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hitler was a genious

Simon Gnosis

Active Member
Ciscokid said:
I usually walk around with a submachine gun and a sniper rifle. I like picking off the Krauts from a distance. Then when I need to I whip out the Tommy gun. :drool:

Hehe..I like the German sub machine guns, but I do enjoy firing off that big British support machine gun, forget the name.
It makes a hell of a lot of noise. 'BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR DIE KRAUTS DIE HAHAHAHHA'
No offence to germans Iam roleplaying heheh.

Anyway Hitler sucks....


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Genius is not far removed from insanity; Hitler was definitely well onthe way to being insane.............

He was a genius in that he manipulated the whole of Germany using what was nothing more than himself, and his enthusiasm in what he wanted to achieve.

I don't, of course think that his 'genius' (if he was one) was evil or good; just like us, he had the opportunity to do good deeds as well as bad ones. We know which way he chose.:rolleyes:

He did show a determination to achive though - Take the Volkswagen for example; he decided that every German should posses a car, and he saw it through.

Some sayhe was a military genius, and yet, he made the same mistake as napoleon, in the way that he attacked the Russians (who let him get so deep into Russia that he became entrenched - in winter - so far away from provisions he never had a chance (Thank goodness!).


Hitler was no military genius, or any other type of gifted person.

He was nothing without his generals. His henchmen both planned and maintained the war and the Halocaust. The man himself is little more than an insane propagandist.


Charismatic Enigma
i do sometimes contemplate what life would be like had hitler managed to take over the u.k., i look at problems such as immigration, homelesness, unemployment and crime and think that wouldn't be happening now if hitler had have taken over, not that it would have been a good thing if he did as there arn't any blonde haired blue eyed people in my family so i wouldnt be here right now! :pen:


Religious Zionist
darkpenguin said:
i do sometimes contemplate what life would be like had hitler managed to take over the u.k., i look at problems such as immigration, homelesness, unemployment and crime and think that wouldn't be happening now if hitler had have taken over, not that it would have been a good thing if he did as there arn't any blonde haired blue eyed people in my family so i wouldnt be here right now! :pen:

o yeah, and there wouldn't be that pesky Jewish problem either:sheep:


Charismatic Enigma
jewscout said:
o yeah, and there wouldn't be that pesky Jewish problem either:sheep:

i havn't got a problem with jews, apart from the being rich thing but thats rich people in general at the mo as i don't have much money lol money sucks!


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
angellous_evangellous said:
Hitler was no military genius, or any other type of gifted person.

He was nothing without his generals. His henchmen both planned and maintained the war and the Halocaust. The man himself is little more than an insane propagandist.

This book:-http://www.amazon.com/Hitlers-Table-Talk-Adolf-Hitler/dp/1929631057

Shows that he was........

Editorial Reviews
Book Description
Hitler's Table Talk 1941-1944 records the private, off the record, informal conversations of a man who, more than anyone else, came close to destroying the western world. On Martin Bormann's instructions, the secret conversations at Hitler's headquarters from July 1941 to November 1944 were all recorded. This is the real companion volume to Hitler's Mein Kampf, whereby what had been a project suddenly was reality, almost to the disbelief of its author.
Here is a startling account of Hitler freely talking about his enemies, his friends, his ambitions, his failures, his secret dreams voicing his thoughts to his intimate associates as the sun set at the end of each day of the war. We see here a conversational Hitler letting down his guard to his trusted henchmen. Miraculously, Martin Bormann persuaded Hitler to let these talks be taken down by a team of specially picked shorthand writers. Hitler had intended, after his famous tyranny, to use these notes as source material for the books he planned to write about the glory of the Thousand-Year Reich.
Now they have come to us, indisputably authentic, a raw, fascinating, unretouched look at the inner recesses of the mind of Adolf Hitler. Der Fuhrer's mind was crude and narrow; he had little education and, as we see here, no humanity; but we can also see that he was (as he himself knew) a political genius, a terrible simplifier, a man who, with no equipment except his own will power, personality and ideas, attempted to bring mankind into a terrible darkness. As Trevor-Roper says in his brilliant introduction if we are to discover the mind of Hitler, we must penetrate behind the thick curtains of superficial evidence which conceal it the repellant character which formed its expression, and for which no power of thought can compensate, and the unreliable intermediaries who have commented upon it. We must go directly to Hitler's personal utterances: not indeed to his letters and speeches these, so valuable, are too public, too formalized for such purposes to his secret conversations, his table talk.

Language Notes
Text: English (translation)
Original Language: German


darkpenguin said:
i do sometimes contemplate what life would be like had hitler managed to take over the u.k., i look at problems such as immigration, homelesness, unemployment and crime and think that wouldn't be happening now if hitler had have taken over, not that it would have been a good thing if he did as there arn't any blonde haired blue eyed people in my family so i wouldnt be here right now! :pen:

This is an odd speculation given that Hitler utterly failed to solve any problems anywhere in the world. The German war machine did help the German economy - like in America in WWII - but only in the short term. Giving Hitler credit for this is sophomoric. The key, of course, to converting a successful wartime economy into a successful peacetime economy is winning the war, and hopefully, not having the entire world hate your guts for what you did so the house you built can stand for a while.


michel said:
Der Fuhrer's mind was crude and narrow; he had little education and, as we see here, no humanity; but we can also see that he was (as he himself knew) a political genius, a terrible simplifier, a man who, with no equipment except his own will power, personality and ideas, attempted to bring mankind into a terrible darkness. As Trevor-Roper says in his brilliant introduction if we are to discover the mind of Hitler, we must penetrate behind the thick curtains of superficial evidence which conceal it the repellant character which formed its expression, and for which no power of thought can compensate, and the unreliable intermediaries who have commented upon it. We must go directly to Hitler's personal utterances: not indeed to his letters and speeches these, so valuable, are too public, too formalized for such purposes to his secret conversations, his table talk.

Language Notes
Text: English (translation)
Original Language: German

This sounds interesting. If he has a crude and narrow mind, I wonder if they are measuring his "political genius" by his political success, which has little to do with Hitler himself. Had the Germans not already hated Jews before him and the German economy needed a war, Hitler would have been nothing. His henchmen simply needed focus, and Hitler gave it to them.

Perhaps also we should consider the workings of the German mind in the first place before we rush to call someone a genius.


Religious Zionist
darkpenguin said:
i havn't got a problem with jews, apart from the being rich thing but thats rich people in general at the mo as i don't have much money lol money sucks!

wow...ok...that's not reinforcing stereotypes:rolleyes:


Religious Zionist
darkpenguin said:
sorry it was meant to be humourous!

given the continual insistance of Hitler's genious not to mention your claim that the UK would be better off if he had won

to then say that you havn't got a problem with jews, apart from the being rich thing

combine all that together...believe me, i'm not laughing.


Charismatic Enigma
jewscout said:
given the continual insistance of Hitler's genious not to mention your claim that the UK would be better off if he had won

to then say that you havn't got a problem with jews, apart from the being rich thing

combine all that together...believe me, i'm not laughing.

oh please lighten up and find a sense of humour!


Religious Zionist
darkpenguin said:
oh please lighten up and find a sense of humour!

please consider the context of your statements and then do the math as to why someone would take some offense to your statement:sarcastic


darkpenguin said:
ok ok i know what your thinking and no, i don't agree with what he did and how he did it, it was raw evil and not right whatsoever no matter how it is put across and told, however the way that he got to power was pure genious and i'm not sure what other peoples views are on this. im open to suggestions but bare in mind what i said hitler and his nazi ways were not right, very very far from it!
Hitler had his country totally devastated and split into two for decades, got its people shouldering blame and shame for the war and the holocaust even now, he instigated the slaughter of millions upon millions of people. and you say thats pure genius, i say he was an opportunist thug in the right place at the right time and........blew it!


Well-Known Member
kai said:
Hitler had his country totally devastated and split into two for decades, got its people shouldering blame and shame for the war and the holocaust even now, he instigated the slaughter of millions upon millions of people. and you say thats pure genius, i say he was an opportunist thug in the right place at the right time and........blew it!
That pretty much sums it up. He capitalized on a few skills...persuasion, oratory, and tenacity, but these traits do not make him a genius. Like the Bush regime, Hitler had a team of people behind him who made his sadistic ideas into reality. Men like Joseph Goebbels for example...the Nazi propaganda minister:
Goebbels began to regulate all forms of artistic expression, banishing Jewish writers, journalists and artists from Germany's cultural life. He took control of the news media, making sure that it presented Germany's domestic and foreign policy aims in terms of Nazi ideology. He played probably the most important role in creating an atmosphere in Germany that made it possible for the Nazis to clean the Reich of Jews, homosexuals and other minorities.
I will not deny the existence of evil geniuses, but I don't think Hitler was one of them.


Following Christ
kai said:
Hitler had his country totally devastated and split into two for decades, got its people shouldering blame and shame for the war and the holocaust even now, he instigated the slaughter of millions upon millions of people...i say he was an opportunist thug in the right place at the right time and........blew it!
This sums up what I was thinking. Yes, he was a powerful orator. Yes, he knew how to influence people. Overall, NO, he doesn't even scare the bounday of genius.


I am personally going to keep my post in the context of the military, if I may. I really don't believe the title "genius" could be used for Hitler for these reasons.

Before America got involved in World War II, Rommell had pushed the French and British all the way to Dunkirk. Erwin Rommell was in the drivers seat, and wanted to push on to destroy both armies before they could escape Europe. Hitler personally ordered him to stop for a period of two days. In the mean time, both french and english armies escaped Dunkirk via a mass sea going exodus. Rommell had both armies eating out of his hand and Hitler let them off the hook.
Point 2: Hitler terrorized the daylights out of London with constant bomb attacks. The strategy worked to the point that the people there were scared to death and were screaming for military intervention, but in bombing London
Hitler passed over numerous military bases in the south that were eventually used as set up and staging areas for the Normandy invasion.
I honestly believe that the Wehrmacht was the most powerful army of the twentieth century, (a belief that does get me in trouble sometimes) but if they had a true military tactician as commander in chief they would have had a better chance at winning World War II.....


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Hitler was an idiot,this failed Artist who was rejected by the Vienna Academy of Art spent time in Prison where he wrote the drivel in Mein Campf.
Militarily inept,when the French folded and the British were forced back to Dunkirk he prevented Guderian arguably his best General from finnishing the job,this defeat of the British turned into their victory as over 300,000 troops escaped so it was a big mistake.
Next mistake was turning his bombing attacks on London and although the first one was a mistake they continued to Bomb London and the Industrial Cities allowing the RAF to recover and beat off the Luftwaffe,his ego let him down here and not for the last time.
Perhaps the biggest mistake and one which a fully competent commander would not do is fight on two fronts so attacking Russia while an enemy is still active in your rear is far from the work of a genius but perhaps as equally evil as Stalin.