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How are these Great Beings explained?


Veteran Member
... So Baha'u'llah - being of noble status and receiving a princely education - would almost certainly have had access to books about all these religions - and probably much less so to information about the other religions that I mentioned.

There is no evidence in history that we can say Bahaullah as a noble, received education regarding details of Religions. So I think, it would be speculation to say Bahaullah had any of this sort of education. Do you not think so?
According to History of Persia, child of the noble families, received educations for basic reading and writing, poetry, swordsmanship and horsemanship, and Bahaullah as a child would have given these customary trainings.
The childhood of Bahá’u’lláh - The Life of Bahá'u'lláh

It is known that in Persia, people went to special schools if they wanted to learn detail knowledge of Religions. In Persia most people were Muslims, and they believed Quran is perfect, but Bible and other Religious Traditions are either corrupted or false, so, it would be very unlikely that a child of noble family who were Muslims to feel the need to have these Religious teachings. My purpose is not to defend Bahai Faith, but rather provide factual information, based on recorded history of the time, not merely any speculation. So, if you have any evidence that Bahaullah had detailed Religious education, i like to learn. Or if you know of historical evidence that Nobles of Persia received significant Religious education, please provide the source.
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Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Christ also foretold 'one world religion' comprised of all the other religions.

John 10:16

And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.

Christ could not have been more clear about all religions becoming united into one religion.

One you didn't address my post.

Two, he said there will be no male/female, gentile/jew, and so forth. They will all be one in christ no other person.

It's not the body of Bahaullah. It's the body of Christ.

Claiming Christ has any connection with Bahaullah other than Bahaullah being a gentile is against christian doctrine.

One fold. One shepherd. Is christ. That's all through the gospels.

How do you read Bahaullah into all of that from a biblical perspective not Bahai?


Skanky Old Mongrel!
In the recent American elections millions of people voted as Americans. Just because they are called Americans does that mean there's no diversity?

Actually there's more diversity in the Baha'i Community than outside it because you will see the diversity 'mixing and assimilating' instead of one race, culture or nationality all congregating in one suburb as in multiculturalism.

The Baha'i Community is advanced from multiculturalism because our diversity mixes and mingles with each other.

Loverofhumanity, thanks for your reply. Look, you know what I feel, and I have deliberately stayed out of yours and adrian's thread because it's unfair and against the rules for members to stalk threads and be a permanent pain in the backside. So I'll answer your post and back off. OK?

''In the recent American elections millions of people voted as Americans...'' ....... because they had the right to vote!

In a Bahai World millions of Bahais would vote, because they would have the right to vote.
But Buddhists, Christians, Left-Hand Pathers, Muslims, Full-Moon Frolickers (That's my lot! :) ), Agnostics, Atheists, Humanists, Fred Bloggs an'all would NOT vote..... .........because they would not have the right to vote. :shrug:


Non-Proselytizing Baha'i
Staff member
Premium Member
Bahaullah is an actual human being. He, the human, is not in any scripture. Allah is god too and is in biblical scripture according to your logic. Allah as a reflection of muslim belief is not.

Bahaullah is not god.

Baha'u'llah, Jesus, and Muhammad were not God.

Edit. Also you dont have to qupte scripture. What Im saying is pretty basic. There is no other manefestation and prophet carrying gods last message but christ. Thats the whole gospels and the some.

I appreciate that. However if making a case about what sacred OT and NT scripture actually say, it becomes mandatory to refer to the bible. This was an important issue during the Catholic/Protestant schism. The issues we are discussing may seem basic, but if they can not be supported biblically we can't say they are relevant to Christianity.

On the other hand I don't want our discussion being drowned in a see of biblical quotes so sorry about that.

Christians do recognize their messiah. As a christian, do you not recognize the messiah? If you dont believe jesus is the messiah, it makes no sense to quote him because no prophet speaks for god.

Baha'is recognise Jesus as the Jewish Messiah prophesised in the OT. We recognised Baha'u'llah as the Messiah prophesised in both the OT and NT.

I dont see the relation to my statement
Bahaullah is not god.

The point is, that Jesus is not God, So Baha'u'llah doesn't need to be either. To understand why many Christians believe Jesus is God in the flesh we need to consider scripture and history.


Non-Proselytizing Baha'i
Staff member
Premium Member
In a Bahai World millions of Bahais would vote, because they would have the right to vote.
But Buddhists, Christians, Left-Hand Pathers, Muslims, Full-Moon Frolickers (That's my lot! :) ), Agnostics, Atheists, Humanists, Fred Bloggs an'all would NOT vote..... .........because they would not have the right to vote. :shrug:

Your point is an important one to make.

Any acceptance in the future of the Baha'i Faith as a world religion is entirely voluntary. The Baha'i Faith needs to be universally accepted before any Baha'i institutions are administrating the affairs of communities, rather than just our own faith communities. In a more enlightened future how could people agree to be ruled by a system that didn't support their beliefs?

Besides what would we do without the full moon frolickers? They need to be happy too.:)


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Everyone being Baha'i is diversity? Wow.

Conjecture - some folks like to set the bar low for religious diversity so they aren't disappointed or have an easy target goal? It reminds me of the "religious diversity" meetings that include only representatives from Abrahamic traditions. This, sadly, is not particularly uncommon.

(also... this thread is still going on?!?) :sweat:


Premium Member
(also... this thread is still going on?!?) :sweat:

Yup. For some reason the OP put it in the debate section, so I guess he wanted to debate it. We're on about the 34th lap of going in circles. So far, I haven't been told to give it a break. Maybe I'm just waiting for a prophet to whisper it in my ear.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Conjecture - some folks like to set the bar low for religious diversity so they aren't disappointed or have an easy target goal? It reminds me of the "religious diversity" meetings that include only representatives from Abrahamic traditions. This, sadly, is not particularly uncommon.

(also... this thread is still going on?!?) :sweat:

Im hoping youre not assigned to read this one. I hope. :confused:


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Loverofhumanity, thanks for your reply. Look, you know what I feel, and I have deliberately stayed out of yours and adrian's thread because it's unfair and against the rules for members to stalk threads and be a permanent pain in the backside. So I'll answer your post and back off. OK?

''In the recent American elections millions of people voted as Americans...'' ....... because they had the right to vote!

In a Bahai World millions of Bahais would vote, because they would have the right to vote.
But Buddhists, Christians, Left-Hand Pathers, Muslims, Full-Moon Frolickers (That's my lot! :) ), Agnostics, Atheists, Humanists, Fred Bloggs an'all would NOT vote..... .........because they would not have the right to vote. :shrug:

In a Baha'i State everyone will have a vote. The Baha'i administration will still be elected by Baha'is but a government is still something which has not yet been established and when it is established will have universal rights.

We have discussed this in length in this thread which you may wish to refer to again.

Does the Bahai Faith hope and intend to be a World Theocracy?

As a Baha'i government and Bahá'í State has not come about yet, it is something which can be made to be inclusive and everyone will have an equal vote Baha'i or not.

The Universal House of Justice will have the mandate to decide upon a constitution of a Baha'i government or state whereas laws for elections of Bahá'í Administration have already been laid down by Shoghi Effendi.