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Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Homosexuality is bestiality.

Last time I checked bestiality was humans having sex with non-humans and homosexuality is sex between same gendered animals (including humans). I think there's quite an obvious difference between the two


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Moderator cut: image removed

^ Derek Poundstone is not human. :drool:


Last time I checked bestiality was humans having sex with non-humans and homosexuality is sex between same gendered animals (including humans). I think there's quite an obvious difference between the two
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Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
It is beastiality because animal dont have morality.

Homosexuality is an orientation and an expression of same sex attraction.

That isn't bestiality. I don't screw animals. I am bisexual, and I have sexual and romantic attractions to both men and women.

So....care to try again?


Wonder Woman
Nope I am not voluntary celibacy. I am separated by my spouse but I will not divorce because Jesus says not to. I can remarry when my spouse die.

I sure would like to have partner but I choose to be faithful to my Lord. All mistakes have consequences and I take it graciously. Following Jesus is not so easy.

I know that most remarriage is unbiblical in the secular world and most Christians in the US dont honor Jesus' word, either.

Out of wild curiosity, does your spouse want a divorce? Are you denying them a divorce due to your beliefs? If not at this time, if they were to push for a divorce because they wanted to remarry and move on with their life would you honestly fight it and try to ruin their chance at happiness just to maintain your stance?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Ok, suit yourself. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Except that if you actually observed the first video it clearly shows the dog coming to the rescue of another dog and actually dragging the injured dog off the road in a careful manner....The dog obviously came to the injured dog's rescue in an attempt to save the injured dog.....Your hubris is the think that makes you "believe" you are some special (creation) and this is far from reality. We, the human animal, are not so different than any other animal on the planet......This is why when it comes to sex...we have a lot in common with other species. Homosexuality is natural.....And until someone can explain to me why human males have nipples (serving NO purpose)...I'll continue to believe that in some respects.....man is both male and female.


Wonder Woman
Homosexuality is NOT bestiality. :facepalm: Holy crapola. Having sex with a person of the same sex as you is not the same thing as having sex with a dog or a sheep. You might as well say that anyone who has sex with you might as well be having sex with a dog or a sheep or whatever. :areyoucra Homosexual sex is the same darn thing as heterosexual sex, the parts may line up differently depending on who's involved, but the emotions and the feelings behind the actions are exactly the same no matter the gender of the participants. :rolleyes:


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Except that if you actually observed the first video it clearly shows the dog coming to the rescue of another dog and actually dragging the injured dog off the road in a careful manner....The dog obviously came to the injured dog's rescue in an attempt to save the injured dog.....

My dog will not eat her food until her brother (a few minutes younger from the same litter) has eaten his food. She'll sit or lay there watching him. When he's finished she'll eat her food. Go figure. :shrug:

And until someone can explain to me why human males have nipples (serving NO purpose)

The burning question in my mind is... did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?


Well-Known Member
Aww what a wonderful video!

Animals help each other all the time, bees for example can tell each other if they are going to find nectar behind the hill to the left of the green tree on top of it.



Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Nope, Jesus does not condone abandon our family. Jesus' commands us to even love our enemy, much more our loved ones.

And He also tells us that His followers are salt and light of the world. If we are homeless, we are not salt and light.

Well, he said let the dead bury the dead, to abandon ties to ownership, and to follow him instead of family.

Besides, Jesus was himself homeless. You can be homeless and be salt and light. I once met a wise homeless woman who was more salt and light than many home-owners I've met.
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Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
The burning question in my mind is... did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?

I can imagine that they didn't considering their bible says they were created. Adam wouldn't need a belly button or nipples.....Even wouldn't need a belly button since she, according to their book, was created from Adam. She would however need nipples.....So that burning question in my mind is...why is ever subsequent male born with nipples IF Adam didn't need them and by all accounts shouldn't have been created with them......

But back to the subject.....

I'm often amazed by when it comes to threads like these....We have clear evidence of homosexuality throughout the (animal kingdom)...so if anyone is suggesting it isn't a natural behavior they would be quite wrong on the subject.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
I can imagine that they didn't considering their bible says they were created. Adam wouldn't need a belly button or nipples.....Even wouldn't need a belly button since she, according to their book, was created from Adam.

This indeed makes sense.

why is ever subsequent male born with nipples IF Adam didn't need them and by all accounts shouldn't have been created with them......

Unless of course nipples are controlled by the X chromosome... crikey! now I'm going to be up all night pondering that. :eek:

Mind = blown.



Wonder Woman
This indeed makes sense.

Unless of course nipples are controlled by the X chromosome... crikey! now I'm going to be up all night pondering that. :eek:

Mind = blown.


No honey, you just started out female is all, like everyone else. :p So nipples are determined before penises are ;):D


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
No honey, you just started out female is all, like everyone else. :p So nipples are determined before penises are ;):D

Yeah but penises have so much more... no, I'm not going to finish that. :facepalm: :D