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George Zimmerman Verdict: NOT GUILTY


Well-Known Member
George Zimmerman didn't know that at the time. That's why he called the cops.

No. George Zimmerman didn't know that at the time. That's why he called the cops.

Nope. It was the neighborhood where his father's girlfriend lived. He was visiting.

If he was on the sidewalk, I doubt very much it would have bothered anyone. But if he was staring at someone's house while on that house's lawn, one can see where that might cause concern.

I believe he would have, according to the defense lawyer's description of the 6th phone call where he reported some kids playing. Not because they were a danger or a threat to anyone... but because he thought the cops ought to know about it.

It wasn't about the color of his skin or the clothes he wore. It was about his apparently suspicious behavior. Obviously we know that Zimmerman was wrong. But that's no reason to punch the guy in the face and slam his head into the sidewalk.

but he didn't wait for the police to handle it did he? you know so the police could do, you know THEIR job.


But he wasn't checking out any place to rob.Was he a robber? Last I heard it was his own neibhorhood where he lived .So he "took too much time" getting home? He "hovered outdoors" longer than made people comfortable?

Would Zimmerman have reacted the same way had it been say.....a 40 year old white female wearing a banana colored rain jacket?Hovering around outside?
Wouldn't you be more suspicious of a young minority male in a hoodie than you would be of a middle-aged white woman in a yellow raincoat? I AM a young minority that wears hoodies and I would be more wary of the former; not out of racism, but out of common sense. People that are robbing houses (smart ones, at least) don't wear bright colors, conceal their faces, and usually aren't middle-aged white women. Had it been me in the situation, I would have approached Zimmerman's car and simply told him I was going home. Running makes you look more sketchy than anything else can. If I was a member of the neighborhood watch, I wold follow someone that ran away when I asked them what they were doing too.
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Well-Known Member
How about the fact Zimmerman is NOT a police officer. It was NOT his job to follow a "suspect criminal" that is the job of the police.
When he called the police, he was asked to tell them what else he saw him doing.

He is just an untrained citizen acting our of his profession because someone looked "suspicious". Oh but he was neighborhood watch! I had no idea Neighborhood watch was a sun section of the police force. the "stand your ground" law should have NEVER come into this at all.
That last sentence is true. stand your ground has nothing to do with this case.
Even if there had been a confrontation it was Zimmermans actions that lead to the confrontation.
You have no proof of that.

Had he called the police and done what the 911 dispatcher told him to do Trveon would have merely been pulled over and then sent home.
He did call non-emergency and did what the dispatcher told him to do.

Trevon did not look for a fight with him nor did he actively search him out for a fight this is evidenced by the fact that he was as has been stated running AWAY from Zimmerman.
He could have been home in less than a minute if he wanted to. Yeah... he ran away... then he ran back to confront and attack Zimmerman.

Between that four minutes after Martin started running, and the fact that Trayvon sustained no injuries whatsoever, aside from the gunshot wound, indicates that Zimmerman was on the receiving end of an assault he did not ask for.

thus Zimmerman in the begining was not in immanent danger and had no grounds to "stand his ground" there was no attack to stand against!
Not in the beginning. But at the end, he was in immanent danger. And he defended himself.

Now here is the funny part that someone else mentioned. Zimmerman then chased HIM down and Trevon (this is still a debate mind you) "stood his ground".
No evidence supports this.
How does that law not work for Trevon? Someone was actually looking for him and he was obviously running and the person found him and confronted him.
Trayvon could have easily outrun Zimmerman, making it safely home in less than a minute while Zimmerman was scratching his head figuring out which way he went. Trayvon made a decision to come after Zimmerman. To say otherwise is to ignore the evidence.

Why does all of a sudden the "Stand your ground" law not work the same from Trevons point of view?
Because Zimmerman was never a threat to Trayvon. Not until that last moment when Zimmerman had to act with deadly to save his own life.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Check out dateline.Older doc but in the past 5 or so years.

That got a few white boy and a few black boy young actors ..(and activist) .set it up .

A mostly white suberb. In one of their parks where lots of residents would be taking a jog..walking their dogs ..biking etc..there was a parking lot also ..in the parking lot they set up a "sting"

A car (owned by dateline) they had the "gang" of white boys dressed like hood members..openly vandelizing the car..in front of many passer buys..smashing it with a bat..spray painting it ..puncturing the tires with knives..of course laughing it up the whole time..making lots of noise...the people that passed them mostly gawked and just walked on ..a couple yelled and said HEY is that your car..and like 5 calls to the police.out of say 30 witnesses..

Switch it same scene but the boys are black..20 calls to the police..And they were confronted many times challenged as to what they were doing..Some saw them and just turned and ran...

The KICKER the part besides that? That demonstrates what I think shows whats happening? During the time the "white boys" were the scoundrals the other actors waited and they had brought some friends "relatives" (the black people) and they were in a car in the same parking lot and had fallen asleep /taken a nap.More calls to the police were made about the sleeping black boys in the car DURING the white boy vandalism than on the white boys blatant vandelism."Suspicious" they said..of the boys asleep in the car.
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Well-Known Member
but he didn't wait for the police to handle it did he? you know so the police could do, you know THEIR job.

"Are you following him?"
"We don't need you to do that"

What evidence do you have to suggest that Zimmerman did anything other than find an address at the end of the path and then head back to his car?


Well-Known Member
Check out dateline.Older doc but in the past 5 or so years.

That got a few white boy and a few black boy young actors ..(and activist) .set it up .

A mostly white suberb. In one of their parks where lots of residents would be taking a jog..walking their dogs ..biking etc..there was a parking lot also ..in the parking lot they set up a "sting"

A car (owned by dateline) they had the "gang" of white boys dressed like hood members..openly vandelizing the car..in front of many passer buys..smashing it with a bat..spray painting it ..puncturing the tires with knives..of course laughing it up the whole time..making lots of noise...the people that passed them mostly gawked and just walked on ..a couple yelled and said HEY is that your car..and like 5 calls to the police.out of say 30 witnesses..

Switch it same scene but the boys are black..20 calls to the police..And they were confronted many times challenged as to what they were doing..Some saw them and just turned and ran...

The KICKER the part besides that? That demonstrates what I think shows whats happening? During the time the "white boys" were the scoundrals the other actors waited and they had brought some friends "relatives" (the black people) and they were in a car in the same parking lot and had fallen asleep /taken a nap.More calls to the police were made about the sleeping black boys in he car DURING the white boy vandalism than on the vandalism itself."Suspicious" they said..of the boys asleep in the car.

Let me get this straight. That particular community was racist, therefore every non-black person is racist?



Well-Known Member
"Are you following him?"
"We don't need you to do that"

What evidence do you have to suggest that Zimmerman did anything other than find an address at the end of the path and then head back to his car?

Well he continued to follow him.


Depends Upon My Mood..
You obviously know about this case from nothing more than headlines and facebook posts.

Do a little research, then try to have an intelligent conversation about the subject.

No I know more than that.This case is what? 2 years old already?Besides what more do you know about it?

Do you have an inside source?


Well-Known Member
No I know more than that.This case is what? 2 years old already?Besides what more do you know about it?

Do you have an inside source?

I watched the opening and closing arguments. I watched the testimony. I saw the photos and the maps and the timelines and heard the phone calls.

The way you talk about it, it's as if all you've heard is sensational headlines and uninformed facebook posts.


The experiment only shows that white people are more inclined to call the police on black people... Zimmerman is Hispanic, not white; I don't see how that experiment is relevant.


Well he continued to follow him.

There is zero evidence that Zimmerman kept following him afterwards. Zimmerman claims that when he hung up the phone, he began to return to his car, and then got attacked by Martin. No evidence exists to dispute that claim.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Let me get this straight. That particular community was racist, therefore every non-black person is racist?


No .That's not what I said or meant.The point is if you are BLACK ??You stand out and are "suspicious" in a mostly white community.Which I believe Travyon lived in .I do NOT think he would be dead now if he had been white.In the same clothing in the same circumstances.


No .That's not what I said or meant.The point is if you are BLACK ??You stand out and are "suspicious" in a mostly white community.Which I believe Travyon lived in .I do NOT think he would be dead now if he had been white.In the same clothing in the same circumstances.

I don't believe that. I think it was the fact that he was a young guy in a hoodie.


Depends Upon My Mood..
The experiment only shows that white people are more inclined to call the police on black people... Zimmerman is Hispanic, not white; I don't see how that experiment is relevant.

well they should do the experiment in an all half white half hispanic community.Have the actors be half white half hispanic..the other group black..see what happens.doubt there would be much variation .