I am sorry if I offended you, but can you please explain why it is that the tetragrammaton was used freely and with reverence by the writers of the Hebrew scriptures, and yet this superstition? tradition? (what would you call it?) implemented by men, after those scriptures were written, removed the divine name from Jewish lips and eventually from their God's written word?
Moses used it, over 400 times in Exodus and over 500 times in Deuteronomy. King David did not refrain from using the tetragrammaton, and in the Psalms alone it appears 780 times.
When and why did the precious name of the "Most High" (Psalm 83:18) become unutterable?.....and where will I find God's command to stop using it?
Why are vowels offensive to Jews so that they cannot even write "God" without leaving out the vowel?
I would like an explanation 'from the horse's mouth' for this because it makes no sense to me.
My pre-conceived notions come from Ezekiel's clear reference to satan as the covering cherub in the garden of Eden....he was comparing the King of Tyre to that first rebel.
The torah was given as a perfect law to very imperfect people. Those who cannot keep it "deserve" nothing.
Where will I find it written in scripture that "the adversary" was appointed by God to test anyone?
So Thesatan had to be told not to kill the most righteous man in existence? To whom was the adversary providing this proof of Job's integrity.....to a God who reads hearts and knows our inmost thoughts? (1 Samuel 16:7-8)
Do you think there might have been a reason why Jesus chose uneducated men to proclaim his kingdom? He said that the teachings of the Pharisees was "leaven"....corrupt.
I am a Christian, not a member of any of Christendom's churches. We don't have many Jewish people where I live, so I appreciate it when I can hear statements of belief from those who hold them.
You think God approves of those systems of worship?
What Messiah will arrive in the future who fulfills the Messianic prophesies more fully than Jesus did?