Fantastic non-answer.
No, they're really not. They really are not. I would be willing to bet that you've passed transpeople on your daily dozens of times, and seen them as their preferred gender expression. To put it simply for you, you've very likely seen transwomen as women, and transmen as men. Because social interaction isn't a genital inspection like you're treating this issue.
And it's really as simple as that. Respecting people for who they are, not what you think they are or should be.
Ok, so:
- I've never made any claims concerning my ability to spot trans people in public.
- I've never suggested genital inspections.
- I've never disrespected trans people, but I criticize many of trans activists' IDEAS.
- I've never suggested how I think trans people should be, except if they're abusing women.
You're arguing against claims I've never made. If that's not strawmanning, what do you call it?