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God Is Not A Christian

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
You don't know God very well, do you? With that attitude, you won't be winning any Brownie points with him.

On the contrary, I know God very well...but it's not the diabolical, sadistic, male chauvinistic, egotistical, murdering a**hole that is portrayed in the OT.


Active Member
Because I like to ask? could be nonreligious? what is a religious atheist ?

~;> we believed that we have a very reasonable intention
why we asked this question
coz god knows how we love science
especially true science

as there is also a thing that was known as
the study of subjects that are outside the scope of traditional science because they cannot be explained by accepted scientific theory or tested...

hope you get the idea now ;)


unto all always


Well-Known Member
~;> we believed that we have a very reasonable intention
why we asked this question
coz god knows how we love science
especially true science

as there is also a thing that was known as
the study of subjects that are outside the scope of traditional science because they cannot be explained by accepted scientific theory or tested...

hope you get the idea now ;)


unto all always
I do actually believe God knows who He is. He's not one to disbelieve who He is. Perfect does sound about right.
even if something like religion or non religion no belief or science comes up....


Jesus in me
Way to blame the unfortunate. Very Christ-like.

I believe you are trying to say that my statement was that all misfortune comes from God. I believe there Is a lot of misfortune that comes because other people do evil. However sometimes those perpetrating evil are performing God's judgement of those who do evil.

I don't believe you would know what is and isn't Christ-like.


Active Member
I do actually believe God knows who He is. He's not one to disbelieve who He is. Perfect does sound about right.
even if something like religion or non religion no belief or science comes up....

~;> indeed
as we believed also

as they say
You whose clothing is warm,
when the earth is still by reason of the south wind?
Can you, with him, spread out the sky,
which is strong as a cast metal mirror?
Teach us what we shall tell him,
for we can't make our case by reason of darkness.

. ... just for a thought
if we may say so ... .


unto all always


Veteran Member
I believe you are quite incorrect. I never in my wildest dreams ever thought the thing prophesied would ever happen but it did.
I believe if God is consistent with the Bible it shows that He is the one who inspired it. When He contradicts things from other scriptures it shows He did not have a hand in it but men wrote their own thoughts.
Man wrote the bible, and man made it all fit together, they may have believed they were lead by god, just like you, but who knows, there has never been any proof.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
On the contrary, I know God very well...but it's not the diabolical, sadistic, male chauvinistic, egotistical, murdering a**hole that is portrayed in the OT.
If you knew God very well you would know that he is offended by the kind of speech you just used here. I don't think you know him at all....you have apparently created your own version of him. Its OK, he will let you believe whatever you wish. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)
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Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
If you knew God very well you would know that he is offended by the kind of speech you just used here. You don't think you know him at all....you have apparently created your own version of him. Its OK, he will let you believe whatever you wish. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)

I don't think the omnipotent creator of the universe, who can, with a single thought, design worlds and create life, would really get bent out of shape over what some mere mortal on a tiny spec of a planet, says. If God did not want us to express our thoughts and opinions, then God would not have given us the capabilities to do so.

Besides, God already knows that all holy books are man made. There's nothing to get upset about.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
I don't think the omnipotent creator of the universe, who can, with a single thought, design worlds and create life, would really get bent out of shape over what some mere mortal on a tiny spec of a planet, says. If God did not want us to express our thoughts and opinions, then God would not have given us the capabilities to do so.

Besides, God already knows that all holy books are man made. There's nothing to get upset about.

If you say so.....:D


Jesus in me
If you knew God very well you would know that he is offended by the kind of speech you just used here. I don't think you know him at all....you have apparently created your own version of him. Its OK, he will let you believe whatever you wish. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)

I believe He will and then send him to hell for it.


Jesus in me
I don't think the omnipotent creator of the universe, who can, with a single thought, design worlds and create life, would really get bent out of shape over what some mere mortal on a tiny spec of a planet, says. If God did not want us to express our thoughts and opinions, then God would not have given us the capabilities to do so.

Besides, God already knows that all holy books are man made. There's nothing to get upset about.

I believe that view assumes that God is not personally interested in you but that is not the case. Evidently God does not view His eminence as an obstruction.

I believe God created us to be good and He expects that of us. This argument is no better than the idea that marijuana ought to be smoked because it grows naturally. Maybe a person should think he should eat poison mushrooms just because they grow naturally or play with poisonous snakes because they are a creation after all.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I believe that view assumes that God is not personally interested in you but that is not the case. Evidently God does not view His eminence as an obstruction.

I believe God created us to be good and He expects that of us. This argument is no better than the idea that marijuana ought to be smoked because it grows naturally. Maybe a person should think he should eat poison mushrooms just because they grow naturally or play with poisonous snakes because they are a creation after all.
Most of the people I know of who play with poisonous snakes were inspired to do it by the Bible.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Most of the people I know of who play with poisonous snakes were inspired to do it by the Bible.

Snake handlers base their actions on Mark 16:17, 18. Those verses include the words: “With their hands they will pick up serpents.” The King James Version and other older translations present those verses as if they were part of the original text. The New Revised Standard Version, The New American Standard Bible, and The New King James Version note that those verses do not appear in most of the oldest manuscripts of Mark’s Gospel.

The teachings of the Bible do not support the idea that snake handling is an acceptable feature of true worship.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Snake handlers base their actions on Mark 16:17, 18. Those verses include the words: “With their hands they will pick up serpents.” The King James Version and other older translations present those verses as if they were part of the original text. The New Revised Standard Version, The New American Standard Bible, and The New King James Version note that those verses do not appear in most of the oldest manuscripts of Mark’s Gospel.

The teachings of the Bible do not support the idea that snake handling is an acceptable feature of true worship.
Luke 10:19 Look! I have given you the authority to trample underfoot serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy,+ and nothing at all will harm you. New World Translation


Don't be serious. Seriously

How many of you have Children? (rhetorical). How many of you have a loved one? And I mean someone you truly love.

Imagine if you will leaving for a business trip that you'll be gone on for several years. Now, you have 6 children. Before you leave they ask why they can do upon your return. You give them simple instructions; plant me a garden. Those are the only instructions you leave.

After your departure, they each select a plot of land and begin sowing their seeds.

The first to sow plants roses, because he believes you love roses. The second child looks over and says "What are you stupid? Dad freaking hates roses! He likes daisy's you moron!"

Before long, all the children are now bickering over what kind of flowers Dad likes. One jumps in and mentions your instructions and flowers weren't even part of it. They plant tomatoes and pumpkins. The bickering becomes so heated that a few now started to erect walls to clearly define their own portion of the soil.

So, your business concludes and you return home. You give them each a big hug, telling them how much you've missed them and are excited to see what they've planted.

Now let's say you do hate roses. Are you going to shoot that child? Would you degrade them? Or would you praise them because they tried to do as you asked? I believe the only scenario in which a loving father could be upset is if there were only five plots of land because the sixth child gives you an excuse that they did not know what to plant and didn't want to offend you. Even then, you're not going to sentence your child to torture are you?

In all religions that I've encountered and attempted to know, there seems to be a common theme at the heart of their teaching. This is not common in those who claim to be their disciples... humans have a tendency to mess things up. The teaching though, is pretty common in that unconditional love is a quality of [It], [God], [Creator], whatever you wish to name this force.

Having children of my own, I can't imagine them doing anything that would cause me to stop loving them. If there is a God that has less compassion than me, then It is not worth serving as It's creation has become greater than It. Therefore not Godlike. This stands to reason then that it's not our individual actions that will be weighed, but our effort to follow the core teachings that I feel span all religions.

Is God a Christian? How can God be bound to something man-made? That's like saying "Dad loves roses you idiot!" in the example above, where none of the children have the knowledge of what their father really wanted them to plant... he simply asked for a garden. It was the children who started bickering and defining what their father wanted, not the reverse.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Luke 10:19 Look! I have given you the authority to trample underfoot serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy,+ and nothing at all will harm you. New World Translation

Typical comment of the troll...scripture taken out of context to mislead.

Ezekiel 2:6:
“But you, son of man, do not be afraid of them, and do not be afraid of their words, although you are surrounded by briars and thorns and are dwelling among scorpions. Do not be afraid of their words, and do not be terrified by their faces, for they are a rebellious house"

Was Ezekiel dwelling among literal briars and scorpions?

The preaching by the 70 sent out by Jesus to preach after the Passover of 32 C.E, was successful. Soon the 35 teams of Kingdom preachers begin returning to Jesus. “Lord, even the demons are made subject to us by the use of your name.” Jesus, responds: I began to behold Satan already fallen like lightning from heaven. Look! I have given you the authority to trample underfoot serpents and scorpions.

It is in a symbolic sense that the 70 are given authority to trample serpents and scorpions...not literally.

Nowhere did Jesus ever advocate the handling of snakes as a proof of God's spirit or approval.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Typical comment of the troll...scripture taken out of context to mislead.

Ezekiel 2:6:
“But you, son of man, do not be afraid of them, and do not be afraid of their words, although you are surrounded by briars and thorns and are dwelling among scorpions. Do not be afraid of their words, and do not be terrified by their faces, for they are a rebellious house"

Was Ezekiel dwelling among literal briars and scorpions?

The preaching by the 70 sent out by Jesus to preach after the Passover of 32 C.E, was successful. Soon the 35 teams of Kingdom preachers begin returning to Jesus. “Lord, even the demons are made subject to us by the use of your name.” Jesus, responds: I began to behold Satan already fallen like lightning from heaven. Look! I have given you the authority to trample underfoot serpents and scorpions.

It is in a symbolic sense that the 70 are given authority to trample serpents and scorpions...not literally.

Nowhere did Jesus ever advocate the handling of snakes as a proof of God's spirit or approval.
Actually, I wasn't commenting on this:
"The teachings of the Bible do not support the idea that snake handling is an acceptable feature of true worship.", but on this; " The New Revised Standard Version, The New American Standard Bible, and The New King James Version note that those verses do not appear in most of the oldest manuscripts of Mark’s Gospel." Maybe if you were paying attention, you would realize that.

Snake handlers base their actions on Mark 16:17, 18. Those verses include the words: “With their hands they will pick up serpents.” The King James Version and other older translations present those verses as if they were part of the original text. The New Revised Standard Version, The New American Standard Bible, and The New King James Version note that those verses do not appear in most of the oldest manuscripts of Mark’s Gospel.

The teachings of the Bible do not support the idea that snake handling is an acceptable feature of true worship.