God condemns the act not the people.
Condemning the act is condemning the people, as being gay is as much a part of who they are as being straight for those who happen to be born that way. If someone told you you had to leave the church because being straight was unnatural and immoral and against god, or you have only gay sex or no sex, would you feel loved and respected? The idea is preposterous.
Also if a deity hates the act why do you believe that deity created people who are gay, after all Bahai's have repeatedly claimed a deity created
If you read His Words you will know when He condemns someone. He has condemned Kings and religious leaders for killing innocent people but as to behaviour He condemns the acts.
Comparing murder to two consenting adults having sex is a spectacularly stupid analogy. Oh and I would blame the condemn the murderer as well as the act, since it was a choice, being gay is not a choice, it is part of why people are.
That’s why Baha’is can be temporarily expelled if they discriminate against anyone.
What a ludicrous claim, discrimination is written into their superstition. We've seen it quoted here, only gay people are being asked to deny who they are, and not have sex, or marry.
So if I continually abused a homosexual I would firstly be told a couple of times that it’s wrong and if I persisted I would be disciplined and banned from functions could be for years.
So you can openly discriminate, but some types of verbal abuse is forbidden. FYI telling someone they are wrong, immoral evil and a sexual aberration that shout be purged,
is abusive. Just ask any gay poster here, that is if you have any interest in the truth, rather than blind adherence to deeply pernicious homophobic doctrine.