There is a God and God does care..but one doesn’t recognise who God is and HOW God cares, one didn’t give the time to understand in how God communicates through us..Example..God is Good, Loving, happiness and all the good stuff..
my question is! have you experienced any of those feelings? If yes than you KNOW those are feelings of WHAT MATTERS!..right? But the thing is Gods teachings will show you WHICH ONES are to MATTER, and if one doesn’t know them..then those feelings will be robbed by fake happiness..(Knowledge):knowing what’s right and wrong ONLY for theirselves in selfishness are all fake happiness.
This is How God CARES!.,
when one feels the agitation within them..those feelings are from God warning one NOT to matter in..ex..
when one gets angry it means God is telling you is angry..
When one feels stressed, means Gods telling you is stressed..
When one feels scared, means Gods telling you scared..
When one feels guilt, means God is blaming You for that do not control your emotions..thats God controlling..and only it’s your free-will to decide what to do with them(emotions)
Those Emotions are not ONLY yours, they’re from God..This is your SOUL that was given from God..and its reason why you(one) is alive..with one having felt these bad experiences/emotions..God warns one through agitation that IT DOESN’T MATTER.. but many fail in noticing their mistakes(avoiding feelings)..which is why God says we fail in our choices making us selfish beings..and because one never learns from their mistakes it leads to mental illnesses and their related illusinations in the mind..due to avoiding the Heart.
If there's a god and God doesn't care, why should I?
One chose not to seek in Gods one is unaware of their own work of instruction. Your insides.why do have feelings? how are they possible?It cannot be nothing obviously it comes from somewhere! who is making or giving you those signs of feelings?....But you do not recognise those feelings have been with you ALWAYS!