To tell you honestly, I don't understand why people don't get it. The only thing I can think of is it's religious in nature and maybe that influences the logic or common sense in things or...
Hmm. Symbolic
If I used that term, yes. When a Catholic prays to jesus in front of a statue (or any statue really) of him, that Catholic is remembering and reflecting on Christ passion (or whatever that Catholic is praying for or about).
For example, my favorite statue in the Church was Mary holding her Son (next post; didn't fit)
I'd pray in front of the statue (some rub his feet even) because, especially after confession, it reminded me of immoral actions I can change that should "die on the cross." It's emotional because when you see your sins "die on the cross" because jesus as flesh/sin died then when you put those two together (from as far as I understand as a weird christian) you really see christ "dying for (or as) your sins."
This doesn't come from a statue. It's just a block of marble. Just it also does remind me of all the things my mother had to go through when taking care of me and my illness. So, it reminds me of staying a life for the sake of family.
There are a lot of statues that Catholics go to that calls to them. Saint Francis is another statue where he talks about god through nature. St. Thomas is another who studies the theology of religion. So it's interesting to go to him with a good chit chat.
Remember, Catholics (and myself) don't believe people actually die. We don't believe in symbolic death. There are actual spirits living (they believe in heaven and I believe are on earth) and they actually communicate with you. If a person can see that in a picture of their Aunt Samie who died last week or a Catholic who sees her salvation in an image of a statue, like the bible, they are just different means of reflection and worship.
To tell you honestly, the "praying to statues" is the weirdest argument against the Church I every heard of. I heard many that made somewhat sense though people are misguided from a Catholic view. But praying to statues! That's like my praying over my meal and someone saying I'm praying to my pancakes and eggs.