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God... He or She?

The purpose of Holy Wars is Holy Wars. The purpose of Math is defined by Math.

How does your culture determine whether or not a particular war is a Holy War?

How does your culture determine whether or not particular mathematicians understand the alleged “purpose” of mathematics?

How does your culture determine what is idiotic and what is not idiotic?
An unofficial chief priest of the country says that this or that is Holy.
These Holy Wars took place before the countries existed.

The existence of the countries themselves are a result of these Holy Wars.

“Stolen from Africa, brought to America, fighting on arrival, fighting for survival.” - Bob Marley

Bob Marley & The Wailers - Buffalo Soldier (Official Music Video)​



Premium Member
How does your culture determine whether or not a particular war is a Holy War?

It is not my culture that determines what is a Holy War. The definition answers the question.

A religious war or a war of religion, sometimes also known as a holy war (Latin: sanctum bellum), is a war which is primarily caused or justified by differences in religion and beliefs. In the modern period, there are frequent debates over the extent to which religious, economic, ethnic or other aspects of a conflict are predominant in a given war. The degree to which a war may be considered religious depends on many underlying questions, such as the definition of religion, the definition of 'religious war' (taking religious traditions on violence such as 'holy war' into account), and the applicability of religion to war as opposed to other possible factors. Answers to these questions heavily influence conclusions on how prevalent religious wars have been as opposed to other types of wars.
How does your culture determine whether or not particular mathematicians understand the alleged “purpose” of mathematics?
Math is an international language of communication without regard to culture,

The body of knowledge and practice known as mathematics is derived from the contributions of thinkers throughout the ages and across the globe. It gives us a way to understand patterns, to quantify relationships, and to predict the future. Math helps us understand the world — and we use the world to understand math.

The world is interconnected. Everyday math shows these connections and possibilities. The earlier young learners can put these skills to practice, the more likely we will remain an innovation society and economy.

Global Connections

  • Use of mathematics to model situations or events in the world;
  • Explanations of how the complexity and interrelatedness of situations or events in the world are reflected in the model;
  • Data generated by the model to make and defend a decision; and
  • A decision or conclusion supported by the mathematics within the context of a global community.
Problem Solving

  • The application of appropriate strategies to solve problems;
  • The use of appropriate mathematical tools, procedures, and representations to solve the problem;
  • The review and proof of a correct and reasonable mathematical solution given the context.

  • The development, explanation, and justification of mathematical arguments, including concepts and procedures used;
  • Coherently and clear communication using correct mathematical language and visual representations;
  • The expression of mathematical ideas using the symbols and conventions of mathematics.

How does your culture determine what is idiotic and what is not idiotic?
Common sense

Bear Wild

Well-Known Member
I see some say he and some say she.

Are those choices made by personal beliefs or is it not only people can't agree on if a god exists, which god exists but also if the god is a he or she?
Pronouns can be just place holders for somthing. A more interesting question may be is god masculine or feminine.


Well-Known Member
I see some say he and some say she.

Are those choices made by personal beliefs or is it not only people can't agree on if a god exists, which god exists but also if the god is a he or she?

My belief is the Matriarchies appeared first, making the earliest gods, female; Mother Nature and Gaia. These were the gods of nature connected to the earth and natural instinct; paradise. The Matriarchies would diminish with the rise of civilization. The men developed a different type of creativity besides natural and biological children; brain children. These brain children; idea and objects, were manmade and artificial, compared to natural things of the female gods; birds and trees. The men had unique gods. Very few people, today want to live just naturally within nature; full time camping out. Most prefer the creature comforts of artificial things. This rise of creativity by the males, cause the Gods to become masculine.

From Greek Mythology;

Hesiod says the world began with the spontaneous generation of four beings: first arose Chaos (Chasm); then came Gaia (the Earth), "the ever-sure foundation of all"; "dim" Tartarus (the Underworld), in the depths of the Earth; and Eros (Love) "fairest among the deathless gods".[2]

Chaos is connected to the initial formation of the human ego as a secondary center. Chaos was considered the chasm between the separation of heaven and earth. If I was to describe this state of consciousness, this was an ego placeholder process, that messes up the circuits of natural instinct. Since this is only foundational, it is not very functional, just yet. One is between two states; chaos. From this chaos, things begin to differentiate as Gaia, the foundation of the earth, Tartarus of the underworld, and Eros or timeless love and desire.

These three symbols are connected to the rise of the matriarchies. The females still had a good handle on natural instinct connected to maternal instincts. Gaia was the earth and the foundation of all natural creation. The women were the stabilizing factor by virtue of material instinct. Mother animals have strong survival instincts that go beyond herself and include others.

From chaos, the ego secondary; stabilizing in the males, is symbolized as Tartarus; from the depths of the earth or the underworld. This is also symbolized by Adam, formed from the dust of the earth; Tartarus; death and dust to dust ashes to ashes.

In Greek mythology, Tartarus (/ˈtɑːrtərəs/; Ancient Greek: Τάρταρος, romanized: Tártaros)[1] is the deep abyss that is used as a dungeon of torment and suffering for the wicked and as the prison for the Titans. Tartarus is the place where, according to Plato's Gorgias (c. 400 BC), souls are judged after death and where the wicked received divine punishment. Tartarus appears in early Greek cosmology, such as in Hesiod's Theogony, where the personified Tartarus is described as one of the earliest beings to exist, alongside Chaos and Gaia (Earth).

This symbolism of Tartarus paint a grim picture of the early differentiation of the male ego; place of torment and the prison for the Titans. This suggests that it occurred deep inside the collective unconscious, close foundational archetypes; titan firmware. The ego was captive during the duplicate firmware copying process.

The third goddess was Eros or love and desire. She was connected to Gaia; earth and eternal female instinct. My vision of this evolutionary time, are the males were trapped in their minds in a scary imaginary place, between life, death, fear and torment. The females, via the matriarchies, were helping the men stay in touch with reality, through Eros; timeless love and passion. The formation of marriage may have occurred at this time to care for the fragile forming egos of the males; baby ego. Mothers still boost the ego of their boys.

When men and woman form intimate relationships, there is cross programing dynamics. This natural marriage strategy would have helped fill in the void in the male ego, while also triggering the ego to form within the females; reciprocity. In Genesis, Adam is lonely in the garden; tartarus, and is put to sleep; reboot the system. Eve forms from Adam ribs, with ribs protects the heart; Eros and love.

Eros also appears to show how the early male and female ego evolve; desire and love in paradise. Adam and Eve, have this positive and embracing approach to reality and life; will and choices. From these choices, the female side of the males, formed via Eros, would give birth to brain children, such as the invention of written language. This started the shift toward the Patriarchies.


Premium Member
But you have a history of claiming that Holy Wars are not Holy Wars.
I believe you referred to conflicts and wars that are not Holy Wars by definition in the English language. I have been very clear and specific as to what is and is not a Holy War. There are many wars and conflicts. Holy Wars are defined as specifically as a war between two distinct different religions such as the current war between Israel and Hamas.
I believe in evolution, so it’s possible that you’ve evolved since then.

Is that what happened, here?

No, nothing has changed in my view here.
I have never sad Holy Wars are not Holy Wars. There ar emany wars and conflicts. Holy Wars are defined az specifically as a war between two distinct different religions such as the current war between Israel and Hamas.

No, nothing has changed in my view here.

What you seem to be saying is that when other cultures fight holy wars, your culture gets to decide if the war was holy enough.

How did your culture manage to take charge of defining which wars are holy for other cultures?

Who made your culture the default Humpty Dumpty.

Why can’t other cultures play Humpty Dumpty, as well?

The children of Abraham form a somewhat dysfunctional family, as you point out, so I suppose that your culture feels the need to referee the family squabbles?
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I see some say he and some say she.

Are those choices made by personal beliefs or is it not only people can't agree on if a god exists, which god exists but also if the god is a he or she?
Neither, in my opinion. Biological sex cannot be associated with something outside the scope of the physical universe.


Premium Member
What you seem to be saying is that when other cultures fight holy wars, your culture gets to decide if the war was holy enough.
It "seems" is a terrible way to cite someone in a dialogue.
How did your culture manage to take charge of defining which wars are holy for other cultures?

Who made your culture the default Humpty Dumpty.

Why can’t other cultures play Humpty Dumpty, as well?
Nothing above reflects what I have posted,
It "seems" is a terrible way to cite someone in a dialogue.

Nothing above reflects what I have posted,

Your culture denies Black History.

Your culture denies Women’s History.


Is it because your culture is a patrilinear culture, and therefore smarter than matrilinear cultures?

Don’t matrilinear cultures have just as much right to determine what is holy to them as the rights of patrilinear cultures to tell matrilinear cultures what should and should not be holy to them?
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It "seems" is a terrible way to cite someone in a dialogue.

How did your culture become the language police for all other cultures?

The treatment of slaves was terrible. But not terrible enough for your culture to allow other cultures to fight Holy Wars over it.

But suddenly, the simple word “seems”, which is a common word in my culture, is terrible?


Your culture’s priorities seem to be a little messed up,


Premium Member
Your culture denies Black History.
No I never made any such statement. You need to start citing me completely and accurately from my posts,
Your culture denies Women’s History.

No I never made any such statement. You need to start citing me completely and accurately from my posts,

Is it because your culture is a patrilinear culture, and therefore smarter than matrilinear cultures?
No I never made any such statement. You need to start citing me completely and accurately from my posts,
Don’t matrilinear cultures have just as much right to determine what is holy to them as the rights of patrilinear cultures to tell matrilinear cultures what should and should not be holy to them?

Not relevant to any statement I have made.


Premium Member
How did your culture become the language police for all other cultures?

The treatment of slaves was terrible. But not terrible enough for your culture to allow other cultures to fight Holy Wars over it.

But suddenly, the simple word “seems”, which is a common word in my culture, is terrible?

Your culture’s priorities seem to be a little messed up,
My culture has nothing to do with this dialogue.

Again , , ,

No I never made any such statement. You need to start citing me completely and accurately from my posts,