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hitler was a genious


Oldest Heretic
Hitlers agenda was not about Killing Jews...
His agenda was the supremacy of the German race and control of territory.

The Jews started as whipping boys for the troubles of the world economy, and ended as a domestic cleaning job and given as much consideration.

The propaganda about the first softened people up for the second.

The Jews were not part of the human race so why worry if they are killed.
in the same way as ants invading your house have their nests destroyed by scalding.


I think he was a political genius. That doesn't mean he was morally enlightened, though.

I think people are (mistakenly) assuming that "genius" means expertise in all areas. The way I see it, it's merely an acknowledgement of exceptional expertise in one field, which Hitler undeniably had.

That would probably be a really fair assessment. A genius is only one because of his actions in a certain sense within his place and time.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I think he was a political genius.

No doubt, that's why he so ingenuously aligned so many nations against Germany.

In actuality, his failure to turn the Ukraine against the Soviet Union should even by itself tell us something about Hitler's alleged political genius.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
No doubt, that's why he so ingenuously aligned so many nations against Germany.

Actually, I'd say it's more how he aligned so many people for his cause.

In actuality, his failure to turn the Ukraine against the Soviet Union should even by itself tell us something about Hitler's alleged political genius.

Yes, and what it tells us is that he wasn't a miracle worker. His success in carrying out his plan as far as he did is what tells us of his genius.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Actually, I'd say it's more how he aligned so many people for his cause.

He did not align enough to succeed. That should tell you something.

Yes, and what it tells us is that he wasn't a miracle worker.

You seem to be under the impression that it would have been difficult for him to align the Ukraine with the Nazi cause. Better check your facts. It would have been easy to do it at the time Germany invade the Soviet Union. Hitler refused the opportunity he had there because he was considerably less than a genius. Again, check your facts before you grossly assume he would have needed to be a miracle worker.


First of all, I doubt he had any balls therefore he was not a genius. He was a racist, homophobic scumbag.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
He did not align enough to succeed. That should tell you something.

It does tell me something. It tells me that his country didn't contain enough people for the plan to succeed. It also tells me he's not the Antichrist. I think if he had succeeded, he'd have been more than just a genius.

You seem to be under the impression that it would have been difficult for him to align the Ukraine with the Nazi cause. Better check your facts. It would have been easy to do it at the time Germany invade the Soviet Union. Hitler refused the opportunity he had there because he was considerably less than a genius. Again, check your facts before you grossly assume he would have needed to be a miracle worker.

I think you missed my point. Pointing to one failure on his part only tells us that he wasn't perfect. Roger Federer plays a bad match sometimes and he hits some really bad shots. But all in all, he's still a tennis genius. What we're talking about is what Hitler was able to accomplish, and what he was able to accomplish qualifies him as a genius.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
This is the strangest invocation of 'Godwin's law' of all time.

How is this an invocation of Godwin's Law?

Hitler had the balls to go for it, but not the wits to see it through. It is what it is.

I think that's setting the standard too high. By the same logic, Einstein wasn't a genius because he failed to find the unifying theory of everything before he died. Saying Hitler would have to have been completely successful in killing all Jews and taking over the world to be considered a genius is setting the standard for "genius" at a ridiculously higher level than it should be.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
First of all, I doubt he had any balls therefore he was not a genius. He was a racist, homophobic scumbag.

Yes, he was a racist, homophobic scumbag. I doubt you'll find many people who disagree with that, but I fail to see what that has to do with whether or not he's a genius, as I fail to see what him "having balls" has to do with it, too.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
What we're talking about is what Hitler was able to accomplish, and what he was able to accomplish qualifies him as a genius.

All he was able to accomplish was the destruction of a great nation. If you honestly think that makes him a genius, MBall, then you and I are just not going to see eye to eye on this. I will never believe failure is a mark of genius.


All he was able to accomplish was the destruction of a great nation. If you honestly think that makes him a genius, MBall, then you and I are just not going to see eye to eye on this. I will never believe failure is a mark of genius.

I agree the total destruction of you country for decades after with millions dead is not the greatest of legacies for a so called "genius".

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
All he was able to accomplish was the destruction of a great nation. If you honestly think that makes him a genius, MBall, then you and I are just not going to see eye to eye on this. I will never believe failure is a mark of genius.

That's it? So, he wasn't able to convince an entire country to fight the rest of the world and to kill millions of members of an ethnic group just because he didn't like them?

Yes, he was a horrible man, but that shouldn't cloud the thinking about him to the point of refusing to see that he was extremely intelligent and charismatic. As for "failure", he succeeded in killing 6 million Jews. The fact is what he was able to accomplish was extraordinary (in a horrid way, of course, but extraordinary nonetheless).

I'm not saying he was perfect, which is apparently what you're using as your definition for "genius". I'm saying he accomplished a lot, and only someone of great intelligence and charisma could achieve what he did. To succeed in his ultimate goal? He'd have had to be even more than a genius.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I agree the total destruction of you country for decades after with millions dead is not the greatest of legacies for a so called "genius".

Whether or not it's a great legacy is not at issue. Whether or not it takes a genius to accomplish is what's at issue. You can be a genius and leave an awful legacy.


Whether or not it's a great legacy is not at issue. Whether or not it takes a genius to accomplish is what's at issue. You can be a genius and leave an awful legacy.

you can be an idiot and do the same. what he did was lunacy, stupidity of the highest order its a wonder Germany ever survived such brutish mismanagement.

how is it genius to practice industrial genocide on innocents or gamble on his infallibility with out the stake money, and making foreign policy on the basis of a erroneous world view.

no genius but an opportunist , the wrong man at the right time. how different it could have been had a real political genius took the stage.
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It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Hey, guess what - according to the IQ scale, I'm a genius. So...suffice it to say that I'm pretty unimpressed by that label, as applied to ANYONE.


Active Member
A genius would've changed his mind every other week about strategy. A genius would've focused Germany's entire might upon Britain rather than frittering forces away across the globe and achieving sweet f.a. with them. And only a complete imbecile would attack Russia whilst still being at war with the Commonwealth.

Hey, Russia you giving us all these resources for free? Transporting them into my nation, securing my northern border... ah well you're scum, perhaps I better send 200 under prepared divisions into one of the most vast and inhospitable lands against an enemy that has beaten back conqueror after conqueror over centuries - yeh that'll work. What's that mister general it won't work? Off with his head!

Yeh, Perhaps I'd be a genius if I went and picked a fight with Mike Tyson in his home town, say after I'd swam the few thousand miles across the pacific for a warm up.