Is that a fancy word for "steal them from the countries in which these resources are found"?
The whole world would be one big country where all citizens are free and equal. There would be no stealing, as there would be fair prices and fair wages for all world citizens. I realize that there are powerful forces in the West who are dead set against such proposals, but they're the ones who have been stealing all this time. Let's not forget that.
Citizens of authoritarian countries could start with rising up against their dictators and have a free secular democracy installed which would open up a free economy allowing anyone and their mothers to engage in whatever business they like.
That would be a nice start.
Everywhere where this happens, life tends to improve for everyone in only decades.
Sure, that sounds like a great idea. If all the world was free and democratic, there would be no reason to have the kinds of divisions and barriers we currently have.
There would be no reason for Western countries to cocoon themselves up in their gated communities, while having large numbers of armed troops patrolling the rest of the global neighborhood they're so deathly afraid of, all the while scratching their heads and wondering why so many people flock to authoritarian dictators.
Our countries fought two World Wars and engaged in a very tense Cold War, all to make the world safe for democracy and bring freedom to all the world. But much of the world is still not free, and far less of it shares in the great bounty of wealth which mostly lies in a few fortunate places on earth. So, all in all, as far as bringing freedom and democracy to the world as their primary mission, our government has done a pretty bum job of it.