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God Is Not A Christian


Jesus in me
Please tell me a what your voices say to you, and how do you know there from god, I hear voices all the time.

I believe I know The Voice for these reasons:
1. I have read the Bible multiple times to the extent that I have come to know the way God talks.
2. He fulfilled a prophecy that He gave me on the same day.
3. He has promised the Paraclete and I believe that is fulfilled in me.
4. God is logical and good in what He says.

I believe there is no need since the words are for me personally usually. When I speak on here it is mostly Jesus speaking so you are hearing the words.

I believe you should discern where they are coming from because it makes a big difference.


Jesus in me
God Is Not A Christian

No kidding?
That was a profound post.
How could God be a Christian?
A Christian is a follower of Christ.
Christian means a "follower of Christ".

I would posit that Christ is a follower of God.
Arguments welcomed.

I believe that is incorrect although it is commonly thought that it is so. A Christian is someone who believes that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah). I believe there is no doubt that God believes that also.


Jesus in me
~;> by the way
did anyone notice this writtings from the book of job
as it is written
Job 1:1
There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job. That man was blameless and upright, and one who feared God, and turned away from evil.

where is this LAND OF UZ

. ... just askin
if we may say so ... .


unto all always

I believe it is not over the rainbow. I have never heard anyone say where it is.

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
4. God is logical and good in what He says.

So slavery is ok?
What about bashing babies' heads on the rocks?
My daughter can be sold as a sex slave?
I can't wear cotton and silk together?
When conquering another group of people, kill them all...including children?

That's not God talking...that's people with an agenda talking.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
I believe that is incorrect although it is commonly thought that it is so. A Christian is someone who believes that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah). I believe there is no doubt that God believes that also.



Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
A dictionary definition if anyone is interested.
  • Chris·tian1
    1. of, relating to, or professing Christianity or its teachings:
    1. a person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Jesus Christ and his teachings.


Jesus in me
A dictionary definition if anyone is interested.
  • Chris·tian1
    1. of, relating to, or professing Christianity or its teachings:
    1. a person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Jesus Christ and his teachings.

I believe God believes that also.

I believe God in Jesus through the Paraclete is baptized every time a believer is baptized. I believe God believes in Jesus and His teachings.


Jesus in me
So slavery is ok?
What about bashing babies' heads on the rocks?
My daughter can be sold as a sex slave?
I can't wear cotton and silk together?
When conquering another group of people, kill them all...including children?

That's not God talking...that's people with an agenda talking.

I don't believe you have any idea what you are talking about but no doubt you have an agenda.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
So slavery is ok?
What about bashing babies' heads on the rocks?
My daughter can be sold as a sex slave?
I can't wear cotton and silk together?
When conquering another group of people, kill them all...including children?

That's not God talking...that's people with an agenda talking.

Are you speaking of today's Christianity?


Veteran Member
I believe I know The Voice for these reasons:
1. I have read the Bible multiple times to the extent that I have come to know the way God talks.
2. He fulfilled a prophecy that He gave me on the same day.
3. He has promised the Paraclete and I believe that is fulfilled in me.
4. God is logical and good in what He says.

I believe there is no need since the words are for me personally usually. When I speak on here it is mostly Jesus speaking so you are hearing the words.

I believe you should discern where they are coming from because it makes a big difference.
Yes and through that belief, you believe you hear god, and of course he is saying the very things you believe in, just as a Hindu or whatever other religion, the people of that belief will hear what they believe god to say's............and of course each one believing their voice that they hear is from the true god, their god.


Active Member
I believe it is not over the rainbow. I have never heard anyone say where it is.


~;> then atleast try to verify this
as it is written

The faithful man Job lived in the “land of Uz” (Job 1:1). But where was the land of Uz? It’s tricky to identify as the name “Uz” seems to be an informal name applied by the Israelites to a region and not the formal name of a country. Job 1:3 says that Job was, “the greatest of all the people of the East.” But east of where?

One of the documents found along with the Dead Sea Scrolls is a non-Biblical document known as the “War Scroll”. It identifies Uz as being, “beyond the Euphrates.” But that document was written at least 1,000 years after Moses wrote the book of Job and locating Uz that far east does not match with the information the Bible gives us.

The first clues have to do with the raiders who destroy or steal Job’s herds and livestock. The first raiding party are “Sabeans” (Job 1:15). The Sabeans came from Saba, also known in the Bible as “Sheba”(see Post 14). Saba was located in southern Arabia, in what is now known as Yemen. The second raiding party are “Chaldeans” (Job 1:17), coming from Chaldea in southern Mesopotamia. The Chaldean tribes would later be absorbed into the Babylonian empire. So the land of Uz had to be somewhere within range of the raiding parties of both the Sabeans and the Chaldeans.

Lamentations 4:21 places Edom in the land of Uz, indicating that Edomite territory had grown or expanded into the land of Uz. This is supported by the fact that one of Job’s false comforters named Eliphaz, was a Temanite. Teman was a city in Edom not far from the spectacular city of Petra. (Although some scholars place Eliphaz in Tema, in northern Arabia). Another false comforter, Zophar is designated a “Naamathite”, which some suggests refers to a mountain in north-western Arabia. The third false comforter named Bildad is called a “Shuhite”. However that refers to his ancestry, not his place of residence. Bildad is a descendant of Shuah, a son of Abraham. Similarly, the younger, wiser companion Elihu is called a “Buzite” as he is descended from Buz, probably also a relative of Abraham.

Finally, Jeremiah 25: 20,21 refers to “all the kings of the land of Uz” and includes among them, the kings of Ammon, Moab, Edom even Philistia. Moses probably first became acquainted with the story of Job while he was dwelling for 40 years in the land of Midian (Top photo). The Midianites were nomadic and their borders were fluid but it seems that they dwelled just south of Edom and for at least a time Midian extended into Edom.

All the clues point to the land of Uz being to the south and east of the promised land of Israel. During the lifetime of Job, Uz seems to have initially occupied the north-western part of Arabia, probably near the shores of the gulf of Aqaba. Over the years, the expression, “land of Uz” was applied to a broader area of land to the south and east of Israel including Edom, Moab and Ammon.

some archeological bible readers tend to find this so called LAND OF UZ
if we may say so


unto all always


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I believe the Pharaoh of Egypt laughed and mocked also but he found out the hard way and I imagine you will also.
"According to my mythology, bad things happen to people who don't take my mythology seriously."

Doesn't really hold much weight for peoe who don't already take your mythology seriously.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
So slavery is ok?

It was practiced in Bible times and as demonstrated by the kind of slavery seen in Egypt in the days of ancient Israel's servitude to Pharaoh, it was cruel and punishing work.
However, when "slavery" was practiced in Israel, it was NOT the kind practiced by the nations. There were laws to protect those who were in service to others. They were more like employees than slaves. It was a way to pay a debt and to provide housing and food to those who would otherwise have been destitute.

What about bashing babies' heads on the rocks?

How often did that happen? And wasn't it a demonstration of you reap what you sow?

There are no innocents in this world who are sinless, and who do not owe their present and future life to the Creator.
If you came upon a den of rattle snakes, would you spare the babies?

My daughter can be sold as a sex slave?

Really? When did that happen?

I can't wear cotton and silk together?

There is no explanation as to why there was to be no blending of materials, but since it was a law, it was something God required for reasons unspecified.
Just because you don't know why, doesn't make the law invalid. No one knew about bacteria in ancient times, but God's laws regarding hygiene kept Israel relatively free of communicable diseases. No other nation buried their excrement and practiced quarantining.

When conquering another group of people, kill them all...including children?

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Parents often raise children as wicked as themselves. The days of Noah proved that, as did the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. No child was spared in either case. And no life is lost that God cannot restore if he chooses to do so.

That's not God talking...that's people with an agenda talking.

You don't know God very well, do you? With that attitude, you won't be winning any Brownie points with him.


Well-Known Member
I am sorry if I offended you, but can you please explain why it is that the tetragrammaton was used freely and with reverence by the writers of the Hebrew scriptures, and yet this superstition? tradition? (what would you call it?) implemented by men, after those scriptures were written, removed the divine name from Jewish lips and eventually from their God's written word?
Moses used it, over 400 times in Exodus and over 500 times in Deuteronomy. King David did not refrain from using the tetragrammaton, and in the Psalms alone it appears 780 times.
When and why did the precious name of the "Most High" (Psalm 83:18) become unutterable?.....and where will I find God's command to stop using it?

Why are vowels offensive to Jews so that they cannot even write "God" without leaving out the vowel?

I would like an explanation 'from the horse's mouth' for this because it makes no sense to me.

My pre-conceived notions come from Ezekiel's clear reference to satan as the covering cherub in the garden of Eden....he was comparing the King of Tyre to that first rebel.

The torah was given as a perfect law to very imperfect people. Those who cannot keep it "deserve" nothing.
Where will I find it written in scripture that "the adversary" was appointed by God to test anyone?

So Thesatan had to be told not to kill the most righteous man in existence? To whom was the adversary providing this proof of Job's integrity.....to a God who reads hearts and knows our inmost thoughts? (1 Samuel 16:7-8)

Do you think there might have been a reason why Jesus chose uneducated men to proclaim his kingdom? He said that the teachings of the Pharisees was "leaven"....corrupt.

I am a Christian, not a member of any of Christendom's churches. We don't have many Jewish people where I live, so I appreciate it when I can hear statements of belief from those who hold them.

You think God approves of those systems of worship?

What Messiah will arrive in the future who fulfills the Messianic prophesies more fully than Jesus did?

On a side note, the cerebrum does cover the brain in which many Satan's are sitting on their own throne as their own adversary or own worst enemy in the garden of their brains.


Jesus in me
"According to my mythology, bad things happen to people who don't take my mythology seriously."

Doesn't really hold much weight for peoe who don't already take your mythology seriously.

I don't have a mythology but I do have a reality. These days God doesn't usually announce that you are being judged and you might wonder why that bad stuff is happening and attribute it to bad luck. I suppose ignorance is bliss.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I don't have a mythology but I do have a reality. These days God doesn't usually announce that you are being judged and you might wonder why that bad stuff is happening and attribute it to bad luck. I suppose ignorance is bliss.
Way to blame the unfortunate. Very Christ-like.


Jesus in me
Yes and through that belief, you believe you hear god, and of course he is saying the very things you believe in, just as a Hindu or whatever other religion, the people of that belief will hear what they believe god to say's............and of course each one believing their voice that they hear is from the true god, their god.

I believe you are quite incorrect. I never in my wildest dreams ever thought the thing prophesied would ever happen but it did.
I believe if God is consistent with the Bible it shows that He is the one who inspired it. When He contradicts things from other scriptures it shows He did not have a hand in it but men wrote their own thoughts.