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God gives you freedom, and then forces you to do as He Commands.--?? Incompatible.


Not your average Mormon
Your right, I know little of your religion but if this is an example of your beliefs then your God as well as mine has improved on the policy of the orthodox.

What other improvements has your religion done. Please tell more.

I wouldn't know where to start. What most people don't like about my God is that He is not the God of orthodox Christianity. As far as I'm concerned, orthodoxy is just a matter of perspective anyway. It's nothing more than a label which means, "I'm right and you're wrong." Anyway, my God did not create mankind for His own benefit but for our benefit. According to my Church's doctrine, "Men are that they might have joy." We're not an entirely different species from God, but are "gods in embryo" ourselves, with the potential to progress forever and ever. We're not a bunch of depraved creatures that God hates but are sons and daughters of Deity. Pretty far out, huh?


Born Again,Spirit Filled
God gives you freedom, and then forces you to do as He Commands.--?? Incompatible.

When man was given freedom and free choice, he rejoiced. Then God gave His commandments with the threat of punishment if His commandments and laws are not followed. These two concepts are incompatible. God gives up His -right- to command and then threatens those who do not follow His commands.

Which is it? Are we free or are we slaves?

The question here is ,"have you always defied and refuted authority or just with God?
..why is God always made out to be the culprit here ?????????
Do you blame the government, law enforcement officers, judges,teachers,parents, etc or any other form of insitutued governing body for inforcing law for infringing on your freedoms... or are these all set in palce for our good and order in society.
Are these to.... incompatible ???????
The same goes with the order and natural laws in the universe, are these to impede
and take away from us living a fulfilled and long life, or are these orders instilled for our good.

This is either a misguided and hypocritical accusation or it is a mixture of guilt, justification and excuse which causes one to shift blame.
You see this behavior is common among many in society who refute authoritive rule and the penalties for defying such authority.
You see it in defiant, angry, arrogant and selfish children who are told what to do and criminals who are exposed and held accountable for their violation.

Everywhere in life you see order,boundaries,guidelines, governing bodies, laws, and all sorts of instituted authority, be it natural or selected.
And within each of these, you see rules that must be followed, willingly or unwillingly.
Outside the boundaries is violation and with that.... there are consequences.

Although we may sometimes become defiant, angry, frustrated and confused concerning these set protocols, it's only out of ignorance or sheer rebellion.

How can anyone look honestly within these set boundaries and natural laws of order in society and the universe as a whole, and hold the view that," these things are incompatible".
.....ask yourself these questions:

Does this remove the free will or free choice of the people ?
Do these hinder our freedom ?
Are these prejudicial ?
Are these forms of rule and order in place to harm us ?

...but we come to accept as a part of life every institution that has order and rule, but for some reason with God and the spiritual laws associated with Him and that are as natural as universal law , we are become ornery, arrogant, and accuse and blame him of wrongfully insituting such laws.

These are for our good and if your even remotely interested to understand this truth, i'll help you do so, but I presume you are like many on this site and only want to blame God, which, if is the case,only further points to defiance and sheer rebellion of authority.

Take God out of the equation for a moment and look around you at all the other forms of laws active in the universe ,from Biological, physical, chemical,scientific laws to social laws.....spiritual laws are no different.
.....theft, murder, immorality,covetousness, envy, these all have affects, both in adherence to and violation of.

If you point the finger at God and exploit him as some dictator and claim his laws are incompatible, how can you not look to all other forms of authority and governing bodies and do the same..if you do,this is hypocritical and only prejudicial towards God on your part.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
Clearly, you know nothing whatsoever of my religion's teachings on this subject. We actually believe that Eve's decision was a good one and ultimately benefited all of us. We don't look down on her the way a lot of Christians do. According to our doctrine, none of us would even be here if she hadn't eaten the forbidden fruit. So, no, I wouldn't have stopped her from reaching for the tree of knowledge.

I just thought I would correct your generalizing here, we ,as Christians and followers of God's "word", not our perspective, agree with the teaching that "Adam's" sin caused physical and spiritual death and separation from God, for all man..... not a good thing and not eve's sin.
That in itself is a doctrine we do not promote as being good,why, because it has produced the wickedness and misery we see in the world everyday.
Yes, the word says in Rom 5 that where death reigned , through Christ,life and grace much more..but the pain and suffering and penalty for our sin was great and was no good thing.

What do you mean,"we would not be here if it was'nt for Eve's sin"
It was her defiance,disobedience and indulgence that caused her to reach for the tree of knowledge, ..... my question to you....do you endorse that we all do teh same?

It's her reaching for that tree that disqualified us all from partaking of the tree of everlasting life and therefore became subject to the consequences of violation of his law, death.
..but thanks be to Jesus Christ, who abolishes death and brings everlasting life through faith in ,"Him"


True but we can all learn something from the story.

This one tries to teach that genocide is evil just in case any here are thinking it is good.


i doubt that very much. I dont think anyone with the means to carry out Genocide would be participating on an online forum, unless of course there is a forum on www.despotsareus.com

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't know where to start. What most people don't like about my God is that He is not the God of orthodox Christianity. As far as I'm concerned, orthodoxy is just a matter of perspective anyway. It's nothing more than a label which means, "I'm right and you're wrong." Anyway, my God did not create mankind for His own benefit but for our benefit. According to my Church's doctrine, "Men are that they might have joy." We're not an entirely different species from God, but are "gods in embryo" ourselves, with the potential to progress forever and ever. We're not a bunch of depraved creatures that God hates but are sons and daughters of Deity. Pretty far out, huh?

Not at all. Much of this follows my own reasoning.
I did go check a few sites after our last chat and unfortunately hit a proposition 8 blurb on my first try.

My God teaches that all souls are created with perfect natures. Scripture says that all of God's works are perfect. From this, sins and all, I feel that this gift is to be followed. Your teachings seem to contradict this.

Why are some of God's nature to be followed and not others?
Why think that a Gay soul is of less value than another. If what some call evil would not belong on this earth then God would stop creating these souls. He does not. Why not?


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member

I want to keep God in the equation. this is why I do what I do. The real God that is.

As to the rest of your 100 questions, I do not have the time to write a book but am happy to do one issue or question at a time. That may eliminate many of the questions you pose.
If acceptable come on down. If not then.......

I do have a temper though but I am working on keeping it in check. Lower the tone and progress will come. If you are thick skinned enough to take it we can go to PM and then I can also let loose. I will not do so here.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
I just thought I would correct your generalizing here, we ,as Christians and followers of God's "word", not our perspective, agree with the teaching that "Adam's" sin caused physical and spiritual death and separation from God, for all man..... not a good thing and not eve's sin.
That in itself is a doctrine we do not promote as being good,why, because it has produced the wickedness and misery we see in the world everyday.
Yes, the word says in Rom 5 that where death reigned , through Christ,life and grace much more..but the pain and suffering and penalty for our sin was great and was no good thing.

What do you mean,"we would not be here if it was'nt for Eve's sin"
It was her defiance,disobedience and indulgence that caused her to reach for the tree of knowledge, ..... my question to you....do you endorse that we all do teh same?

It's her reaching for that tree that disqualified us all from partaking of the tree of everlasting life and therefore became subject to the consequences of violation of his law, death.
..but thanks be to Jesus Christ, who abolishes death and brings everlasting life through faith in ,"Him"

Both the Church and God have worked hard to develop moral sense in man.
Genesis says that to know God we must know good and evil. Eve chose to help us by moving us out of the garden of ignorance to the world of God's light.

Would you give up your moral sense and live in darkness or should you admit that Eve did the right thing by moving you to the light?



None her have the means as you say. Many though applaud the (fact) that God did. This also is very evil.


i would say that religion gives a very good excuse to exterminate you rivals, if your religion says God is going to do it anyway. of course from my point of view God hasn't done any such thing. any mass exterminations are either natural phenomenon or man made.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
i would say that religion gives a very good excuse to exterminate you rivals, if your religion says God is going to do it anyway. of course from my point of view God hasn't done any such thing. any mass exterminations are either natural phenomenon or man made.

That and the fact that if you have a better system, people will naturally gravitate to it. People recognize a good thing.



Active Member
God gives you freedom, and then forces you to do as He Commands.--?? Incompatible.

When man was given freedom and free choice, he rejoiced. Then God gave His commandments with the threat of punishment if His commandments and laws are not followed. These two concepts are incompatible. God gives up His -right- to command and then threatens those who do not follow His commands.

Which is it? Are we free or are we slaves?


Think of it this way. In Britan and America, we lead a free life. We have the right to a freedom of speech, a right to practice our own religion, a right to walk the streets. But do we have a right to murder? Do we have a right to rape? No, as these are illegal acts.

If you look at God's Commandments, they only prohibit the acts that would bring about pain and suffering to yourself and others. Are the Commandments not just like the laws we have to abide by as citizens. And, if we accept God, are we not citizens of Christianity?

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Think of it this way. In Britan and America, we lead a free life. We have the right to a freedom of speech, a right to practice our own religion, a right to walk the streets. But do we have a right to murder? Do we have a right to rape? No, as these are illegal acts.

If you look at God's Commandments, they only prohibit the acts that would bring about pain and suffering to yourself and others. Are the Commandments not just like the laws we have to abide by as citizens. And, if we accept God, are we not citizens of Christianity?

Yes indeed but as full citizens of Christianity we then have to condone slavery, subjugate woman and discriminate without cause against Gays. Not good thing to do, in my estimation.

Further secular punishment for crime tends to be fair as the penalty fits the crime.
In Christianity, I can do small sins for 120 years but then must spend 120000000000000000+ year in hell with the likes of Hitler. This is not justice.

In both systems we are only free to follow the rules. One system is just, the other not.



Active Member
It does not state in the Bible, "Thou shalt condone slavery, subjugate women and discriminate against Gays.' It talks of compassion in life. You will be judged in the Spirit Realm as to what you do on Earth. I do not believe in Hell, I believe you have the choice of rebirth to live a better life. I also believe that everyone enters the Spirit Plain, at different levels of Spiritual purity.

I mean, you never know, Hitler may have been reborn into another life, another family, and lived his life again as a good person. It may have been that, only after his death, he seen the errors of his horrific ways and returned to put them right.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
It does not state in the Bible, "Thou shalt condone slavery, subjugate women and discriminate against Gays.' It talks of compassion in life. You will be judged in the Spirit Realm as to what you do on Earth. I do not believe in Hell, I believe you have the choice of rebirth to live a better life. I also believe that everyone enters the Spirit Plain, at different levels of Spiritual purity.

I mean, you never know, Hitler may have been reborn into another life, another family, and lived his life again as a good person. It may have been that, only after his death, he seen the errors of his horrific ways and returned to put them right.

Does the word abomination ring a bell.

Can you be Christian without a belief in hell and a belief in reincarnation? Strange.
Please show policy of reincarnation for man in scripture.



Active Member
Why are you questioning my belief? I believe in the existence of the Holy Trinity, and the Spiritualistic side of life. Which is why it says I am a Spiritual Christian. The word 'abomination' is used a few times in the bible to talk of a lot of things. Please specify where it talks of Gays in accordance to being an abomination.

I do not need to explain to you why I am a Christian with the beliefs I have. I have taken on beliefs that I am comfortable with, and I intend to stick by them. Was Jesus not risen from the dead? Did jesus not commune with Spirit? Did Jesus not heal the sick and maimed?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I have to disagree with the OP.
Think of a parent with a child. The parent has rules, can discipline, but cannot force a child how to behave. Put god in the parent's place, and us as his kids. You can use your free will to follow him, which will gain you favor, or use it to rebel, and be punished. It would be like saying typical parenting is incompatible just because the child has rules to follow, and isn't on a leash and being forced to follow them.
As much of an anti-Christ as I am, I can only say that is a weak argument against Christianity.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Why are you questioning my belief? I believe in the existence of the Holy Trinity, and the Spiritualistic side of life. Which is why it says I am a Spiritual Christian. The word 'abomination' is used a few times in the bible to talk of a lot of things. Please specify where it talks of Gays in accordance to being an abomination.

I do not need to explain to you why I am a Christian with the beliefs I have. I have taken on beliefs that I am comfortable with, and I intend to stick by them. Was Jesus not risen from the dead? Did jesus not commune with Spirit? Did Jesus not heal the sick and maimed?

No he did not.

God + woman = abomination.

Consider God as a species and man as a different species.
Usually, entities reproduce with their own kind.
God with Goddess is then OK.
Man with woman is then OK.
God with woman is then. Not OK .
Man with Goddess is then Not OK.
There are lower species as well to us as we are to God.
God would not set a precedent that says it is OK to reproduce with a lower species. If He did, it would open the door for man and our meat.
Consider also, the trinity.
Simply said, if Jesus was in the beginning then He was before his mother was and he would not go forward in time to somehow impregnate his own mother. Such takes paradox too far.
God is a full God. Not a chimera. To say that Jesus is somehow part of God is to insult both man and God.
He has the same position of highs and lows as we all get in heaven. Heaven is communistic demographic shape and no one shares 1st place with God the father.
God does not reproduce out of wedlock. He does not break His own laws.
God + woman = abomination.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
I have to disagree with the OP.
Think of a parent with a child. The parent has rules, can discipline, but cannot force a child how to behave. Put god in the parent's place, and us as his kids. You can use your free will to follow him, which will gain you favor, or use it to rebel, and be punished. It would be like saying typical parenting is incompatible just because the child has rules to follow, and isn't on a leash and being forced to follow them.
As much of an anti-Christ as I am, I can only say that is a weak argument against Christianity.

Perhaps. Lets see.

Let's continue with your scenario to when you give freedom to your children or when they take freedom themselves, when they leave home to make their own way. You lose the right to punish them for not making their bed or some other rule at your home.
God lost His right to punish as well when He gave us freedom. Freedom has no condition or it is not freedom at all.

If you tried to implement your rules at their new home, it would not be too long before you would no longer be welcome.

The same with your father, if he tried the same with you.
I carry the same reasoning to God and man.

Do you see it now?
