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How are these Great Beings explained?


Active Member
Hi Evie. I didn't say that I enjoy reading your posts. I should mention that now. Whichever is right or wrong, unity and love must come first so I'll try as much as I can to be nice but sometimes I'm too frank so please forgive me as that's more bad style than wanting to deliberately upset someone.

I agree with you that the essence is the same. Even more reason why we should all to go to each other's churches, read each other's Holy Books, work together for world peace and become as one religion.

A united army has more chance than a divided one and in this case to conquer the ungodliness in the world we believe the religions must be united for so long as they remain divided it allows the ungodly to rule the world even though supposedly religionists are in the majority,

By coming together we can accomplish much more than as a group divided amongst itself. There is no need to have the duplicity of thousands of differing sects. All we need is all humanity working together for the betterment of all.
maybe you are right. But maybe you are not right. If you are not right, then the bringing together of all into one 'belief' would not be wise. Maybe they are all separate for a reason known only to God. Maybe. I am not declaring that such is the case. One has to focus on the essence of religious beliefs. The core. Not the outward presentations with their great variety to cater to the variety of human tastes and preferences.


Active Member
Hi Evie. I didn't say that I enjoy reading your posts. I should mention that now. Whichever is right or wrong, unity and love must come first so I'll try as much as I can to be nice but sometimes I'm too frank so please forgive me as that's more bad style than wanting to deliberately upset someone.

I agree with you that the essence is the same. Even more reason why we should all to go to each other's churches, read each other's Holy Books, work together for world peace and become as one religion.

A united army has more chance than a divided one and in this case to conquer the ungodliness in the world we believe the religions must be united for so long as they remain divided it allows the ungodly to rule the world even though supposedly religionists are in the majority,

By coming together we can accomplish much more than as a group divided amongst itself. There is no need to have the duplicity of thousands of differing sects. All we need is all humanity working together for the betterment of all.
maybe you are right. But maybe you are not right. If you are not right, then the bringing together of all into one 'belief' would not be wise. Maybe they are all separate for a reason known only to God. Maybe. I am not declaring that such is the case. One has to focus on the essence of religious beliefs. The core. Not the outward presentations with their great variety to cater to the variety of human tastes and preferences.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Carlita, here is some additional information on the deeper truth, from an ancient book. Same book (Tirukkural) also has a chapter on truthfulness, which is different.

Chapter 36 : Comprehending/grasping the truth

Hi Vinayaka,

Just wanted to thank you for telling about that book the Tirukkural and also for continually pointing out things to me I need to be more aware of.

For the record, anything I post just put an 'it's my opinion' before it because I only intend it that way. You have been very tolerant but all good Hindus are. Anyway I'm honoured to associate with Hindus so I thank you for putting up with me as well as you do.

A lot of what I say would be outrageous to you, It makes me even more aware of just how tolerant Hindus are.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member

maybe you are right. But maybe you are not right. If you are not right, then the bringing together of all into one 'belief' would not be wise. Maybe they are all separate for a reason known only to God. Maybe. I am not declaring that such is the case. One has to focus on the essence of religious beliefs. The core. Not the outward presentations with their great variety to cater to the variety of human tastes and preferences.

Maybe it's all one beautiful garden with all different colored flowers and fragrances. Or all notes of one harmonious song.


Active Member
Maybe it's all one beautiful garden with all different colored flowers and fragrances. Or all notes of one harmonious song.
Somehow that does not sit right in my mind. It sounds lovely but ........ Outward appearances and nice feelings can be very deceptive.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member

Somehow that does not sit right in my mind. It sounds lovely but ........ Outward appearances and nice feelings can be very deceptive.

I'm agreeing with you. Although the outward colors are beautiful it's the same fragrance of truth coming from all the religions.


Active Member
I'm agreeing with you. Although the outward colors are beautiful it's the same fragrance of truth coming from all the religions.
What truth do you think is the core essence of religious beliefs? The reason for their existence in their many and varying forms?


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
What truth do you think is the core essence of religious beliefs? The reason for their existence in their many and varying forms?

That they all teach us that we are spiritual beings not just flesh and bones or animals.

The reason for their different existences is they are all part of one progressive plan like classes in a school to educate us. We need to learn our abc in order to advance to primary and high school and to then obtain our degree. They all have their purpose, in stages, to advance us individually and collectively as a civilisation.

That is just one view. The other view is to teach us to know about God or another Reality. Not all religions call it God.


Active Member
That they all teach us that we are spiritual beings not just flesh and bones or animals.

The reason for their different existences is they are all part of one progressive plan like classes in a school to educate us. We need to learn our abc in order to advance to primary and high school and to then obtain our degree. They all have their purpose, in stages, to advance us individually and collectively as a civilisation.

That is just one view. The other view is to teach us to know about God or another Reality. Not all religions call it God.
But that is a traditional view of religious beliefs. I tend to believe that the core essence of religious beliefs is something quite different than what it appears in their outward traditional appearance. What they appear to be, and what they really are, may be quite different.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
But that is a traditional view of religious beliefs. I tend to believe that the core essence of religious beliefs is something quite different than what it appears in their outward traditional appearance. What they appear to be, and what they really are, may be quite different.

What do you think is the core essence? Religion has become so steeped in tradition that the core essence been lost sight of? I personally think ungodliness rules the world and if we really had billions of truly religious people,the world would never have sunk to the depths it has morally, socially and intellectually.

By now we would be enjoying peace and goodwill amongst all nations but that is not the case so religion, true religion, does it really exist anymore, or is it just the traditions and outward things that have replaced true religion that is masquerading as religion?


Active Member
What do you think is the core essence? Religion has become so steeped in tradition that the core essence been lost sight of? I personally think ungodliness rules the world and if we really had billions of truly religious people,the world would never have sunk to the depths it has morally, socially and intellectually.

By now we would be enjoying peace and goodwill amongst all nations but that is not the case so religion, true religion, does it really exist anymore, or is it just the traditions and outward things that have replaced true religion that is masquerading as religion?
I agree with you that the world is full of corruption. But 2000 years of traditional religious beliefs have not prevented it from happening. So there has to be a reason for the existence of religious beliefs that we are not seeing. Is it the way to eliminating evil and corruption? Believers in Christ Jesus believe they are cleansed by the blood of Jesus. And that has had a major impact on humanity. Which is a wonderful thing. And whether it is true or not there is no denying that humanity needed it. Christianity is undoubtably the most formidable religion, and presently is bigger than all other major religions. However, without discarding such a formidable religion, there could still exist a reason known only to God, for the existence not only of Christianity, but ALL other religious beliefs. I do not know what the reason is, but it just seems very possible. If such a reason does exist, God will reveal it when the time is right to do so. Because nothing exists without a reason for its existence.


Premium Member
My good friend Vinayaka I have seen the same essential spiritual truths in the religions.. be they called Buddhas, Tirthankaras, Avataras, Glorious Beings, Messengers, Manifestations... Whether they call Him Savior, Kalki Avatara, Saosyant, Maitreya, Amitabha... the same.
Yes I understand the Bahai opinion. but I can't agree with it. In my religion (I explained the Saiva Siddhanta POV much earlier in this thread) we view it differently. I have seen and observed huge differences in 'truths' A simple but glaring glaring example is reincarntion.


Premium Member
On the whole and for the most part we get along quite well..
Yes, I've been told that. But then, if you didn't, would you be telling me that? So in reality, I don't actually know, This goes for Bahai in real life too. I plainly don't know.


Premium Member
Hi Vinayaka,
It makes me even more aware of just how tolerant Hindus are.

The behaviour of tolerance is definitely improved from the belief that all souls are but an extension of God. So when we are associating with people, it is also God we're associating with. No religious person coule be intolerant of God. Yes, while they are under the triple bondage of anava, karma, and maya, some days that is harder to see, for those of us also still suffering from that. But the enlightened being is truly tolerant of all.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
The only thing I severely disagree with through all my years of practice, experience, and study in protestant and catholic denominations is Bahaullah from a christian perspective (which is the one that counts) has no place in Christianity other than being like there rest of the people, gentiles. The apostles went to different lands to convert people to christianity. I have to read Acts again. I read the NT before and no hint of a manefestation of god other than christ. Moses was considered a prophet just as all the other prophets in the bible. Christ was considered a High prophet. No other person held that tile but the Christ.
I would argue that I am a true Christian because I have accepted both the first AND second coming of Jesus while Christians accepted His first coming then closed the door in His Face when He returned.

Being a Christian does not mean you accept the these things. JW are christian and there is a lot of things they disagree with with "christondom" christianity but I don't doubt they are christians because they too believe in the sacraments of christ no matter how much they and others want to deny it.

Christians believe in the sacraments of christ. They have faith in christ and no other person. Most christians will not identify as bahai or any other religion that conflicts with their belief in christ. Christianity is not eclectic.

To reject Christ's return is to reject His first coming also.

No one is rejecting his return. It's not there. He was already here in the OT. Came as the word/message of god in the NT. Left to the father and came back in spirit to reassure his disciples of his return. Left to the father and everyone is waiting for judgement day.

This is christian belief. As a bahai, without believing in christ formal second upcoming return, either you're a blend of bahai and christian which is weird since christianity doesn't accept such a thing or you are not christian at all.

They weren't around when Christ came so how do they say Baha'u'llah is not His return? Only they go by the interpretation of their priests like the Jews did and they were dead wrong.

Bahaullah, just by location differences alone, has no place in Christianity. That's like calling Christians and Jews liars really.

When the new comes we need to learn to moved on and not crucify humanity just so we can go on saying we are the only ones. It's pointless saying we are better or superior or Christ is the only way while there is no peace in this world .

That is in new testament scripture, Christ is the only way. Can't get around it if you say you're christian.

The world is crying out for action and deeds not more rhetoric claiming superiority. The world wants and needs reconciliation and an end to hatred and wars amongst religions and the only way to do this is to drop our preconceived ideas and unite together for the betterment of humanity. Otherwise religion is useless and pointless if all it seeks to do is prove it is better than other religions. Just another coke vs Pepsi argument.

A lot of people have compassion, love, and so forth because they want to keep their traditions. It defines who they are as people. To take that away as if traditions divides them (when they don't see it that way) is awful.

I know you believe pepsi and coke are both sodas so they are one regardless the taste. The fact is they are not one because of the taste. Being both sodas does not make one the other. Being one humanity doesn't mean we share the same essence. We are all different at the core and at expressions. Can't separate the two. You are tearing people a part.

You are tearing me apart when you divine my expression (say traditions) with my spirituality (my passion). That division creates wars.

The purpose of religion is to unite and bring love and peace amongst people.

Religion is just traditions and practices that reflect and are embedded in beliefs of a given culture, people, and language.

The purpose of your faith is to unite in love. Others if you don't have christ there is no love. So, there is no love for me, if you're relating all religions under one definition. You haven't defined love so how is mine the same as yours? I don't know your love just you say you have it and want it for all people but haven't describe what it actually is that everyone can agree with you on.

All the Prophets came for unity andlove and when their message began to lose its influence God sent another Messenger to renew the spirit of love and affection between people.

That's your belief, though. If you claim christianity is part of your belief, you have to go by christian rules not your interpretation of them.

All the Prophets are one and know each other. As it says Baha'u'llah spoke to Moses in the Burning Bush. Moses knew Who Baha'u'llah was and today we can all hear the Voice of God through Baha'u'llah. The Voice is the same although the human channel ore instrument is different.

Now, this, you have to square away with the Jews if they want to contribute because to me it sounds completely impossible. It's not even open for opinion in this case, just plain out wrong.

This isn't christianity.

But those who cling to outward appearances fail to recognize the inner Voice of God within each Manifestation is the same.

My point: outward/inward go together. That's your belief. You and a lot of new agers and universalists are the only ones who believe this. Most people get how traditions (regardless if they call it that) shape religion. JW can swear up and down they don't have traditions but if that's the case, how does their religion uphold for so many years without something written down and ways of doing X that pass from one generation to the next.

The missions of each religion and its laws were tailored to meet the needs of each age but in essence they all came from the same one God.

Nope. Name my god.

It was Baha'u'llah in the Burning Bush Who spoke to Moses.

I don't know how to comment. I really dont.

Baha'u'llah comes in the station of the 'Father'. So often Baha'u'llah will say He is God. What He means is that He has come in the station or role of God not that He is God in essence.

Sounds like how christ presents himself if not the same.

Baha'u'llah was given authority by God to speak to humanity direct as if He Himself was God but in many Tablets He made it clear that He was only speaking as prompted not of His own volition.

This is Bahai belief. If you are christian, you are totally conflicting with your own faith. Totally.

When I contemplate, O my God, the relationship that bindeth me to Thee, I am moved to proclaim to all created things ‘verily I am God!’; and when I consider my own self, lo, I find it coarser than clay!”

I am the royal Falcon on the arm of the Almighty. I unfold the drooping wings of every broken bird and start it on its flight.

Hi Carlita. You said you paint? Maybe you could share some of your art with us? Anyway just wanted to let you know whatever I say it's just my opinion and I like you and think you're very nice and thank you for all our talks together.

Ima show you some of my sketches in a minute.

I know often I've frustrated you because of my different understanding but the bottom line for me is I think you're really a very decent and nice person and even though I do get on your nerves often I do love debating with you.

Yes. With Bahai, it's not like when I talk with Christians. I can see they feel they are right but then I also see they separate themselves from others. So in that respect, they have their own faith and I have mine. So if I talk with a nice christian, we understand we don't have the same truth because they don't have my truth, and I don't have christ.

Bahai is totally different especially when you said Bahaullah is god and Moses talked with him. That floored me.

You really are one of the most patient people I've come across. I really admire patience and people I think who are patient are most deserving.

Thank you. I don't think I'd understand Bahai now that you mentioned Moses and Bahaullah.

I really hope life blesses you with the very best in everything.

Just a break in normal communications to remind you that I see and appreciate the humanity in you. I don't want debating to take my focus of that.

Well, it's almost easter. People come in tradition to celebrate Christ's resurrection. They did this for years and I find it odd to take this tradition away to bring about the new. But then, that's me. I don't have formal tradition but I value people who want to keep the old.

Just doesn't sit right to take people's traditions away and even more so tell christians and jews moses talked with a guy when Bahaullah identifies himself as Bahaullah and the god of jews and christians is I AM.

Love, compassion, and unity does not mean taking away someone's spirituality. That's horrible.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
I agree with you that the world is full of corruption. But 2000 years of traditional religious beliefs have not prevented it from happening. So there has to be a reason for the existence of religious beliefs that we are not seeing. Is it the way to eliminating evil and corruption? Believers in Christ Jesus believe they are cleansed by the blood of Jesus. And that has had a major impact on humanity. Which is a wonderful thing. And whether it is true or not there is no denying that humanity needed it. Christianity is undoubtably the most formidable religion, and presently is bigger than all other major religions. However, without discarding such a formidable religion, there could still exist a reason known only to God, for the existence not only of Christianity, but ALL other religious beliefs. I do not know what the reason is, but it just seems very possible. If such a reason does exist, God will reveal it when the time is right to do so. Because nothing exists without a reason for its existence.

This corruption is because the Kingdom of God has not yet been completed but is being built. When it is full established, worldwide corruption will disappear and vanish as if it had never existed.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
The only thing I severely disagree with through all my years of practice, experience, and study in protestant and catholic denominations is Bahaullah from a christian perspective (which is the one that counts) has no place in Christianity other than being like there rest of the people, gentiles. The apostles went to different lands to convert people to christianity. I have to read Acts again. I read the NT before and no hint of a manefestation of god other than christ. Moses was considered a prophet just as all the other prophets in the bible. Christ was considered a High prophet. No other person held that tile but the Christ.

Being a Christian does not mean you accept the these things. JW are christian and there is a lot of things they disagree with with "christondom" christianity but I don't doubt they are christians because they too believe in the sacraments of christ no matter how much they and others want to deny it.

Christians believe in the sacraments of christ. They have faith in christ and no other person. Most christians will not identify as bahai or any other religion that conflicts with their belief in christ. Christianity is not eclectic.

No one is rejecting his return. It's not there. He was already here in the OT. Came as the word/message of god in the NT. Left to the father and came back in spirit to reassure his disciples of his return. Left to the father and everyone is waiting for judgement day.

This is christian belief. As a bahai, without believing in christ formal second upcoming return, either you're a blend of bahai and christian which is weird since christianity doesn't accept such a thing or you are not christian at all.

Bahaullah, just by location differences alone, has no place in Christianity. That's like calling Christians and Jews liars really.

That is in new testament scripture, Christ is the only way. Can't get around it if you say you're christian.

A lot of people have compassion, love, and so forth because they want to keep their traditions. It defines who they are as people. To take that away as if traditions divides them (when they don't see it that way) is awful.

I know you believe pepsi and coke are both sodas so they are one regardless the taste. The fact is they are not one because of the taste. Being both sodas does not make one the other. Being one humanity doesn't mean we share the same essence. We are all different at the core and at expressions. Can't separate the two. You are tearing people a part.

You are tearing me apart when you divine my expression (say traditions) with my spirituality (my passion). That division creates wars.

Religion is just traditions and practices that reflect and are embedded in beliefs of a given culture, people, and language.

The purpose of your faith is to unite in love. Others if you don't have christ there is no love. So, there is no love for me, if you're relating all religions under one definition. You haven't defined love so how is mine the same as yours? I don't know your love just you say you have it and want it for all people but haven't describe what it actually is that everyone can agree with you on.

That's your belief, though. If you claim christianity is part of your belief, you have to go by christian rules not your interpretation of them.

Now, this, you have to square away with the Jews if they want to contribute because to me it sounds completely impossible. It's not even open for opinion in this case, just plain out wrong.

This isn't christianity.

My point: outward/inward go together. That's your belief. You and a lot of new agers and universalists are the only ones who believe this. Most people get how traditions (regardless if they call it that) shape religion. JW can swear up and down they don't have traditions but if that's the case, how does their religion uphold for so many years without something written down and ways of doing X that pass from one generation to the next.

Nope. Name my god.

I don't know how to comment. I really dont.

Sounds like how christ presents himself if not the same.

This is Bahai belief. If you are christian, you are totally conflicting with your own faith. Totally.

Ima show you some of my sketches in a minute.

Yes. With Bahai, it's not like when I talk with Christians. I can see they feel they are right but then I also see they separate themselves from others. So in that respect, they have their own faith and I have mine. So if I talk with a nice christian, we understand we don't have the same truth because they don't have my truth, and I don't have christ.

Bahai is totally different especially when you said Bahaullah is god and Moses talked with him. That floored me.

Thank you. I don't think I'd understand Bahai now that you mentioned Moses and Bahaullah.

Well, it's almost easter. People come in tradition to celebrate Christ's resurrection. They did this for years and I find it odd to take this tradition away to bring about the new. But then, that's me. I don't have formal tradition but I value people who want to keep the old.

Just doesn't sit right to take people's traditions away and even more so tell christians and jews moses talked with a guy when Bahaullah identifies himself as Bahaullah and the god of jews and christians is I AM.

Love, compassion, and unity does not mean taking away someone's spirituality. That's horrible.

Christ said He came to fulfill the laws of Moses not to destroy but the Jews still crucified Him.

The same with Baha'u'llah. He comes to fulfill and of course like Christ was accused so is He being accused but He will be vindicated in time as He is the Promised One and people will eventually awaken to that just like they awakened to the truth of Jesus.

None of the religions or their Holy Scriptures would have been revealed if it were not for the eventual coming of the Promised One. Even science has hailed the coming of Baha'u'llah as His Mission is to unite humanity so there has been unprecedented advances in world travel and world communication technologies to support His calls and teachings for world unity. These are not the empty words of a Prisoner but Words from God. But Baha'u'llah is not the essence of God but the Voice of God and has full authority to speak on His behalf.

He it is,” referring to Himself He further proclaims, “Who in the Old Testament hath been named Jehovah, Who in the Gospel hath been designated as the Spirit of Truth, and in the Qur’án acclaimed as the Great Announcement.” “But for Him no Divine Messenger would have been invested with the robe of prophethood, nor would any of the sacred scriptures have been revealed. To this bear witness all created things.”