officer asked if he was still following. When he said "yes" the officer told him he didn't have to. At that point, Zimmerman claims he gave up his pursuit and began to return to his car. That's when Martin attacked him.


Well-Known Member
When he followed him, he was following the "observe and report" guidelines of the Neighborhood Watch program. After he had given the officer sufficient information, the officer asked if he was still following. When he said "yes" the officer told him he didn't have to. At that point, Zimmerman claims he gave up his pursuit and began to return to his car. That's when Martin attacked him.

did you miss the "Do not pursue part"?


Well-Known Member
"Community members only serve as the extra “eyes and ears” of law enforcement. They should report their observations of suspicious activities to law enforcement; however, citizens should never try to take action on those observations."

George Zimmerman didn't try to take action. He tried to be the eyes and ears for dispatch. When he lost sight of Martin, he tried to be able to see where he was going. At no point did Zimmerman attempt to detain, or even confront, Martin.

Think I'm wrong? Prove it.


Well-Known Member
Did you miss the "he said ok, and you can't prove he continued to pursue" part?

We can do this all day and all night. did he continue yes or no? Who knows. What we DO KNOW for a FACT is he did pursue when he NEVER should have acting in the place of what a professional police officer should have been doing.

Excuse Trvevon for enacting his rights to "Stand his ground", because someone who was not an authority looked "suspicious". Maybe this weird guy was rapist? Well in Florida we do have this "Stand your ground" law". this man is following me I guess I have the right to "stand my ground"....NOPE guess not


Everyone's just so willing to demonize Zimmerman that they completely disregard the case itself. Trayvon Martin wasn't an innocent victim; he was an idiot that tried to be tough and ended up getting shot.