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How are these Great Beings explained?


Active Member
There is no scripture that I know of which backs up speaking to the dead. Whether they died 'in Christ' or not. I would absolutely love to believe that my dead loved ones are watching over me, and that I can talk to them. My heart still aches for them. But there is no scriptural evidence.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
At this point I will send a couple of scriptures which are relevant to what to accept as truth and what not. Proverbs. 30:6. 'Add not unto His words, lest He reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.' Also. ' For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in the book'. 'Revelations' . 22: 18 '

At this point I will send a couple of scriptures which are relevant to what to accept as truth and what not. Proverbs. 30:6. 'Add not unto His words, lest He reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.' Also. ' For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in the book'. 'Revelations' . 22: 18 '

Realistically and logically how can your life story fit into one book?

If it can, how so? If it cannot, why would you think the creator can fit his whole life story in a book?

Think about it again. Religion is built on oral traditions, culture, and not just written. Why would you think that oral traditions do not influence what is written in the bible?

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Are you christian?

Without having read the Bible and God's promises, Jesus and the Gospel of Christ, i would not have the belief. And by reading scripture, His Written Word, I will be led by the Spirit of Truth into all truth. He is the Way. The only Way.

You wouldn't have christ without the physical written word?

Word-is message of god. Christ is the Word (not words/bible) because he brings the message of god to jews and gentiles.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member

Bible is a spiritual book. The Word of God is eternal and everlasting. To be read with physical eyes, but understood spiritually as led by the Holy Spirit.

I was talking to another Bahai about this. Briefly, in my point of view, physical and spiritual go hand in hand. Without the physical, it's all new age.

Most christians, in the general sense of the word, do take the bible literally. Whether they define it by their experiences or saying jesus actually bodily resurrected depends on the person. No one, though, says it's just spiritual. To them, it's a fact.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
There is no scripture that I know of which backs up speaking to the dead. Whether they died 'in Christ' or not. I would absolutely love to believe that my dead loved ones are watching over me, and that I can talk to them. My heart still aches for them. But there is no scriptural evidence.

What is "the dead" to you?

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member

You're confusing me. Are you Christian or Bahai. Mainstream christainity has it's own views but nothing like Bahai.


1. What is "the dead" to you?

But why wouldn't jesus talk to his own mother? Step away from the bible and think about it realistically. Why wouldn't he talk to his parents at an older age not just "but I had to worship at my father's house." or "this is my mother who I am well please" and isolated verses like that. But if jesus whole life was put into the bible, it (like our lives) would be pretty thick, won't you think?

2. Why would you not think the bible can hold everything about god?

I mean, what time period did people all of the sudden think the present is separate from the past?

Jesus was a jew. I notice Jewish culture like many cultures are family oriented. Why wouldn't christ talk to his family if he is in real time and in real life with real friends and a real family?

4. Why wouldn't christ talk to his family?

How is it wrong if he did not say it?

6. If it's not in the bible, why and how is it wrong?

Do you believe spirits are eternal?

I can understand if scripture said don't speak to people who are dead (in sin) as in the pearls and swine thing but these people they talk with are not dead. Since there is no separation between being with god on earth and being with god afterlife, what about it is a sin?

8. There is no separation between the spirit in this life and the afterlife. So, talking to your passed Aunt Sara is no different than talking to her today.

Especially when you say the physical (eyes) are separate than the spiritual.

So, how can you not talk to her spiritually?

To me, limiting christ to the apostles words is strange. What does christ tell you about this. Not the bible. Christ. (Remember, hebrew scriptures didn't speak of christ, they spoke of the creator). So, basically, were the disciples wrong after christ died when they preached about christ that isn't in hebrew scriptures?

The only fact I can go by, is that it is not in the Bible.

A lot of things are not in the bible. The bible isn't that old. What about the time period then makes today invalid? (If the bible indeed was in real life)

Consider this: I am not absolutely certain what scripture says, but I will look it up. However, isn't the main thing to believe? To have faith that you will be with Him whenever that may be, and wherever He is? It is unnecessary to try and figure it all out. Only believe. God will absolutely honour His promises. Through Jesus. Scripture states: Jesus said' no one comes to the Father but by me.'

If your only connection is through faith and dependency on scripture, then that, to me, is not enough. If you know what you believe is fact and faith is trust not "I don't know but I'll hope" then you can believe in christ without the bible.

But if you're dependant on the bible to have faith, that, in itself, is going against what the bible teaches. Ironic, now that I think of it.

You wouldn't have christ without the physical written word?

Again, though.

What is "The dead" to you?

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Without having read the Bible and God's promises, Jesus and the Gospel of Christ, i would not have the belief. And by reading scripture, His Written Word, I will be led by the Spirit of Truth into all truth. He is the Way. The only Way.

Im going to go a bit further but no mean to offend. If your belief is dependent on physical scripture, that is pure idolism. Ironically, if I went off scripture to prove this point it would be John 5:39. The Word is Christ not written words.

Would you imagine if christ came now and you did not believe it was him unless you went to your bible first?

You- go to the words to find the Word, rather than go to the Word to justify the words.


What is the dead to you?


Active Member
What is "the dead" to you?
no longer living a life here on earth.
Im going to go a bit further but no mean to offend. If your belief is dependent on physical scripture, that is pure idolism. Ironically, if I went off scripture to prove this point it would be John 5:39. The Word is Christ not written words.

Would you imagine if christ came now and you did not believe it was him unless you went to your bible first?

You- go to the words to find the Word, rather than go to the Word to justify the words.


What is the dead to you?
God's Written Word says in Galations 3: 28. . 'There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.'

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
no longer living a life here on earth.

That would mean christ is dead too? And when you die you are no longer spirit but just gone?

"Who" does god resurrected if you no longer exist both spirit and/or flesh?

God's Written Word says in Galations 3: 28. . 'There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor i

This does not come close to addressing my post. Maybe a mishap?

My post is pretty short. It makes a good point on idolising the bible.

Please re-read》The Post.


Would you imagine if christ came now and you did not believe it was him unless you went to your bible first?



Active Member

no longer living a life here on earth.

God's Written Word says in Galations 3: 28. . 'There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.'

no longer living a life here on earth.

God's Written Word says in Galations 3: 28. . 'There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.'


Active Member
To believe that the Bible is God's Written Word, is to believe in all that is written in it. It is to be received into the mind and heart 'spiritually'. And by the power of the Holy Spirit it is. Faith and acceptance of Jesus as written in the Gospels is God's gift. And the Written Word will open up to all who accept God's gift. I sent you the scripture warnings to not add to His Word. But all religions add to the Word. I do not judge anyone for what they do, that is for God. I will trust in God's Word rather than what any human being says. And that is why God provided the Bible. So that any person seeking the truth can check whether what someone is saying is really God's Word. Without the Bible we would have no way of knowing.
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There are hundreds, all over, in indigenous cultures, outside the middle east, in Asia. I get the idea that if the Manifestation didn't speak about them they didn't exist. After all, he is infallible.

Baha'is acknowledge there can be Manifestations that are unknown to us...Robert Stockman a Baha'i scholar refers to this:

Bahá'u'lláh makes it clear that divine revelation has not been confined to a particular period of human history. Rather, He states that "the Manifestations of His Divine Glory. . . have been sent down from time immemorial, and been commissioned to summon mankind to the one true God. That the names of some of them are forgotten and the records of their lives lost is to be attributed to the disturbances and changes that have overtaken the world" (Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, 174). This statement is important because it makes it clear that religions other than the ones possessing known Manifestations may have been divinely established. In addition to the historic figures already listed, Bahá'u'lláh mentions Húd and Sálih--legendary figures who appeared to Arab tribes, and who are also mentioned in the Qur'án--as Manifestations. They may be seen as examples of Manifestations to primal religions, as the religions of the tribal peoples of the world are often called by religious scholars. While Bahá'u'lláh was not asked about other Manifestations, such as to the African, Chinese, native American, and ancient Indo-European peoples, it is reasonable to assume, based on Bahá'u'lláh's statement above, that Manifestations came to them as well. Based on a statement of 'Abdu'l-Bahá that "in cycles gone by. . . continents remained widely divided, nay even among the people of one and the same continent association and interchange of thought were wellnigh impossible" (Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, 31) the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice has concluded that "it would appear possible that Manifestations of God have lived simultaneously in different areas of the globe" (Research Department memorandum to the Universal House of Justice titled "Questions Relayed by the Spiritual Assembly of Mitcham," dated 24 May 1988).[2]

Progressive Revelation


Premium Member
Baha'is acknowledge there can be Manifestations that are unknown to us...Robert Stockman a Baha'i scholar refers to this:

Bahá'u'lláh makes it clear that divine revelation has not been confined to a particular period of human history. Rather, He states that "the Manifestations of His Divine Glory. . . have been sent down from time immemorial, and been commissioned to summon mankind to the one true God. That the names of some of them are forgotten and the records of their lives lost is to be attributed to the disturbances and changes that have overtaken the world" (Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, 174). This statement is important because it makes it clear that religions other than the ones possessing known Manifestations may have been divinely established. In addition to the historic figures already listed, Bahá'u'lláh mentions Húd and Sálih--legendary figures who appeared to Arab tribes, and who are also mentioned in the Qur'án--as Manifestations. They may be seen as examples of Manifestations to primal religions, as the religions of the tribal peoples of the world are often called by religious scholars. While Bahá'u'lláh was not asked about other Manifestations, such as to the African, Chinese, native American, and ancient Indo-European peoples, it is reasonable to assume, based on Bahá'u'lláh's statement above, that Manifestations came to them as well. Based on a statement of 'Abdu'l-Bahá that "in cycles gone by. . . continents remained widely divided, nay even among the people of one and the same continent association and interchange of thought were wellnigh impossible" (Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, 31) the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice has concluded that "it would appear possible that Manifestations of God have lived simultaneously in different areas of the globe" (Research Department memorandum to the Universal House of Justice titled "Questions Relayed by the Spiritual Assembly of Mitcham," dated 24 May 1988).[2]

Progressive Revelation

Which doesn't really mean anything .... unless you're a Bahai.


Thanks for your reply Vinayaka!... It's simply by way of information to your previous post.

The Qur'an also I think has a few verses that may relate:

“For We assuredly sent amongst every People a Messenger, (with the command): ‘Serve God, and eschew Evil;’ of the people were some whom God guided, and some on whom Error became inevitably (established). So travel through the earth, and see what was the end of those who denied (the Truth)”

~ Quran 16:36

and “Of some messengers We have already told you the story; of others We have not; - and to Moses God spoke direct.” ~ Quran 4:164
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We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Would you imagine if christ came now and you did not believe it was him unless you went to your bible first?

Exactly. And when He did come, instead of enquiring from Him they all went to their imperfect interpretations and missed His Second Coming.

They have never seen Christ so how can they say Baha'u'llah is not Him?

Also He said about peace not that everyone has to become a Baha'i but has to fulfill this following condition:

True peace and tranquillity will only be realized when every soul will have become the well-wisher of all mankind.”

Bahá’u’lláh. “The Tabernacle of Unity.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Exactly. And when He did come, instead of enquiring from Him they all went to their imperfect interpretations and missed His Second Coming.

They have never seen Christ so how can they say Baha'u'llah is not Him?

Also He said about peace not that everyone has to become a Baha'i but has to fulfill this following condition:

True peace and tranquillity will only be realized when every soul will have become the well-wisher of all mankind.”

Bahá’u’lláh. “The Tabernacle of Unity.

He only came once. The father said he Will come back again. Bahaullah didnt see christ unless youre saying they lived in the same area. Christ isnt a ghost and hes not omnipresent.

Bahallauh claims does not make sense if you go off the religions point of view

Not bahallahs interpretation of it.
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Active Member
Baha'is acknowledge there can be Manifestations that are unknown to us...Robert Stockman a Baha'i scholar refers to this:

Bahá'u'lláh makes it clear that divine revelation has not been confined to a particular period of human history. Rather, He states that "the Manifestations of His Divine Glory. . . have been sent down from time immemorial, and been commissioned to summon mankind to the one true God. That the names of some of them are forgotten and the records of their lives lost is to be attributed to the disturbances and changes that have overtaken the world" (Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, 174). This statement is important because it makes it clear that religions other than the ones possessing known Manifestations may have been divinely established. In addition to the historic figures already listed, Bahá'u'lláh mentions Húd and Sálih--legendary figures who appeared to Arab tribes, and who are also mentioned in the Qur'án--as Manifestations. They may be seen as examples of Manifestations to primal religions, as the religions of the tribal peoples of the world are often called by religious scholars. While Bahá'u'lláh was not asked about other Manifestations, such as to the African, Chinese, native American, and ancient Indo-European peoples, it is reasonable to assume, based on Bahá'u'lláh's statement above, that Manifestations came to them as well. Based on a statement of 'Abdu'l-Bahá that "in cycles gone by. . . continents remained widely divided, nay even among the people of one and the same continent association and interchange of thought were wellnigh impossible" (Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, 31) the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice has concluded that "it would appear possible that Manifestations of God have lived simultaneously in different areas of the globe" (Research Department memorandum to the Universal House of Justice titled "Questions Relayed by the Spiritual Assembly of Mitcham," dated 24 May 1988).[2]

Progressive Revelation
Maybe God has allowed the many and various religions to exist for a reason known only to Him. It's possible.


Non-Proselytizing Baha'i
Staff member
Premium Member
Maybe God has allowed the many and various religions to exist for a reason known only to Him. It's possible.

Perhaps He allowed the other religions to exist out of love for all humanity to provide a means of salvation for all peoples. God is Almighty and Omniscient. He is also All-loving and Righteous.