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Hell is Hell because...


Well-Known Member
Hell is hell because all men will visit the glory of GOD on Judgment Day. They will make an accounting, and if their name isn't in the LAMB's BOOK of LIFE, will be turned away forever.

The only thing they will take with them is the memory of that spectacular event.

The saved will have all their memories errased and will be new creatures forever in the light of GOD.

The unsaved will have nothing but memories that will never die... "If only," will be their mantra.

You know I have distanced myself from this nonsense long enough, that when it rears its ugly head again , and I see it, it does not even irritate me now, its more like viewing a very sad, morbid influence, that I am free of, but the person pushing it is not. And I feel for that person, because their mind is in a slave mentality with the morbid mendacity of a useless deception. I recall the pathology of some prisioners actually falling in love with their jailer. Christians have fallen in love with the doctrine of hell, they embrace it. Need it, would love for it to happen.

This person who post this, thinks in their mind that they have just preached the gospel. He told us about hell, and in his mind he has " Done his job by condemning others to hell." He broadcast the warning, so he will receive a reward from God for doing as such.

I thank God through Jesus Christ, that I am free from such a religion.



Well-Known Member

BTW, what's going on with the JellyFish avatars? I feel left out... :(

The Jellyfish Avatars are a mock of my post, " A comparrison between Atheist and Jellyfish." Which was locked.

I almost felt like I lost a child when they locked that Post. Such a well conceived creation, inspired by the sensations that swell within us to create those things that drive humanity into vast areas of unknown truth! Ahh, I have to catch myself, I am caught up in the Joy I had during writing the Jellyfish article.



1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Did you kill your son so they wouldn't die? Now they want you to ignore that fact. They want you to have killed your son for no reason.
In mainstream Christian theology, God did kill his son for no reason... no reason besides God's whim, anyhow.

Anyhow, your analogy is breaking down. If the person on the other side of the door doesn't even know me, then how could he know my thoughts and feelings well enough to be offended by them?


your god is lame.

I'm sorry, but it's true.

I would resent your "all loving god" as a tyrant
from the day I entered "his heaven".

I really hate elite tyrants more than ANYONE else in existence.

I would only expect to be cast out eventually anyway.
There is no life for me in the house of a ruling tyrant.



Well-Known Member
What is that supposed to mean? That I do not want to get closer to God? I don´t want to loose myself, and considering what people describe heaven as I would if I entered. There are things that are more valuable then eternal bliss.


Well-Known Member
You know I have distanced myself from this nonsense long enough, that when it rears its ugly head again , and I see it, it does not even irritate me now, its more like viewing a very sad, morbid influence, that I am free of, but the person pushing it is not. And I feel for that person, because their mind is in a slave mentality with the morbid mendacity of a useless deception. I recall the pathology of some prisioners actually falling in love with their jailer. Christians have fallen in love with the doctrine of hell, they embrace it. Need it, would love for it to happen.

This person who post this, thinks in their mind that they have just preached the gospel. He told us about hell, and in his mind he has " Done his job by condemning others to hell." He broadcast the warning, so he will receive a reward from God for doing as such.

I thank God through Jesus Christ, that I am free from such a religion.


There is more about hell than heaven in the Bible. I am free from religion also, but hell is the place I am free from and heaven is the place I look forward to, since CHRIST is my SAVIOR...


Well-Known Member
your god is lame.

I'm sorry, but it's true.

I would resent your "all loving god" as a tyrant
from the day I entered "his heaven".

I really hate elite tyrants more than ANYONE else in existence.

I would only expect to be cast out eventually anyway.
There is no life for me in the house of a ruling tyrant.

Tyrants don't allow people to make their own beds ------ they'd make it for them.


Well-Known Member
There is more about hell than heaven in the Bible. I am free from religion also, but hell is the place I am free from and heaven is the place I look forward to, since CHRIST is my SAVIOR...

This is one of the biggest, most popular lies that Christians tell. But it shows you how quick a lie can spread through Christianity without being questioned. Hell is referenced in the bible slightly over 70 times. Heaven is referenced over 1700 times in the bible, its not even close, but you are spreading your deception without even looking into the lie yourself. Any concordance would help you see your wrong, but your in a romance with the wrong, so you do not study to show your beliefs approved by God.


Demonic Kitten

Active Member
There is more about hell than heaven in the Bible. I am free from religion also, but hell is the place I am free from and heaven is the place I look forward to, since CHRIST is my SAVIOR...

No you are not. If you have accepted Jesus as your savior then you have accepted his religion as well. There for you are not free of religion.


Resident Liberal Hippie
Hell is hell because all men will visit the glory of GOD on Judgment Day. They will make an accounting, and if their name isn't in the LAMB's BOOK of LIFE, will be turned away forever.

The only thing they will take with them is the memory of that spectacular event.

The saved will have all their memories errased and will be new creatures forever in the light of GOD.

The unsaved will have nothing but memories that will never die... "If only," will be their mantra.

Scriptural backing?

Mark 9:43-48
Rev 21:4

Mark 9:43-48 (King James Version)

43And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:
44Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
45And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:
46Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
47And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire:
48Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

Revelation 21:4 (King James Version)

4And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

Scriptures on unquenchable hellfire, and God taking away the sorrow and pain of the saved do not coincide with your statements of...

The only thing they (the damned) will take with them is the memory of that spectacular event.


The saved will have all their memories errased and will be new creatures forever in the light of GOD.


The unsaved will have nothing but memories that will never die... "If only," will be their mantra.

So again I ask, what is your scriptural backing for these statements?


Liebe ist für alle da
Hell is hell because all men will visit the glory of GOD on Judgment Day. They will make an accounting, and if their name isn't in the LAMB's BOOK of LIFE, will be turned away forever.

The only thing they will take with them is the memory of that spectacular event.

The saved will have all their memories errased and will be new creatures forever in the light of GOD.

The unsaved will have nothing but memories that will never die... "If only," will be their mantra.
Just more proof that the Egregore known as Yahweh the Christian god is a Horrible Tyrant of a being and the way a good number of people who follow him act it's not surprising.

Herr Heinrich

Student of Mythology
Hell is hell because all men will visit the glory of GOD on Judgment Day. They will make an accounting, and if their name isn't in the LAMB's BOOK of LIFE, will be turned away forever.

The only thing they will take with them is the memory of that spectacular event.

The saved will have all their memories errased and will be new creatures forever in the light of GOD.

The unsaved will have nothing but memories that will never die... "If only," will be their mantra.

That's just, like, your opinion man.