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God gives you freedom, and then forces you to do as He Commands.--?? Incompatible.


Well-Known Member
greatest am i
All scripture should be judged on their merit.

Judged by who? Man? Come on now. No, all scripture should be compared spiritual to spiritual
1Co 2:13 - Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
Now if you cant see spiritual then what can i say

Which God. God the loving father or God the genocidal maniac?

Typical answer for someone who doesnt know the Plan of God. Everything that happened in the "OT" is symbolic of what God is doing for those few He elects in this age.

Nothing is holy on this earth. truth is found with logic, not in translations. They might clarify but these too must be judged by logic.

Too literal? Most of manking being wrong means that the scripture is badly written.

Riiight. Now whos logic do we use? The atheists, the jew, the christain, the hindus the satanist, etc etc---gee it seems that all these groups would say that their logic is far above anyone elses.

Most of mankind being wrong is actually because---

Ecc 1:13 God has given man an experience of evil to humble him (CV)

But most dont understand this simple verse because like i said above, they dont know the Plan of God.

But even Job wasnt foolish enough to blame God for wrong doing---Now there is logic and knowledge

Do you believe such to be real?

Like i said its symbols and no its not literal. Its about as literal as this verse...

Isa 40:6 -The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field: 7 The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: because the spirit of the LORD bloweth upon it: surely the people is grass.
So take it literal and see that your flesh is as grass just as the ten headed beast is the churches (religions) of the world (hint)
Man does have free will to do the possible. There are consequences sometimes for doing so. These are imposed by nature or other humans, not God.

Now to your so called free will take this literally too---
2 Thessalonians 2:3-12 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

and wait for THE antichrist to sit in a literal temple calling himself god. Or is this literal? (and yet another hint)


True Follower
Yes we have our free agency to choose good or evil now ask your self whom will you serve God and keep his commandments and return to live with him. Or Lucifer the Devil The Father of all lies and do evil and be cast into the pit of hell. You choose this day Whom you will follow Amen.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Yes we have our free agency to choose good or evil now ask your self whom will you serve God and keep his commandments and return to live with him. Or Lucifer the Devil The Father of all lies and do evil and be cast into the pit of hell. You choose this day Whom you will follow Amen.

So we are free to do what we did as slaves or go to hell. Now that is freedom.
Are you from the deep south slave?



New Member
First and above all, God is Love. i choose love above all and due to that, my commands my actions are all manifestations leading to that..LOVE. in the trip there may be rules to bend and/or rules to follow, as long as i know that what i really want is god/love the only rule in life becomes....''LOVE'' i say it as a command.


Well-Known Member
Yes we have our free agency to choose good or evil now ask your self whom will you serve God and keep his commandments and return to live with him. Or Lucifer the Devil The Father of all lies and do evil and be cast into the pit of hell. You choose this day Whom you will follow Amen.

You know when people make statements like this, it makes me wonder if they actually read their bibles or are they just parroting what their "holy pastors" have been telling them

Free agency to choose good or evil? Have you ever read this verse

Jer 13:23 - Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.
Php 2:13 - For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure

Now tell me where is your free moral agency there/free will.

Now you choose today. Follow the christain hoax of lucifer and go into a fabled hell for an eternity or learn the real truth of Gods Word.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
First and above all, God is Love. i choose love above all and due to that, my commands my actions are all manifestations leading to that..LOVE. in the trip there may be rules to bend and/or rules to follow, as long as i know that what i really want is god/love the only rule in life becomes....''LOVE'' i say it as a command.

Was the genocidal flood an expression of God's LOVE for mankind or was Jesus/God a traitor to mankind.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Your welcome. But I am confused, what are you thanking me for? :confused:

For showing me that you are not true to your signature.

If you want to prove me wrong then I ask you to question the fall of Adam and Eve.
I see it as not a fall at all but a glorious leap out of the garden of ignorance and Eve giving man moral sense.

Which is truth? My version or the one that most believe.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
You know when people make statements like this, it makes me wonder if they actually read their bibles or are they just parroting what their "holy pastors" have been telling them

Free agency to choose good or evil? Have you ever read this verse

Jer 13:23 - Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.
Php 2:13 - For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure

Now tell me where is your free moral agency there/free will.

Now you choose today. Follow the christain hoax of lucifer and go into a fabled hell for an eternity or learn the real truth of Gods Word.

Ye of little faith.

Deuteronomy 32:4
He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.

It is unfortunate that you do not believe this scripture. It is truth of the perfection of man.

God does not goof.



Well-Known Member
For showing me that you are not true to your signature.

If you want to prove me wrong then I ask you to question the fall of Adam and Eve.
I see it as not a fall at all but a glorious leap out of the garden of ignorance and Eve giving man moral sense.

Which is truth? My version or the one that most believe.


I will address them both

The fall--there was no fall. if Adam and Eve was created perfect then there wouldnt have been a fall and they wouldnt have sinned. Think about it. Christ was slained from the foundation of the world. If He was slained from the foundation of the world then Adam and Eve could not have been spiritually perfect because God had it planned and purposed that Adam and Eve would be too spiritually weak so they would be decieved into eating of the Tree. They were created perfectly spiritually weak though.

Think about it. God created the Tree of not just Good, but also of Evil, He placed them in the Garden WITH the Tree, He created Satan for the express purpose of being a deciever (A liar from the beginnning--Hes not a fallen angel as most of christendom wants to believe), He had Satan tempt them (can satan do something without the permission from God first, read Job). Most dont wanna believe that God didnt know what was going to happen? They think He didnt purpose all this to happen? The problem is the idol of the heart that most mankind has--the strong delusion of "free will". Can someone go against what God has purposed?

The Lamb of God was "slain from the FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD," the Scriptures tell us. Not from the "sin of Eve." God made provision for the salvation of Adam and Eve BEFORE HE EVER CREATED THEM--that is Scripture! That is not mans' theories!
God DID create men spiritually weak so that they cannot resist sin. "ALL have sinned..."It obviously IS God's will that for a time we go AGAINST His will. But. . .BUT, NO ONE EVER goes against God's "INTENTION." There is a giant difference. Paul's detractors ask in Roman's nine, "For who has gone against God's INTENTION?" And the answer is, absolutely NO ONE. It could not even BE God's will that all be saved, unless first ALL ARE LOST!

The leap out of ignorance---one could look at it as that but was it out of ignorance. They knew His laws but went against them---that wasnt smart (but then again they didnt know any better right?) But they did know they would die. But anyway they got learn evil, they knew good right? maybe, maybe not. You cant know hot if didnt know what cold was and vice versa. They didnt know good because they didnt know evil.

So lets say they leap out of ignorance---im trying to find an argument to this but i cant right now because yes its more viable than a fall, but after leaping out--look how mankind has become soooo ignorant to God.

So i will say it was a leap out of ignorance into ignorance.

Hold on its coming to me--- what did they leap out of ignorance from? Were they dumb? No/Yes it doesnt say, but God did place Adam in the garden to till the ground so they werent dumb because they could till the ground and speak some sort of language.

So they had some intelligence, they knew who the Lord was before and after the sin but what did they leap from? What they leap into? :confused:
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Well-Known Member
Ye of little faith.

Deuteronomy 32:4
He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.

It is unfortunate that you do not believe this scripture. It is truth of the perfection of man.

God does not goof.


Little faith? I just answered that in the last post---"His work is perfect" exactly-- man is created perfectly spiritually weak and so therefore we must depend on His Spirit "both to will and to do of his good pleasure" and to be able to do what He says we cannot do "then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil."

If you believe you have a free will that can make you do good without God well then it is "Ye of little faith"

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member

Remove the knowledge of good and evil that we are told shows us the mind of God.
Put Adam and Eve back in the garden of ignorance and see what you have.
Remember that all issues or ideas that they may have had are all measured by good and evil.

Give a scenario of what will happen to them without eating of the tree of knowledge.

Compare this scenario to the reality that God allowed and see which is better.



Well-Known Member

Remove the knowledge of good and evil that we are told shows us the mind of God.
Put Adam and Eve back in the garden of ignorance and see what you have.
Remember that all issues or ideas that they may have had are all measured by good and evil.

Give a scenario of what will happen to them without eating of the tree of knowledge.

Compare this scenario to the reality that God allowed and see which is better.


If it was a leap out of ignorance, it was a leap out of the ignorance of knowing only good but not knowing they had it good or what good was, they would have to have an experience of evil to know what good was. So what am saying is they were experiencing good, but since they never experienced evil they didnt know what good was.

So i can agree that it was a leap out of ignorance of not knowing what good and evil was. Like ive said somehere else on this forum you cant know what hot is without knowing cold, up to down etc etc.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
If it was a leap out of ignorance, it was a leap out of the ignorance of knowing only good but not knowing they had it good or what good was, they would have to have an experience of evil to know what good was. So what am saying is they were experiencing good, but since they never experienced evil they didnt know what good was.

So i can agree that it was a leap out of ignorance of not knowing what good and evil was. Like ive said somehere else on this forum you cant know what hot is without knowing cold, up to down etc etc.

Do you see then that if Eve had not eaten then none of us would be here because they could not even enjoy sex there because sex, like most issues, has a good and evil aspect.



Well-Known Member
Do you see then that if Eve had not eaten then none of us would be here because they could not even enjoy sex there because sex, like most issues, has a good and evil aspect.


i can agree. we would be like our pets are


Well-Known Member
Then if we are to sin as part of our natures.

Is there a hell?


Nope there is no hell as taught by christainity. Christainities hell is just sick. I dont think any of other religions hell is a sick as theirs. The imaginations of some people.
There will be and age-during contempt (Dan 12:2)(YLT)(eonian chastisement). What they will be going thru i dont know. the only thing that comes to mind from scripture right now is weeping and gnashing of teeth and their minds being purged with the (spiritual)fire of God ("our God is a consuming fire" "the lake of fire" "refined in the fire")to get the carnality out of it.

God is responsible for all His creation, but we are held accountable because of the strong delusion of "free" will, we think we did/do all the stuff we did/do with no prior cause-- or to put it better we think God has no say in our destiny. Our "free"will brings about whatever it wills without God or anything else past, present, conscience or subconscience, genetics etc etc etc. Mankind makes himself into a god by this doctrine of "free"will. Remember in a earlier post where i put---

2 Thessalonians 2:3-12 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

1Co 6:19 -Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;

So where is the throne of God? And where do man "dethrone" God and put and exalt himself with their "free" will? So who is THE Antichrist?