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Gods You'd Never Worship


Deities are named by their followers, and "God" has been the English name for the Abrahamic Deity for over a thousand years, unchanged from Anglo-Saxon.

That's not going to change any time soon.

Actually, most Abrahamics refer to their god in this way due to 2 factors: 1) they are completely ignorant of this god's name 2) Pronunciation of this god's actual name was not allowed, so they used descriptive terms such as "Adonai", etc.
This particular deity was named by it's followers, but the four-letter name is never used unless other letters are added, making a new hybrid name that means something different (i.e. "Jehovah" is not this god's name either). Look it up!


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Actually, most Abrahamics refer to their god in this way due to 2 factors: 1) they are completely ignorant of this god's name 2) Pronunciation of this god's actual name was not allowed, so they used descriptive terms such as "Adonai", etc.
This particular deity was named by it's followers, but the four-letter name is never used unless other letters are added, making a new hybrid name that means something different (i.e. "Jehovah" is not this god's name either). Look it up!

I already know about the Tetragrammaton YHWH. I'm aware of all of this.

However, this God's followers have spread beyond Israel, and when this happens, names change. Odin, for example, has several variations to his name (Wotan in German, Woden in English, etc), and his original name was probably Wodanez.

The word "God" likely has its roots in a word that meant "that which is invoked." By naming this deity that, the Priests solidified his status as Supreme, i.e., the only Deity worth invoking.


Rolling Marble
- the 'Old Man in Heaven'' archetype (Jahwe, Allah) who sits on his throne and keeps a record of your good & bad deeds like an accountant to send you eighter to heaven or hell after your death
- any diety that wants/accepts human sacrifice


Well-Known Member
- the 'Old Man in Heaven'' archetype (Jahwe, Allah) who sits on his throne and keeps a record of your good & bad deeds like an accountant to send you eighter to heaven or hell after your death
- any diety that wants/accepts human sacrifice

Just a quick thingy.. Allah(swt) is never described as a human or anything we can imagine.

And i agree on your second one.


Irrational Rationalist. Educated Fool.
Human cultures have come up with all sorts of god-concepts throughout history that represent (or are) aspects of reality. For a moment, entertain the idea that all of these god-concepts of the world's culture and religions are true (in an ideological sense if nothing else). Of these god-concepts, which top the list of ones you would never consider paying respect to? Put another way, what are the aspects of reality that you dislike or disdain? Does the idea of honoring war make your pacifistic heart wrench in your chest? What about paying homage to a personification of chaos and disorder? Perhaps the hearth and home is too boring for your adventurous soul?

This one is easy. The god of the old testament.

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
Cthulhu, or any of the elder Gods.



Eternal student
Ooooooooohhh, a lot of them!
-The Abrahamic god;
-Mesopotamian deities (Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian, etc.);
-Semitic deities;
-Meso-American deities (Mayan, Olmec, Aztec) - I HATE bloodthirsty deities!
-LHP "deities";
-Orishas and lwa - animal sacrifices no way Jose!
-Greek and Roman;
-Heathen (Germanic-Scandinavian) deities - too remote and uninterested in humans for my taste!
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Doubting Thomas
Human cultures have come up with all sorts of god-concepts throughout history that represent (or are) aspects of reality. For a moment, entertain the idea that all of these god-concepts of the world's culture and religions are true (in an ideological sense if nothing else). Of these god-concepts, which top the list of ones you would never consider paying respect to? Put another way, what are the aspects of reality that you dislike or disdain? Does the idea of honoring war make your pacifistic heart wrench in your chest? What about paying homage to a personification of chaos and disorder? Perhaps the hearth and home is too boring for your adventurous soul?

Shiva and various manifestations of him like Kali. I felt that way even when I was into eastern religion.


Agnostic Pantheist
Human cultures have come up with all sorts of god-concepts throughout history that represent (or are) aspects of reality. For a moment, entertain the idea that all of these god-concepts of the world's culture and religions are true (in an ideological sense if nothing else). Of these god-concepts, which top the list of ones you would never consider paying respect to? Put another way, what are the aspects of reality that you dislike or disdain? Does the idea of honoring war make your pacifistic heart wrench in your chest? What about paying homage to a personification of chaos and disorder? Perhaps the hearth and home is too boring for your adventurous soul?
I think that the idea of worshiping the gods often embodies the lower and most primitive forms of relationship with them. The gods have their own interests, and once you get more involved in the political ploys and schemes your piety decrease and you begin be more pragmatic in your approach trying to figure out where the chess pieces at the disposal of the gods might move to next and what exactly are the personal desires of each of them. Also I think it is vital to remember that many if not most gods in the ancient world had various of traits, sometimes even opposing traits which could manifest at different times. For example, the goddess of love and fertility that you worship during any normal day could turn into a devouring lioness who executes vengeance on mortals the next day.
One of the sites I'm researching in northern Israel was dedicated to the god Pan, and while Pan is commonly related to nature and the wild, one of the strongest links of the god to the sacred site was that he inspired a military victory by the Seleucid Greeks over the Ptolemies causing panic in the army of the latter.
So, be careful who you worship. Because if we are to believe Greek traditions you are not necessarily going to have their eternal patronage if it doesn't serve their interests.


Visnu/Krishna - I tried it once, but Siva got in the way...not to mention, I cannot just spread my faith around like marmalade.

Ganesh & Murugan - *see above.

I managed to include Devi (Parvati), but that's as far as I can go with this as a Tantrika.

Allah - I cannot see myself wearing the hijab and I am way too outspoken to be a Muslim. If I lived in an Islamic state, I would probably not even be alive now.


Violent gods, especially ones who propose eternal damnation. Or gods who hate a certain group of people.

I generally like my Supreme Divinities to be generally beyond anthromorphisms and human-like qualities, I'm okay with the idea of polytheistic gods exhibiting more human-like characteristics, I guess. A bit anyway.

Strangely, I'm kind of okay with some gods of war, like Indra or Odin. :shrug:
Same here. Here is my God in action:

Veerbhadra The True Avenger - YouTube

It still gives me goosebumps when ever I see it.
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Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
The Abrahamic god
Agriculture deities (I'm not a farmer.)
Hearth and home deities (I hate where I live.)
Authoritarian deities
Strict law-giving deities
Gods that are so abstract that it becomes pointless

I see a lot of hating on the Mesoamerican deities, which is sad because They're some of my favorite Gods. I have a strong interest in the Aztec Death God, Mictlantecuhtli. If that interest keeps going on, I might have to give Him some of my blood because apparently He's calling to me.

I also love Vodoun. It's an amazing religion. I wouldn't mind becoming acquainted with the Loa.


Be your own guru
Of these god-concepts, which top the list of ones you would never consider paying respect to? Put another way, what are the aspects of reality that you dislike or disdain?
An exclusivist God or Goddess, an unfair God or Goddess. A God or Goddess who have chosen people. A God or Goddess who intentionally blinds the people to his/her glory and hardens their hearts, and later delights in sending them to eternal torture houses. :D
.. and what exactly are the personal desires of each of them.
Well, Hindu Gods and Goddesses have no personal desires except that one fulfills his/her 'dharma' (fulfill one's duties and engage in righteous action).
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Be your own guru
Shiva and various manifestations of him like Kali. I felt that way even when I was into eastern religion.
Kali is a Goddess and not a manifestation of Shiva. You did not dig deep into eastern religions. What could Mother Kali do when her children were threatened, except to turn ferocious? Her peaceful form is this - Durga.

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