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Homosexual Question


Guardian of Life
Man can likely change his natural mental state. However, what if homosexuality is nothing to do with a mental state, but rather a biological state?
Are you saying that biological states can't be changed? If we can change someone's gender, then I'm sure a simple biological aspect such as sexuality can be changed as well.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying that biological states can't be changed? If we can change someone's gender, then I'm sure a simple biological aspect such as sexuality can be changed as well.
Errr... do you know how complicated the brain is?


Active Member
Are you saying that biological states can't be changed? If we can change someone's gender, then I'm sure a simple biological aspect such as sexuality can be changed as well.

Well, shouldnt you rather think about the folowing question:
"If one desires so much to change to heterosexuality althout it is such a complicated biological process, wouldnt it be better to assist him in changing his desire to change?"


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
it is an islamic law that homosexuals are to be killed if it can be proven that they actually are homosexual and when asked to change his ways, he refuses. but you must note that by changing his ways it means that he gets proper help and is willing to change back to being a heterosexual.
That's simply medieval thinking. It's like asking a leopard to change its spots. "Changing back" is a trap for the accused, and tantamount to kangaroo-court condemnation, since the accused (if homosexual) was never heterosexual to begin with.

Another thing: What is the irrefutable proof that one is "homosexual?" And how is it so compelling that one is willing to hinge a sentence of death upon that proof?


Well-Known Member
Are you saying that biological states can't be changed? If we can change someone's gender, then I'm sure a simple biological aspect such as sexuality can be changed as well.
We don't change a person's gender. We change a body to match a gender. We medicate schizophrenia and have pretty good success with that. We cannot give someone a pill to change their sexuality.


Active Member
Are you saying that biological states can't be changed? If we can change someone's gender, then I'm sure a simple biological aspect such as sexuality can be changed as well.

well if a woman changes to a man and uses genetic material from her/his(not quite sure which to use:confused:) ovaries to create a clone no matter how you fiddle with the chromosomes you will always produce female clones as the male Y chromosome is missing. this means at a genetic level they will always be female and this can never be changed.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
well if a woman changes to a man and uses genetic material from her/his(not quite sure which to use:confused:) ovaries to create a clone no matter how you fiddle with the chromosomes you will always produce female clones as the male Y chromosome is missing. this means at a genetic level they will always be female and this can never be changed.


Just chop the extra limb off of that other X to make a Y :p

Can't be too hard to do, right? lol


This entire subject is disgusting. A belief that kills woman for adultery and homosexuality. for goodness sake we certainly are amonsgt savages. I am glad we come from a more civilised background.


Well-Known Member
This entire subject is disgusting. A belief that kills woman for adultery and homosexuality. for goodness sake we certainly are amonsgt savages. I am glad we come from a more civilized background.

The more I learn about Islam the less respect I have for it. Savage ideas indeed. :(


Wonder Woman
The more I learn about Islam the less respect I have for it. Savage ideas indeed. :(

It does seem primitive doesn't it? The bible has much the same tenets in it but you usually don't see Christians or Jews going around talking about how all these things require a death penalty. Well, except for maybe the WBC, but they are insane.


Guardian of Life
Well, shouldnt you rather think about the folowing question:
"If one desires so much to change to heterosexuality althout it is such a complicated biological process, wouldnt it be better to assist him in changing his desire to change?"
No. Why change his desire to change? That's not my call to make.


The more I grow older the more I get to understand the dehumanisation process.
In little way some dehumanise others wether it is to attack a persons success, or wether it is used to ostriscise entire races. The Nazi had to dehumanise the Jews,so eventually the everyday german was convinced that the Jew was a virus to society.
Taking away the humanity of others justifies whatever cruelty imposed on minority groups.We have seen people who are different not only being ostracised but totally dehuminised and killed. This saddens me over the digression the human race has for each other.In some countrys people because of religion are dehumanised and murdered for thier differences. It all about power. The Powerfull test constantly thier sway amongst the masses. What a rush these insecure persons have when they hold the ultimate card of life and death.A adulteress is condemned top death over seccuming to their personal lusts. A homosexual over thier alternative lifestyle. Even with these rules has the society grown. Are the people full of peace. No they quiver in thier homes frightened about who is next. You can only justify cruelty and corruption by dehuminising other. I hate elitism in any form. As all it is is insecurity at it most destructive case.Im a homosexual. I have a great life , pay my taxes , and loved by many. Im clean, do not cuss and beleive in a Awesome God. Yet in some countries I would be put to death over my sexuality while some wife beater who neglects thier children , will continue to live. The saddest thing is you are destroying not morality in the world but the gift of someones creative nature because of this prrejudice. Hetereosexuals are no different than homosexuals. Im some cases outwardly you could not tell the difference. How sad it is thaat you can praise a person for all thier good parts and when they are revealed as gay kill them. once you dehumise a group what good they do is ignored then lies are replaced by truth. Why unless you lie about how they are you cannot justify your cruelty. Religion will stand before God and be judges and found wanting. I am flad I will not be in thier shoes.