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hitler was a genious


Well-Known Member
ok ok i know what your thinking and no, i don't agree with what he did and how he did it, it was raw evil and not right whatsoever no matter how it is put across and told, however the way that he got to power was pure genious and i'm not sure what other peoples views are on this. im open to suggestions but bare in mind what i said hitler and his nazi ways were not right, very very far from it!
Genius? Evil genius ;).


Ok, I am not sure I would use the word "genius", but he was not stupid. He was however blinded by his own fanatical views of the world.
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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Someday I hope to screw up one of the most advanced counties in just 10 years so I, too, can be labeled a genius by people who think colossal failure is magnificent.


Someday I hope to screw up one of the most advanced counties in just 10 years so I, too, can be labeled a genius by people who think colossal failure is magnificent.

Man, to be fair if it wasn't for the Communists, the Allies probably would have lost, and if the Communists would not have held out on Stalingard, the Communists might have lost. Who knew Communists would have protected Democracy throughout Europe.


Man, to be fair if it wasn't for the Communists, the Allies probably would have lost, and if the Communists would not have held out on Stalingard, the Communists might have lost. Who knew Communists would have protected Democracy throughout Europe.

Well, there weren´t any communists. Only a bolsjevic dictatorship under Stalin, another evil superman, acting according to it´s own benefits. Communism is a system that to this day never have been tried on any large scale society.


Well, there weren´t any communists. Only a bolsjevic dictatorship under Stalin, another evil superman, acting according to it´s own benefits. Communism is a system that to this day never have been tried on any large scale society.

You are correct. They are just labeled Communists, even by themselves, I was just using it for short to make sure everyone understood that. If it wasn't for the corrupt dictatorship of the USSR, than Allies probably would have lost the war.


Well-Known Member
ok ok i know what your thinking and no, i don't agree with what he did and how he did it, it was raw evil and not right whatsoever no matter how it is put across and told, however the way that he got to power was pure genious and i'm not sure what other peoples views are on this. im open to suggestions but bare in mind what i said hitler and his nazi ways were not right, very very far from it!

I think it goes to show humans were created to worship and serve and if they don't stand up for God and righteousness they will fall for anything.
And no , acting out in the name of a religion does not mean you are actually serving the purpose of that religion but only using the name of God in vain.


Veteran Member
Hitler wasn't an evil genius. If he was a genius we'd all be speaking German.
He was a corruption for whom any description within the boundaries of language will be inadequate.


I think it goes to show humans were created to worship and serve and if they don't stand up for God and righteousness they will fall for anything.
And no , acting out in the name of a religion does not mean you are actually serving the purpose of that religion but only using the name of God in vain.

You know all civilizations eventually fall, right?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Man, to be fair if it wasn't for the Communists, the Allies probably would have lost, and if the Communists would not have held out on Stalingard, the Communists might have lost. Who knew Communists would have protected Democracy throughout Europe.

There are simply too many varibles involved to play the "what if" game here. For instance, it is possible that had Hitler not invaded the Soviet Union, the United States would have been able to win the war without the Soviet Union. Maybe it could have. Maybe not. But whatever we conclude cannot be tested and so any conclusion is little more than speculation.


There are simply too many varibles involved to play the "what if" game here. For instance, it is possible that had Hitler not invaded the Soviet Union, the United States would have been able to win the war without the Soviet Union. Maybe it could have. Maybe not. But whatever we conclude cannot be tested and so any conclusion is little more than speculation.

Just speculation. Not a WW2 Historian. Granted to say, now that I think about, America supplied the Axis with fuel during the war. If they had stopped doing that, they probably would have fallen rather quickly.


Hitler took a great nation, a world power in its day, and then within twelve short years reduced it to a broken begger at the mercy of its conquerers. That's pure genius. May all our enemies be as smart as Hitler.

Yep! that's a remarkable achievement in any genius's book.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I would agree that, in the beginning, Hitler was a shrewd opportunist who told the people exactly what they wanted to hear. I am hard pressed to describe him as a genius however.


Dragon Mom
there arn't many people who could have manipulated a whole country the way he did
That was not Hitler that was mainly Goebbels, chief of the Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda.
If Hilter had a talent at all than to use people.

how am i flying my colours friend? i am simply implying from a historical point of view that hitler was a very clever and inteligent man!
No I don't think he was intelligent, but he had an excellent memory.


ok ok i know what your thinking and no, i don't agree with what he did and how he did it, it was raw evil and not right whatsoever no matter how it is put across and told, however the way that he got to power was pure genious and i'm not sure what other peoples views are on this. im open to suggestions but bare in mind what i said hitler and his nazi ways were not right, very very far from it!
I guess you are implying that genius could be evil ?
Is that it ?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Why is it hard to people to accept that people can be both very evil and very intelligent? Of course Hitler was a genius, he would have to have been in order to achieve the amount of power and influence that he did. But because I acknowledge this fact doesn't mean that I condone his horrible deeds in any way. This should be rather obvious, but people often seem to struggle with even the simplest things.


Agnostic Pantheist
I believe that Rommel and other high ranking officers of the Third Reich were geniuses.
An interesting fact with some of the other Nazis of the highest ranks is that they turned out to be average and unsophisticated people. a prime example for this was when Israeli agents hunted down Adolf Eichman, 'the architect of the holocaust', they were disappointed that the man they cought was a boring, average, and defeated man, they were dumbfounded that this was the man responsible for the systematic genocide against the Jewish people.


Veteran Member
I think "pure genius" might have set more realistic goals -- might not have invaded Russia, for instance -- and might have managed to remain in power more than twelve years.

yes, invade and get frozen, perfect plan! sure his mind was as shallow as his goal
