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God rejects homosexuals...this is a fact

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Improperly Undefined
An amazing view on TV was to watch the US beauty contest where the California representative said with few words God's position about homosexuality which is against the millions of words of Christian preachers arguing that God "loves" homosexuals.

The girl is Right and the several preachers who say the contrary of her words are priests of Satan, because God rejects homosexuals.

It is clear in the Bible that homosexuals were ruling the city of Sodom. Note that in the biblical narration the homosexuals were in control of the city to the point of enjoying the freedom of demonstrating their homosexual desires plus trying to impose them with the attempt to rape the angels of God who stayed on Lot's house!

Such a "freedom" of the homosexuals is becoming also popular in today's society, to the point that to be against such a desire makes you to be known as a "bigot".

Well, if to be against homosexuality makes me a "bigot", then MY GOD IS A BIGOT AS WELL AND I STAND WITH MY GOD.

In the Old Testament God has expressed clearly that having homosexual encounters deserve the death penalty, and God calls homosexuals as "dogs". It is also clear that in the New Testament homosexuality is rejected by the new Christian assemblies having the apostle Shaul asking homosexuals to stop such a wrong choice.

To put more clear how homosexuality is a "no no" by all means, we can read in the book of Revelation that Jesus clearly states that no fornicators, no liars, no "dogs" (read homosexuals) will enter to the new city of God.

I have the feeling that a believer in God who thinks that God loves homosexuals has been deceived by false preachers of God, because God is clear about this issue: No homosexual fits in the plan of salvation.

In order to fit in the salvation plan, the sinner must repent first, and to repent means to stop the wrongdoings and not doing them anymore. This mneans that while homosexuals keep doing their wrong sexual desires, they still are out of God's will, and the families or friends who "support" homosexual family members or friends are also part of the wrongdoings.

A true believer must take one side about this issue: or you are with God or you are against God.

I stand with what God has said and no human rights, human philosophy, and or human theories can overcome what God has said.

And, this is what FAITH is about: to stand with God regardless the opinions of humans challenging His words.

My regards.

You are the reason why Atheists hate religion. Shame on you for hating your fellow man.

I notice you reference the Old Tesament when you say homosexuality is wrong. Well it clearly states, in the same sentence, that eating shellfish is equally as bad as homosexuality, and it says that if a woman is menstrating, she should be sent out of the village until it stops.

I hope you haven't ever eaten any shrimp in your life. Because if you have, you'll be spending eternity in hell.



Well-Known Member
You are the reason why Atheists hate religion. Shame on you for hating your fellow man.

I notice you reference the Old Tesament when you say homosexuality is wrong. Well it clearly states, in the same sentance, that eating shellfish is equally as bad as homosexuality, and it says that if a woman is menstrating, she should be sent out of the village until it stops.

I hope you haven't ever eaten any shrimp in your life. Because if you have, you'll be spending eternity in hell.

Sent to hell for your shellfish desires.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
The bible tells you how to treat your slaves, how to mark them as your own by driving a spike through their ear, and not to beat your slaves too severely so that their not able to continue working for you.
I love it when people fight ignorance with the most pathetic ignorance.
Huh?!?! Did I miss a post?
I have little desire to waste much time with this self-serving garbage, but briefly ...
The text ...
Exodus 21:5-6 But if the slave declares, "I love my master, and my wife and children: I do not wish to go free," his master shall take him before God. He shall be brought to the door or the doorpost, and his master shall pierce his ear with an awl; and he shall then remain his slave for life.
To reframe this as "mark them as your own by driving a stake through their ear" is little more than dishonest hyperbole.​

Christian Pilgrim

Active Member
I like gays and lesbians and transexuals/transvestites,as the world would be a drabber place without 'em, in fact i think God showed his sense of humour by putting them in the world to send stuffy fundie xtians bananas :)
The Bible lists a whole lot of no-no's besides homosexuality, for example it lists simple drunkenness as a sin, yet why is it fundies seem obsessed with hassling only gays?
Some so-called christians are in very unchristian jobs, for example even working in an ordinary newsagents or convenience store means they'll be handling and selling porn mags and videos among other things.
No wonder Jesus said- "look at yourself before you even think of trying to hassle others"(Matt 7:5)

Gays lesbians and trannies are no better or worse than anybody else and will have to take their chances on Judgement Day along with the rest of us..

Hey brother,

I think when we explore these issues, Christ and Him crucified and the gospel of Grace must be central and centered in our thoughts. I was just reading about the views of some of the southern Christian Churches who tried to use the Scriptures to justify the evil oppression of Africian people through slavery prior to the Civil War as well as after the Civil War. Or course, there were churches in the North and South who opposed this incorrect interpretation of Scripture, because they understood the central theme of Scripture as being Christ and Him crucified for sinners, and the gospel of God's grace. Just like American slavery, many sincere and godly Christian men and women have unbiblical evil views in regards to homosexuality. All sex outside of marriage is sin. There is so much heterosexual sin in the professing church, that I can't imagine why some in the church persecute homosexuals as it was sinful to be born homosexual. This is an evil view which Christians must repent of. Being straight, lesbian, or gay has nothing do to with loving the Lord Jesus Christ.

GayChristian.Net: The Gay Christian Network

The gospel of God's grace applied to whomever believes.. removes all chances on being condemned on judgment day. For all who have placed their complete faith and trust in the Biblical Christ alone will not be judged, since their sins were paid for 2,000 years ago. God will never require a double payment for sins, because that would make God to be immoral and evil. And we know that it is impossible for God to do something immoral or evil.


Well-Known Member
I have little desire to waste much time with this self-serving garbage, but briefly ...
The text ...
Exodus 21:5-6 But if the slave declares, "I love my master, and my wife and children: I do not wish to go free," his master shall take him before God. He shall be brought to the door or the doorpost, and his master shall pierce his ear with an awl; and he shall then remain his slave for life.
To reframe this as "mark them as your own by driving a stake through their ear" is little more than dishonest hyperbole.​

You actually just proved my point, whats an awl jayhawker? It's essentially a spike to pierce or mark things.



Please be civil and refrain from personal comments.



..Actually I will be on vacation during the Judgment Day festivities..

Pity, you'll miss the show, i'll certainly make sure my camcorder is charged up -
Jesus said-"The sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light;
the stars will fall from the sky,
and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.
At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory"-Mark 13:24-26


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Homosexuality can be forgiven. It is not the unforgivable sin. God only rejects people that reject Him first, regardless of who they are. As long as a person has enough love for God to say they are sorry, they are forgiven. For you (the OP) to say that homosexuality cannot be forgiven at all is to go against everything Jesus taught therefore you are denying Him yourself.


Well-Known Member
Well, if to be against homosexuality makes me a "bigot", then MY GOD IS A BIGOT AS WELL AND I STAND WITH MY GOD.

Which is why I`d stand against your god even and especially if he existed.

Point is though, it matters not a bit what any gods think as they have no voice in the legislation of my country.



The Truth Lies Within
Which is why I`d stand against your god even and especially if he existed.

Point is though, it matters not a bit what any gods think as they have no voice in the legislation of my country.


don't they? gay marriage is still illegal in most all states.

this is only because or religion/god.

I thought state and religion were supposed to be separate?


The Truth Lies Within
Actually I will be on vacation during the Judgment Day festivities. Frankly, I don't have time for a god that is so incredibly petty.

Me neither, he seems to concerned about Gays when an illegal war in Iraq is taking place with over 100k dead soliders and civilians. Not to mention this war is heavily supported by the Christian community for some strange reason.

Christian Pilgrim

Active Member
Homosexuality can be forgiven. It is not the unforgivable sin. God only rejects people that reject Him first, regardless of who they are. As long as a person has enough love for God to say they are sorry, they are forgiven. For you (the OP) to say that homosexuality cannot be forgiven at all is to go against everything Jesus taught therefore you are denying Him yourself.

Please help me understand your view on homosexuality again? I believe you wrote that you are not legally married through civil law, or the church... but you are not sinning because you are commited to sleeping with one woman, correct? If you are going to justify sleeping around prior to marriage, you might as well sleep with multiple women. Maybe you should change your rules a bit. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
don't they? gay marriage is still illegal in most all states.

No they don`t.

Gay marriage is a right that only recently has become recognized as such.
The fight is over popular perception (based on religion) of what is "right" and "wrong"
Once the arguments have been made and language aligned with our constitutional body this popular perception will fall just as all religious based dogma has fallen in modern times.

The system used is long and cumbersome but the benefit of such a system is that once it`s done, it`s done.

It`s final.

There will be no legislative argument against it.

Those fighting for the religious status quo are fighting a losing battle.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Please help me understand your view on homosexuality again? I believe you wrote that you are not legally married through civil law, or the church... but you are not sinning because you are commited to sleeping with one woman, correct? If you are going to justify sleeping around prior to marriage, you might as well sleep with multiple women. Maybe you should change your rules a bit. :rolleyes:

What this has to do with Homosexuality I have no idea but....

I do not sleep around with multiple women as a general rule. Only had like 2 one night stands in my whole life. Yeah I slip up time to time. No biggie. Usually I do not sleep with someone unless I think there is a good possibility that the relationship could turn into a lifetime commitment.


Well-Known Member
What this has to do with Homosexuality I have no idea but....

I do not sleep around with multiple women as a general rule. Only had like 2 one night stands in my whole life. Yeah I slip up time to time. No biggie. Usually I do not sleep with someone unless I think there is a good possibility that the relationship could turn into a lifetime commitment.

So it's all right to sin when it's convenient. No biggie.
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