Piggybacking on my question to you, which god....
God? Anything supernatural. Like you imagine gods would be.
Im not familiar with supernatural gods; so, I'll guess based on what I see on RF.
God is a cultural and psychological idea, for lack of better words, made "alive" by interaction, say experience its energy, prayer, meditation, and so forth. Its not an alien experience; so, no god religion has claims on the real god experience. Its seen as supernatural because many people cant explain it. You would
need to know their culture, their history, their language, and have a sense of self needing or wanting to have connection to life and gratitude of it, to experience god.
Since it cant be explained by believers, Im not sure exactly what god you speak of. If they cant describe it, then who or what are you talking about?
Real? It exists. Simple. Or has existed. Maybe God died? Or, at least, one of them.
What does that mean? Whats
What is god?
Prove? Sorry to be rude here, but since there simply isn't any, this is going to be a hard thing to answer to. The only proof is 'suggestions' or 'points' people can provide. Yeah, there's a bible and all that. But it's more of a story book than anything, rather than a, y'know, basis for a religion. Maybe someone got really creative with a fantasy world of theirs, wrote it, gained a cult following and bam, people think it's real and now there's a religion.
Biblical god?
God exists. The bible just explains its god particular existence, its nature, and so forth. Many religions have their culture that define their gods. You really have to get to know their culture, language, and look beyond proof and experience life and gratitude itself. Open your mind.
Dont know about fantasy, unless you are saying gods believers experiences are figments of their imaginations.
Now, I don't know that. But it's a possibility. There's also a billion other possibilities. And one of them is that a god indeed does exist. ...And to put this into perspective, it's also just as likely that a sheep happened to write the bible by stumbling near ink and paper. And that a time traveler exists and made that book then. Those are *possibilities*, mind you.
Oh. In your OP, you got to put the biblical god. Many of us arent all familiar with the biblical god. Some have not read the bible and others never even been around christianity and judaism to form an opinion.
How would you define the biblical god yourself?