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Heaven or Hell | The choice is yours

Me Myself

Back to my username
I think the concept of Hell precludes any possibility of pleasure, so while it's a noble sentiment to stick with your friends, I don't think it would bring you or them any sense of satisfaction.

pretty much this.

I can´t imagine myself seriously having fun in hel with anyone.

Though it is much harder to imagine myself enjoying anything in heaven for eternity when I know people are suffering down there.


Well-Known Member
If all bad human feelings are removed, will we still be human? Will we still be ourselves? If not, why does it even matter what we do in this life?

We will still be our own souls, but not the same human form we have in this life

For instance, people who die of old age won't be elderly in Heaven

All will be of a young age

What we do in this life does matter, because before being admitted into Paradise there is the Day of Judgment when all deeds we did in this life will be judged by God

He is a Forgiving God, and He forgives those who repented and repaired the harm they did to others in this life ...

If good deeds outweigh bad deeds, then one would be saved ...


Premium Member
Ok, so this thread was intended to point out the fact that some people try to dictate what Heaven and Hell is and who gets to go, in a light hearted fashion.

I agree that the very idea that any of us has the ability to know the contents of the heart (and a full understanding of another person's life) and God's perspective on the matter is silly. I think it is perfect to treat this subject in a light-hearted way. For me, to make an assumption of Hell for anyone is assuming the authority of God -- to be able to know all that can be known about all that is. :super::D
I do not see an accurate application of Christian theology to justify doing that.

But you bring up a very interesting point here. If all bad human feelings are removed, will we still be human?

I would agree that once we leave this plane, we would have no need to bring the situational concerns and emotional responses to those situations with us into the next phase.

Will we still be ourselves?

I think that we will be more authentically ourselves -- without emotional baggage, and without the false identities and roles that we assume as we move through life.

I see it like...we may feel our connection to each other more fully, because we may not seek to know ourselves by first separating from others and trying to define ourselves in terms of what we are not.

If not, why does it even matter what we do in this life?

I think... because we are Love, and we get to say how our Love shows up in the world. There is quite a responsibility there. You don't get to look on someone else's paper. You have to figure it out for yourself, because your's in like no other's -- that is where your autonomy and authenticity comes from.

I think it is very important to respect that in yourself first, so that you have a basis for respecting it in others.

If the people in Heaven have all their bad feelings removed do the people in Hell have all their good feelings removed?

Well, I don't really believe in a thing like, eternal damnation, but I think that people get to experience the degree of separation from, and denial of Love, that they choose. I would bet that it could be pretty extreme in some cases -- seemingly so far removed as to have the appearance of no connection at all.


Well-Known Member
Lets say you die and find out that there really is a Heaven and a Hell. Lets also say that you're told Hell is full of all your friends and those few family members you actually like while Heaven is full of all those self righteous evangelicals you despise. Now, you're given a choice; Heaven or Hell? Which would you choose? Why?

Hypothetical of course, but I think you are safer in hell.
God is far more violent and temperamental than Satan ever was.

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
Personally, I feel that the concepts of Heaven and Hell were created by man. Reward and punishment are human concepts. If there is a God I doubt seriously that he concerns himself with our petty crimes and such. Another reason it was easy for me to tell the Baptists who insisted I was going to Hell if I didn't do as they said to, well, to go to Hell.


I don't think there will any friends in hell or more accurately the lake of fire or outer darkness. I believe it will be a place filled with those whose only focus has been SELF. And those Selves will each be alone having rejected their Creator and only source of love. It will be a self-inflicted, tormentingly lonely eternity.

My heart aches to think of anyone going there or making jokes about it.


Possessed Bookworm
I don't think there will any friends in hell or more accurately the lake of fire or outer darkness. I believe it will be a place filled with those whose only focus has been SELF. And those Selves will each be alone having rejected their Creator and only source of love. It will be a self-inflicted, tormentingly lonely eternity.

My heart aches to think of anyone going there or making jokes about it.
Would you mind clarifying what you mean exactly by "the only source of love"?


Dr. Greenthumb
Lets say you die and find out that there really is a Heaven and a Hell. Lets also say that you're told Hell is full of all your friends and those few family members you actually like while Heaven is full of all those self righteous evangelicals you despise. Now, you're given a choice; Heaven or Hell? Which would you choose? Why?


Id kick back with fam and friends, light it up and chill :)

St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
Hell of course because I enjoy the hot weather the hotter the better and wouldn't is be bliss to share it amongst your family and friends.


Would you mind clarifying what you mean exactly by "the only source of love"?

By the only source of love I mean that God the Creator of heaven and earth is the sole source where this quality originates. God is love. 1 John 4:16... God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.


Possessed Bookworm
By the only source of love I mean that God the Creator of heaven and earth is the sole source where this quality originates. God is love. 1 John 4:16... God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.
So in your view, humanity is incapable of love without an outer source to provide it? In my opinion people can be very much focused on themselves and still be completely good people. Also I doubt even the maddest psychopath (who isn't even necessarily responsible for his condition) feels no love and all. And if he does, is it really his fault?

Try not to take me too harshly. I think I know what you mean and at some level accept with the basic idea of it, but I still have to disagree with your definition.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I don't think there will any friends in hell or more accurately the lake of fire or outer darkness. I believe it will be a place filled with those whose only focus has been SELF. And those Selves will each be alone having rejected their Creator and only source of love. It will be a self-inflicted, tormentingly lonely eternity.

My heart aches to think of anyone going there or making jokes about it.

Actually, I've observed the opposite psyche demonstrated from those who would choose heaven over an eternity of suffering with their Earthly loved ones.

If I thought one of my children were guilty of anything, and sentenced to life in prison....and not just sequestered, but tortured....and I had the choice of forgetting about them and living like a queen, or joining them just because I
didn't like the law of the land, I'd join them.

Without question.

Living like a queen without my loved ones shows I really do only care about myself.


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Lets say you die and find out that there really is a Heaven and a Hell. Lets also say that you're told Hell is full of all your friends and those few family members you actually like while Heaven is full of all those self righteous evangelicals you despise. Now, you're given a choice; Heaven or Hell? Which would you choose? Why?

I'd need more information. Do I keep my knowledge of loved ones or is it like they never existed. Also what are the living conditions like in both?


So in your view, humanity is incapable of love without an outer source to provide it? In my opinion people can be very much focused on themselves and still be completely good people. Also I doubt even the maddest psychopath (who isn't even necessarily responsible for his condition) feels no love and all. And if he does, is it really his fault?

Try not to take me too harshly. I think I know what you mean and at some level accept with the basic idea of it, but I still have to disagree with your definition.

I don't think you are harsh at all in expressing your disagreement.

My perspective is according to the revelation of scripture which says that humans are made in the image of God. So everyone, even as you say, is capable of showing love to different degrees. What I saying is that the attribute of love and the ability to love was put into each person by God, yet the more one turns from God to SELF which is marred by sin, the more the ability to love diminishes. I believe those who are in hell are those who have totally rejected their Creator, and in reality the person the Creator designed them to be, which includes all the qualities of love, goodness, peace, patience, joy, etc. All these things will be absent for eternity for those who choose to exalt sin and themselves over their Creator and the purpose for which they were created.


Then why are you participating? Humor is how humanity copes, to deny our fun side is to deny our humanity.

Humor is great when appropriate. Yet, I see most people give more serious thought to the clothes, cars, and homes they buy or what college or career they choose. I just think is pretty sad that something as important and permanent as one’s eternal destiny is given such little serious thought and becomes nothing more than a joke.

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
I believe those who are in hell are those who have totally rejected their Creator, and in reality the person the Creator designed them to be, which includes all the qualities of love, goodness, peace, patience, joy, etc.

Are you saying only a Christian can have qualities of love, goodness, peace, patience, joy, etc? Lots of people across the globe reject Christianity and still live lives full of all those qualities. Are they going to Hell just because they refuse to accept Christ as their savior? If Heaven is only for people who believe such a thing then I don't think its a place I would feel comfortable being in.


Possessed Bookworm
Fair enough. I can't think of a single person who would go to hell with that definition, but your logic is acceptable none the less.