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God... He or She?


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
I mean, given the gods I worship are literally various aspects of the universe and nature, it's really not my "personal belief" if they do or don't have a sex. Anything that isn't biological obviously doesn't have a sex. Anything that is, the sex isn't that hard to determine and by far the most common modality is asexuality followed by monoecy/hermaphroditic. Dioecy - what humans in their typical anthropocentric nature think is the most "normal" - is actually the least common.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I see some say he and some say she.

Are those choices made by personal beliefs or is it not only people can't agree on if a god exists, which god exists but also if the god is a he or she?
Sex/gender is specific to those creatures who sexually replicate. God does not do this. He does not give birth to little baby gods. He has no body or form, so he has no genitalia. The best way to sum it up is to say God TRANSCENDS sex/gender.

Genesis 5
1. This is the narrative of the generations of man; on the day that God created man, in the likeness of God He created him.
2. Male and female He created them, and He blessed them, and He named them man (Adam) on the day they were created.

I know my view here is very unusual, but it certainly appears to me that verse two explains verse one. IOW, part of "the image of God" is "male and female," meaning that God has character traits associated with both men and women.


Veteran Member
How then do you interpret "image"? We can't be 100% sure but I suspect it is a safe bet that the original author of this phrase was being egocentrical.
That humans were created in God's image means that humans have the potential to reflect the attributes of God such as Good, Loving, Gracious, Merciful, Just, Righteous, Forgiving, Patient. We do not reflect anything physical because God is not a physical being.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
I see some say he and some say she.

Are those choices made by personal beliefs or is it not only people can't agree on if a god exists, which god exists but also if the god is a he or she?
God must have some female attributes as He created women. We say ‘He’ but I don’t believe God has ant gender but is able to create genders as He so desires.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I see some say he and some say she.

Are those choices made by personal beliefs or is it not only people can't agree on if a god exists, which god exists but also if the god is a he or she?
I've always used the pronoun [him] when referring to God, the square brackets indicating that the biological sex implied by the pronoun is not to be taken too seriously. It's no less suitable in this post, where I'm speaking from within the story.

The problem is this. On the one hand, God is said, early on, to have made humans in [his] own image, suggesting [he]'s simply an early Superman type, not too unlike the gods and goddesses of Mesopotamia and Greece. Jacob perhaps wrestles with [him] in Genesis, or perhaps merely with [his] envoy. Out of the burning bush [he] speaks what I take to be fluent early biblical Hebrew, but clearly without the aid of a human voicebox or articulation system. I'm not sure what to make of [his] fondness for human sacrifices.

On the other hand, [he]'s expressly said to have created the material universe, so [he] didn't evolve on earth, and since what many say was the scandal with Asharah, [he] hasn't had a sexual partner, so how [he] came into existence and how [his] progenitors evolved, and where, and how [his] species reproduces, are all unanswered questions.

Of the five versions of Jesus in the NT, the Jesuses of Matthew and of Luke are said to have [his] Y-chromosome. (That's to say, the Jesuses of Mark, Matthew and John clearly do not. Mark is a straightforward Jewish citizen whose family think he's nuts, and becomes God's son by adoption, on the model of David (Psalm 2:7). The parents of Paul's and John's Jesuses, though never identified, are said to have made them descendants of David, hence were inferentially a Jewish couple in each case.

So I'm not persuaded that God is so like a human male as to have a Y-chromosome, Rather I think God is from an unknown species whose reproductive practices amongst themselves are unknown, and indeed may be by fission, or through two or more sexes, or some other how.


I see some say he and some say she.

Are those choices made by personal beliefs or is it not only people can't agree on if a god exists, which god exists but also if the god is a he or she?
As a Christian my answer to this is quite simple actually..
You see, God is a creator who created human beings in his image.. Which also includes women too btw..
Therefore logically you will conclude that in the context of gender..God is neither.

Many therefore will go one to say that God's pronoun is 'it' , but as we know God is an omnipotent,all powerful, all knowing entity with conscience therefore he cannot be characterised that.

God the Father's love towards human beings is illustrated as having fatherly qualities.. As a protector.. And it also shows his superiority in comparison to his children.

Jesus is called the Son of God because he was inferior at the time to God the Father
Because Jesus humbled himself to be human and when in human form Jesus wasn't omni-present as he was (at the time) not in his spirit/spiritual form

Therefore we refer to God as a he


It's pretty clear factually as it stands that God is pretty ineffective and non existent for all practical purposes and intent.

Mute, dumb, deaf, blind , and crippled gods are pretty hard to substantiate in the same manner as the fable of the emperors new clothes along with the garden gnomes living in my backyard.
May I have more context on why you disprove God's existence..
I would like to discuss on this topic

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
May I have more context on why you disprove God's existence..
I would like to discuss on this topic
It's really nothing to do with disapproval or approval, but everything to do when you see people pointing out the things that are not there pretending that it is there , for which at such a spectacle, you have to question it and bluntly point out that the focus of their object, sometimes described in great detail, is just not anywhere save for the conjuring that is going on their own minds and imaginations.

With no evidences, it's easily dismissed but I stay scientifically agnostic on the matter where its always encouraged to provide sufficient proof of their claims even as I believe none of it.


It's really nothing to do with disapproval or approval, but everything to do when you see people pointing out the things that are not there pretending that it is there , for which at such a spectacle, you have to question it and bluntly point out that the focus of their object, sometimes described in great detail, is just not anywhere save for the conjuring that is going on their own minds and imaginations.

With no evidences, it's easily dismissed but I stay scientifically agnostic on the matter where its always encouraged to provide sufficient proof of their claims even as I believe none of it.
So you don't believe in God because of evidence which contradicts there being a creator.
Can you name a few?

And may I ask..
Do you think that murdering people is wrong?
I'll tell you why I asked this question after your reply


The bold one is a tautology.
Ask if killing people is worng, because murder is wrong by defintion because it is murder.
Thank you for your answer..
But since Twilight feels that God is insufficient, logically murdering people is not a bad thing.
Why do I say so?
If there is "No Creator" we are just cosmic entities, therefore with no purpose or moral.
This ethically proves the existence of God


My own religion
Thank you for your answer..
But since Twilight feels that God is insufficient, logically murdering people is not a bad thing.
Why do I say so?
If there is "No Creator" we are just cosmic entities, therefore with no purpose or moral.
This ethically proves the existence of God

Yeah, that is how you think/feel. I do it differently.
But as long as you claim that only your way of think/feeling makes sense, then I can play that game to.

I can prove based on how I think/feel, that you are evil and will burn in Hell, because you think/feel differently. ;)
That is your method applied to you by me. And that is not really proved in any objective sense.
So welcome and you could learn that there are other ways to do morality than your subjective one. But you don't have to, to have a life.
But I don't have to think/feel like you to have a life either.


Yeah, that is how you think/feel. I do it differently.
But as long as you claim that only your way of think/feeling makes sense, then I can play that game to.

I can prove based on how I think/feel, that you are evil and will burn in Hell, because you think/feel differently. ;)
That is your method applied to you by me. And that is not really proved in any objective sense.
So welcome and you could learn that there are other ways to do morality than your subjective one. But you don't have to, to have a life.
But I don't have to think/feel like you to have a life either.
Im sorry if the tone sounded a bit different to you..
I was just sharing my belief and wanted a rational discussion..
I didn't mean to say that you shouldn't share yours, that would be pure radicalism,
Sorry didn't mean to sound rude


Very sorry wasn't trying to sound rude :(
Yeah, that is how you think/feel. I do it differently.
But as long as you claim that only your way of think/feeling makes sense, then I can play that game to.

I can prove based on how I think/feel, that you are evil and will burn in Hell, because you think/feel differently. ;)
That is your method applied to you by me. And that is not really proved in any objective sense.
So welcome and you could learn that there are other ways to do morality than your subjective one. But you don't have to, to have a life.
But I don't have to think/feel like you to have a life either.