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God Is Not A Christian


Veteran Member
Premium Member
My point was that even if Mark 16:18 was added and not really God's Word (and how is that possible and also consider it inerrant?) Luke 10:19 would remain showing a relationship between believers and snakes.


Active Member
~;> not at all
coz not anyone could say that
relating to the interrelation of social factors and individual thought and behavior were all true


unto all always
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
Typical comment of the troll...scripture taken out of context to mislead.
You see, you may have turned this around for your cause.

Matthew 5:22-24

22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, 'Raca,' is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell.
23"Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you,24 leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.

You see @Deeje, I have nothing against you personally. I post against Governing Body interpretation of scripture, nothing personal against them either.

You on the other hand are bearing a personal grudge against me.
You believe I am trolling. (has it occurred to you that because I am still here that can't be true?)
You are keeping account of your perceived opinion that I take the scriptures out of context. That is a serious offence. It is so very serous that I am here hoping to correct all the people who do that.
You accuse me of misleading people. Haha. You have to be kidding! With almost 25,000 posts have you seen a follower of me? LOL WHO am I misleading, in your opinion?
My personal aim is to get people to start thinking. Is thinking going to mislead you Deeje?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
@Deeje, you have reminded me that the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses have made (on purpose, I believe) some people afraid to THINK.
They have misled some people away from this word of God: Be wise, my son and make my heart rejoice!

They have changed that to this: Be obedient my son, and make my heart rejoice.

Wisdom needs thinking. Doesn't it?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Snake handlers base their actions on Mark 16:17, 18. Those verses include the words: “With their hands they will pick up serpents.” The King James Version and other older translations present those verses as if they were part of the original text. The New Revised Standard Version, The New American Standard Bible, and The New King James Version note that those verses do not appear in most of the oldest manuscripts of Mark’s Gospel.

The teachings of the Bible do not support the idea that snake handling is an acceptable feature of true worship.
Oh, I know about the tacked-on ending of Mark. Just pointing out a relevant fact.

...though the differences between the earliest known manuscripts and later versions make me wonder what differences there might be between the originals and our earliest known manuscripts.

Edit: though I have to quibble with something you said: the long ending of Mark *is* in the Bible. You might think it shouldn't be in the Bible, or that it wasn't always in the Bible, but it *is* there now in the vast majority of Bible versions.
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God is not a Christian.
God is not Jewish.
God is not Islamic.
God is not a Hindu.

God, as the supreme being, monotheistic deity, or creator of the universe, is not a member of any man made, earth bound religion. No single religion/denomination can lay claim that God belongs to them, and them alone. If anything, the exact nature of God is unknown. You can quote whatever holy book that you want, it does not prove anything.

It is important to separate the human conceptions of God from what we can actually observe...which will be difficult, since God does not make personal appearances and has yet to be captured on camera/video. To that end, we have to study nature and the cosmos in order to see God's creation at work and evolving (incidentally that is the core of deism).

God can't be bound in any human system of belief. Nor can God be restricted to one culture or geographic location. The exact details about God are unknown, and will remain so until said deity decides to make a personal appearance at a press conference, and goes through a Q&A session.

Well, I can’t say I agree, but at least is an improvement.


Pantheism: everything is part of an all-encompassing God, but God is still a separate being/entity.
Pandeism: God created the universe and then became part of the universe, ceasing to exist as a separate entity.

I apologize for deviating a bit from the topic, but I would like to ask a question:
The religions I am familiar with attempt to give answers to existential questions, give base to a morality and describe the natural world.
Do Pantheism and/or Pandeism answer these questions? (how?)

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
I apologize for deviating a bit from the topic, but I would like to ask a question:
The religions I am familiar with attempt to give answers to existential questions, give base to a morality and describe the natural world.
Do Pantheism and/or Pandeism answer these questions? (how?)

I am not a "Pan" so I can't really answer that question without researching it. Feel free to Google them.


Admiral Obvious
Maybe God's an atheist.
Seems to me, according to most theists, god would have to be an atheist, wouldn't he?
If god believes in god then the buck could not stop at god, right?

Now I understand that some (or perhaps most?) theists will redefine what they mean by god once they get to their god by making a claim of "of course god believes in itself".


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I don't believe that for a minute. I certainly wasn't inspired by the Bible to do that.
Your lack of belief seems to come from a failure of logic: "people who handle poisonous snakes tend to be inspired to do it by reading the Bible" does not imply "people who read the Bible tend to be inspired to handle poisonous snakes."


Revelation all the time
God is not a Christian.
God is not Jewish.
God is not Islamic.
God is not a Hindu.

God, as the supreme being, monotheistic deity, or creator of the universe, is not a member of any man made, earth bound religion. No single religion/denomination can lay claim that God belongs to them, and them alone. If anything, the exact nature of God is unknown. You can quote whatever holy book that you want, it does not prove anything.

It is important to separate the human conceptions of God from what we can actually observe...which will be difficult, since God does not make personal appearances and has yet to be captured on camera/video. To that end, we have to study nature and the cosmos in order to see God's creation at work and evolving (incidentally that is the core of deism).

God can't be bound in any human system of belief. Nor can God be restricted to one culture or geographic location. The exact details about God are unknown, and will remain so until said deity decides to make a personal appearance at a press conference, and goes through a Q&A session.

Entering this thread a bit late and have not read any post besides OP, but hoping another poster has noted that the highlighted part would also be 'man made' claims about God.
While plausible God is 'not these things' (in OP), it is also plausible God is all these things and more.

The rest of the post is the stuff that philosophers or honest intellectual types have wrestled with for millennia. Nothing said proves anything, thus nothing written proves anything. Observations also do not prove anything. So studying nature and the Cosmos could arguably be a) delusional and b) exactly how to not study God. Who's to say otherwise? Someone that chose to write something, but has no basis for their assertions?


Veteran Member
God is not a Christian.
God is not Jewish.
God is not Islamic.
God is not a Hindu.

God, as the supreme being, monotheistic deity, or creator of the universe, is not a member of any man made, earth bound religion. No single religion/denomination can lay claim that God belongs to them, and them alone
. If anything, the exact nature of God is unknown. You can quote whatever holy book that you want, it does not prove anything.

It is important to separate the human conceptions of God from what we can actually observe...which will be difficult, since God does not make personal appearances and has yet to be captured on camera/video. To that end, we have to study nature and the cosmos in order to see God's creation at work and evolving (incidentally that is the core of deism).

God can't be bound in any human system of belief. Nor can God be restricted to one culture or geographic location. The exact details about God are unknown, and will remain so until said deity decides to make a personal appearance at a press conference, and goes through a Q&A session.

I agree with what I have coloured in magenta. Please
I don't agree with others, however.



Active Member
God is not a Christian.
God is not Jewish.
God is not Islamic.
God is not a Hindu.

God, as the supreme being, monotheistic deity, or creator of the universe, is not a member of any man made, earth bound religion. No single religion/denomination can lay claim that God belongs to them, and them alone. If anything, the exact nature of God is unknown. You can quote whatever holy book that you want, it does not prove anything.

It is important to separate the human conceptions of God from what we can actually observe...which will be difficult, since God does not make personal appearances and has yet to be captured on camera/video. To that end, we have to study nature and the cosmos in order to see God's creation at work and evolving (incidentally that is the core of deism).

God can't be bound in any human system of belief. Nor can God be restricted to one culture or geographic location. The exact details about God are unknown, and will remain so until said deity decides to make a personal appearance at a press conference, and goes through a Q&A session.

Totally agree! Our mind is too limited to describe the God. Our language is not capable of expressing the essence of His Glory.