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God/Jesus sinned. Genocide is a sin of high order.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
I agree with you. I dont post for the sake of greatest I am, which i have long before figured to be a troll, i post for the sake of other who reads his/her drivel.


If asking questions that make sheeple think of some of the stupidities in scripture is trolling then thanks for the compliment.
If wondering why sheeple follow a killing/loving god is trolling then where is my bait box.
I believe in God but to have Fundamentals turn Him into a genocidal fit throwing maniac is just not right. This is how all Religionists are hurt by fundamental fools.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
That's not really the position you were arguing though, was it? And I think the question of whether God has the right to do with a spirit whatever He wants is very much the issue of this thread. So far, it seems to me that the matter is far from settled.[/quote]

Can we as faulty beings judge a perfect father's actions? suffering and learning go hand in hand, also s enjoyment.

If we think of these bodies we inhabit as temporary instruments then it is not so bad after all, but the idea would be to use the will to get free of the temporary arrangement and remain in our permanent state.[/quote]

How do we know which God to follow if we do not judge them?

Which is better, a God that uses genocide against man or one that is bright enough to set up a system where he does not have to?

If we do not judge the Christian God then how can we know which of the many Christian denominations are the best?


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
God is the creator of all spirits. Therefore the matter is settled for me. Perhaps you need to settle the matter of whether god exists first? Before you also make him out to be a genocidal murderer.

Deuteronomy 32:4
He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.

Perfect spirits do not need killing.

Do you believe scripture?


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
I agree Eddy... it's truly a matter of perspective. If this is your ONLY chance at life, then death looks cruel. Yet without death, there can be no evolution and no us.

People want to know why death is so painful. It's a bio-feedback for us so we don't go there any sooner than we have to.

Try looking from the perspective of the millions of babies and children looking up from below the waters.



1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
God is the creator of all spirits. Therefore the matter is settled for me.
Yes, I know the standard line: we're all just pots, He's the potter and He can make us how He pleases... still, how do you think it reflects on a potter when he has to throw out an entire studio full of work because it wasn't good enough?

Perhaps you need to settle the matter of whether god exists first? Before you also make him out to be a genocidal murderer.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." - Aristotle

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Try looking from the perspective of the millions of babies and children looking up from below the waters.
Sure... they have passed on to the next existence. Either they, or their parents did not have the skills to survive on this planet. Life moves on and the species is ultimately stronger. A little chlorine in the gene pool is a good thing. Are you against evolution? Change is rarely easy and quite often painful.

Pain and death are only the end all if you can't accept a spiritual existence.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Are you against evolution? Change is rarely easy and quite often painful.
I hope you're not suggesting that acknowledging that evolution is true suggests some sort of moral imperitive.

Sure, it means that there's factual implications for things that we need to consider, but evolution no more tells us that death is morally good than meterology tells us that rooves are evil.


Miss Independent
Not much if he can drown millions of us.

Genocide is moot. Tell the Jews that.
If you can sit back and let your God kill humans then keep him. Mine loves us. Killing is a sign of hate. Moot to you but important to a soul.


Your god is telling you to make mine look like a genocidal maniac. Give him my regards and tell him....he needs to get to know my god who sent his son to save the world. To give them a fresh start. That fresh start has been growing rather old.

I think its about time we 'judge' your god. Would you mind if we put your god under the microscope? You did say...over and over again...that all gods should be judged. Like we are above our gods to judge them. And if you are above your god, standing in judgement of him, then you are its god and not the other way around. You have set yourself above my god, thinking that you can judge him. You have therefore replaced god with yourself.

You are therefore 'the greatest I am'.

You never tell us much about YOUR god. Why? Are you protecting him? Why? Could it be because your god is you?



Miss Independent
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." - Aristotle

Aristotle also thought that crocodiles were made from dead logs at the bottom of a river...is that what you call EDUCATED?

Isnt this why you struggle so much with the concept of god? Because you have made your intellectual fathers people who were not too intellectual after all.



Helper of Ahura Mazda
In the Zoroastrian religion there are two main deities. they are Ahura Mazda, the good God. and then there is Ahriman, the evil spirit. Ahura Mazda and Ahriman counteract each other. one created life, the other created death. one created pleasure, the other created pain. so dont blame genocide on the good God (Ahura Mazda), blame it on the evil spirit (Ahriman, the Devil, etc.)

this is the view from zoroastrianism.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Sure... they have passed on to the next existence. Either they, or their parents did not have the skills to survive on this planet. Life moves on and the species is ultimately stronger. A little chlorine in the gene pool is a good thing. Are you against evolution? Change is rarely easy and quite often painful.

Pain and death are only the end all if you can't accept a spiritual existence.

You mean a little bit of water in a pure chlorine bath don't you?

I see this issue as a matter of respect for God's ability to reap a good crop.

He plants millions of souls and can only reap 8. Quite the farmer eh?

Perhaps he would be a better fisherman than farmer.

How long would you keep your job if 99.999 of your perfect works had to be destroyed?

How do you measure competence?


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Your god is telling you to make mine look like a genocidal maniac.

It is not my God that made yours use genocide so don't shift the blame for your god's actions.

Give him my regards and tell him....he needs to get to know my god who sent his son to save the world. To give them a fresh start. That fresh start has been growing rather old.

It is not my God that made yours screw up creation and cause the need for a reboot.

Mine lives in a perfect situation at all times and does not have to be embarrased of His work and reboot.

I think its about time we 'judge' your god. Would you mind if we put your god under the microscope? You did say...over and over again...that all gods should be judged. Like we are above our gods to judge them. And if you are above your god, standing in judgement of him, then you are its god and not the other way around. You have set yourself above my god, thinking that you can judge him. You have therefore replaced god with yourself.

Happy to compare at any time on any issue.

Tell us, how do you know you follow the rules properly if you have not judged the intent of your god's laws and rules?

You are therefore 'the greatest I am'.

You never tell us much about YOUR god. Why? Are you protecting him? Why? Could it be because your god is you?


What question would you ask of my God?
I will see if I can relay his truth properly for you.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Only by perverting the meaning of the word genocide can an argument be made that God commits it.

What would you call killing all but 8 of any species?

Remember that you are talking of God's perfect works.

Deuteronomy 32:4
He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.

Why kill perfect works?


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
In the Zoroastrian religion there are two main deities. they are Ahura Mazda, the good God. and then there is Ahriman, the evil spirit. Ahura Mazda and Ahriman counteract each other. one created life, the other created death. one created pleasure, the other created pain. so dont blame genocide on the good God (Ahura Mazda), blame it on the evil spirit (Ahriman, the Devil, etc.)

this is the view from zoroastrianism.

Which is more powerful?

The usual definition of God says that no one is stronger.


Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
He plants millions of souls and can only reap 8. Quite the farmer eh?
Again, you are holding God responsible for an event, told by humans passed down for many generations VERBALLY before it was ever written down? They don't even know how big the world is and you are taking them as expert witnesses? Go ahead and try to convict a really GUILTY person on hearsay. You don't have a case here at all. I am vastly underwhelmed.

But then, this is just a continued troll for you, isn't it? A chance to poke God and his followers in the eye. You have yet to succeed and you want to talk about incompetence? However, you might want to seek professional help in dealing with your anger issues over someone you consider to be mythical. Kinda like watching Abbot and Costello's "Who's on First" routine, but you don't really get the joke.
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1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Aristotle also thought that crocodiles were made from dead logs at the bottom of a river...is that what you call EDUCATED?

Isnt this why you struggle so much with the concept of god? Because you have made your intellectual fathers people who were not too intellectual after all.
Ad hominem.

If you don't like Aristotle, maybe you'll like this better: I do not necessarily have to accept a premise as true to discuss what the implications of it being true would be.

Now... do you have anything to say in response to the points I gave you in my last few posts? In this one, I gave some objections to your line of argument; in this one, I pointed out that the depiction of God in the Bible can be seen as a negative reflection of His skills as a Creator God. If you're just interested in finding something to argue about, then I don't see anything wrong with your current tactics, but if you're actually interested in explaining or defending your position, I'd say it's strange that you've replied to my posts without addressing the real substance of them.

Bingo. Death is not a moral condition. It's part and parcel of our evolution as a species. You can't have one without the other.
Hang on - that's not what I said. I said that evolution doesn't impose answers on us to moral questions. That doesn't mean that there are no moral implications to death at all.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Again, you are holding God responsible for an event, told by humans passed down for many generations VERBALLY before it was ever written down? They don't even know how big the world is and you are taking them as expert witnesses? Go ahead and try to convict a really GUILTY person on hearsay. You don't have a case here at all. I am vastly underwhelmed.

But then, this is just a continued troll for you, isn't it? A chance to poke God and his followers in the eye. You have yet to succeed and you want to talk about incompetence? However, you might want to seek professional help in dealing with your anger issues over someone you consider to be mythical. Kinda like watching Abbot and Costello's "Who's on First" routine, but you don't really get the joke.

I have no anger. I have disappointment in those that believe myths or believe that a God would actually use genocide.

Any that do follow the genocidal maniac shown in scripture do deserve a poke. Not in the eye but in the mind.

To think that God would set things up for him to wear that label is just plain dumb.


Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
I have no anger. I have disappointment in those that believe myths or believe that a God would actually use genocide.
Your comments are dripping with condescension. Your disappointment should be in yourself and your inability to exhibit any shred of tolerance.
Any that do follow the genocidal maniac shown in scripture do deserve a poke. Not in the eye but in the mind.
You mean the maniac you claim doesn't exist? My, my it certainly appears you are angry over nothing.
To think that God would set things up for him to wear that label is just plain dumb.
But, isn't that precisely what you are claiming? Much of what people write is not consistent with the God of Love. Perhaps he's simply gotten a bad rep from those who only think that they know him.