And there is NO HELP for anyone in this predicament at all. We offer food stamps, and even cell phones to poor people, but no transportation of any kind. In a nation that is completely designed to accommodate vehicles and not pedestrians.
Good point. Also, poor people should only purchase antique cars which can be repaired. There is no point in owning a new car, because it is designed in such a way that you will always need the dealer in order to keep owning it which in my opinion is legal indentured servitude. Unless you can sell it at a loss to someone else who will then need the dealer to keep owning it, unless they can sell it.
There is no transportation help for anyone without transportation unless they are disabled. Disabled people can get some assistance with transportation, but unlucky or stupid people cannot. So don't let your luck run out, and don't be stupid. You will find yourself walking long, long distances through exhaust filled areas. This was orchestrated long ago by the auto industry which lobbied government so that cities which once were full of foot traffic became full of auto lanes. Their lobbying worked, and now its impossible to get around in town except by using cross walks.
I am in favor of adjusting the laws to stop squatting of this kind where someone's house gets stolen. Its only receiving treatment though because of a recent spate of attention on youtube. Youtubers pointed out the problem. Go youtubers.