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How are these Great Beings explained?


My point is not social associations with other religions. It's not crossing their boundaries when you have their prophets in your religion. It's not something you can get around. I just find it disrespectful. I mean you and @adrian are very nice about it but while talking to @loverofhumanity, I don't think he gets what I'm saying.

Carlita .. I know your trying very hard but please refrain if you can from suggesting I am being "disrespectful"... The major religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam all have reference to Prophets ... Jesus recognizes Moses... Muhammad recognizes Jesus and Moses... You can find I believe a progressive revelation in the Torah, the Gospel and the Qur'an. We Baha'is also recognize Zoroaster as a Manifestation of God. One of my closest friends on the Interfaith Council is a Zoroastrian priest. I have known him for years and we have the utmost respect for each other. Another close friend is a Sikh... we worked together on having the Charter for Compassion being recognized by our City Council. When you've had some sleep you might also check out the following:

Charter for Compassion


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
The source are the different flowers. The soil is different depending on how fertile the soil is. One patch of flowers can be healthy while another welted. Some blood brightly, others do not. It's based on the differing texture of source. If the source where the same, the flowers would be the same.

I believe the source is diversity.

No. There are different roots. That's why nature is so diverse. Many sources. Unity among diversity means they work together. That doesn't mean the sources are the same. The moon source isn't the same as the moon source. The animal source isn't the same as the plant source.

Each tree is different and produce different branches. If you look outside, you see different trees. They are not the same. So the branches are not the same. That is not a good example for humanity unless you believe that everyone should be under one source. I find that off.

Their differences are the source when it comes to spirituality and practices. Understand?

That doesn't define that differences are the sources of many religions. It doesn't address that there are many truths. People cause hatred. We are talking about truth(s) not individual people.

Think of it this way. I don't accept oneness and one truth. Does that mean I'm prone to cause wars? Are you more peaceful than me?

Society is made up of people. We shouldn't generalize and reflect what one group of people do that you and I "claim" we don't do. That's silly. Everyone is responsible for his or her own actions. Please, don't generalize. This includes yourself in these wars when you do.

Diversity is not "us vs. them." It just means we all are different and our sources are different. Saying that we are the the same and having a prophet that says we are while telling others who do not believe they are wrong (they are at war; some day they will come to know Bahaullah; there is no greater peace until one comes to Bahaullah) is a UVT belief system.

Once people accept their diversity then there is no need for oneness. Mutual respect and agreement is a part of peace. Oneness takes that out.


Your thoughts?

Oneness of Humanity

“Behold a beautiful garden full of flowers, shrubs, and trees. Each flower has a different charm, a peculiar beauty, its own delicious perfume and beautiful colour. The trees too, how varied are they in size, in growth, in foliage—and what different fruits they bear! Yet all these flowers, shrubs and trees spring from the self-same earth, the same sun shines upon them and the same clouds give them rain.

“So it is with humanity. It is made up of many races, and its peoples are of different colour, white, black, yellow, brown and red—but they all come from the same God, and all are servants to Him. This diversity among the children of men has unhappily not the same effect as it has among the vegetable creation, where the spirit shown is more harmonious. Among men exists the diversity of animosity, and it is this that causes war and hatred among the different nations of the world.”

“Read the Gospel and the other Holy Books. You will find their fundamentals are one and the same.”

“All the divine Manifestations have proclaimed the oneness of God and the unity of mankind”


Ye are the fruits of one tree, and the leaves of one branch. Deal ye one with another with the utmost love and harmony, with friendliness and fellowship.”

Oneness of Religion

“Bahá'u'lláh promulgated the fundamental oneness of religion. He taught that reality is one and not multiple, that it underlies all divine precepts and that the foundations of the religions are, therefore, the same. Certain forms and imitations have gradually arisen. As these vary, they cause differences among religionists. If we set aside these imitations and seek the fundamental reality underlying our beliefs, we reach a basis of agreement because it is one and not multiple.”

Excerpt From: Bahá, Abdu’l. “The Promulgation of Universal Peace


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
So humans did not evolve from ancestral apes?
I think the discussion here has abundantly shown that the Bahai are a distinct new prophet based religion with its own beliefs and practices that are not aligned with practices or beliefs of other religions. So despite it considering itself as a culmination of previous religions, it rejects key tenets of other religions (physical resurrection of Christ to expiate sin, reincarnation and that all beings including animals have souls etc.) and are incompatible with them. If a Marxist ideology considers Jesus as the first true proletariat revolutionary, just because it highlights Jesus in some way does not make its beliefs a culmination of Christianity. Similarly Bahai have their own unique take on some important people prominent in other religions, but does not make it compatible or a culmination of them. That idea believed by the Bahai is objectively wrong. It's a distinct faith and like any other faith one is completely free to believe it and practice it, but it has no special claim vis a vis all other faiths that exist along with it.

Yes it is an independent Faith but it is the result of the evolution of the other Faiths, humanity as a race and science.

Some of the key tenets of other Faiths are only interpretations of the believers. If one reads those passages symbolically then resurrection and reincarnation take on a completely different meaning.

Progressive Revelation, Bahais believe is the evolution of the one Faith of God throughout the ages just like we develop from infancy to childhood to adolescence and maturity or like we advance from kindergarten to university. Now, in this age and due to advances in technologies that create a global village the time is ripe for one common faith. We can form a world community today. We can now unite as we are one country now, no longer held back by distance.

And this time of the end of the age and a new earth was foretold. We now are able to unite but lack the know how and will power.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Just thought if you understand that diversity means multiple sources. Do you understand there is multiple truths?

Do you understand that expressions are truths not separate? Also, do you understand that traditions you believe cause wars does not but it's all about the people?

You don't have to agree but it's hard to re-articulate your religion. I do understand it. I just don't agree with it. It doesn't make sense to me spiritually. It's not a knowledge thing just personal experience of dominate religious thoughts overcoming minorities in culture, language, traditions and/or so have you. These are personal experiences from the same religious thought christian and otherwise. Not you specifically.

I can agree there are many truths. We understand prejudice or an emotional attachment to an untruth can cause wars. That's fine to disagree. I want you to disagree with anything your heart tells you to. I never accept anything that in my heart I can't.

But I stand to learn from your diversity so I'm happy for you to teach me about your beliefs in paganism.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Thank you. You as well.

Hey. It gets frustrating. I gave up with christians. But they are easy since it's black and white.

Thank you. I wish I can go back teaching ESL/EFL. I love to give knowledge and have to keep saying I have knowledge to give-and, actually remembered it! lol

I know. The statements are insults not your intentions. Thank you.

You'd have to give me a minute to come back. It's 3:33 a.m. here. I do have books but the paganism that I follow isn't pre-christian european religions. I notice RFers differentiate the two by putting caps on Pagan. With me, it's all about nature, my ancestors, and relationship with life and myself. Living with the earth's cycles. Hard to do since here it's so techno oriented.

Gosh. Haha. That is a loaded question. Without calling it paganism (I just did that for RF sake), my family always believed in ancestral and family spirits. Mostly family. My mother hadn't had "the time" to look more into her family as I do. We've seen spirits and in our own separate ways interact with them. It doesn't happen as often here as it used to. Maybe because you question more at my age. Most cultural religions I know honor their ancestors. I practice magic and all of that to do so.

Visiting my grandmothers and just saying hello and thank you are practices. As for theological and mythological views, I have none, really. I tried keeping to Buddhist sutras and the Lotus Sutra from the Buddhist sect I used to follow, but I find I'm not a worshiper nor prophet-believer. I never understood hierarchy and god(s) etc. It's more gods are multiple truths (if one likes) or in my case spirits which are the souls of the deceased.

I can't wrap my head around god(s). Polytheism makes sense but theism means more than one god. I believe in more than one spirit. So, I guess it's a weird definition of the word. Spiritualist is actually better. I would like to visit their church sundays when I can afford to travel there.

Please get some rest and I will too. It's 6 pm here Monday. I'll see you after you've had a good sleep.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Carlita .. I know your trying very hard but please refrain if you can from suggesting I am being "disrespectful"... The major religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam all have reference to Prophets ... Jesus recognizes Moses... Muhammad recognizes Jesus and Moses... You can find I believe a progressive revelation in the Torah, the Gospel and the Qur'an. We Baha'is also recognize Zoroaster as a Manifestation of God. One of my closest friends on the Interfaith Council is a Zoroastrian priest. I have known him for years and we have the utmost respect for each other. Another close friend is a Sikh... we worked together on having the Charter for Compassion being recognized by our City Council. When you've had some sleep you might also check out the following:

I find it odd that Krishna and The Buddha are prophets when their religions do not teach that. Krishna is an incarnation of a god. The Buddha was a bodhisattva now his title became a Buddha because of his enlightenment. I don't see how they mix with abrahamic religions.

Bahaullah is not a jew. All biblical prophets are. I don't agree with Muslim either but they believe in the god of abraham and they feel they are children of abraham. They also believe in god and god only and no manifestations of god and other prophets outside the Muslim and Christian faith.

I don't know anything about Zoaraster. I've spoke to Muslims, different sects of Buddhist, Hindu, and many christian denominations. We are predominately christian here so meeting someone of another faith in person is rare unless I stayed with the Catholic Church and work through devotional services that intermingle with people of other religions.

Personal experience is different than association and interacting with people of other faiths. If you identify and are christian, Muslim, Jewish, hindu, or buddhist only and do not follow Bahaullah, I can see it. Since you identify as Bahaullah and see through Bahaullah's words, with Christianity and Buddhism, I can't see how Bahaullah explicitly has anything to do with either faiths. A Hindu has said that Bahaullah is not in the hindu faith.

To me, having saying The Buddha and Krishna are prophets an manefistations and their followers say they not the statement itself is wrong and I heavily disagree with it. It's like my using cultural practices and/or prophets and gods in my faith without identifying and/or being raised in that religion.

Another reason I dislike it on a personal level is I relate it to Deaf culture. As a hearing person, it is rude for me to say I am part of Deaf culture because I associate with Deaf individuals, speak their same language, and understand their culture on a surface level. We are told again and again that is wrong both morally and professionally in class. It's part of my morals. I can't part with it.

“Behold a beautiful garden full of flowers, shrubs, and trees. Each flower has a different charm, a peculiar beauty, its own delicious perfume and beautiful colour. The trees too, how varied are they in size, in growth, in foliage—and what different fruits they bear! Yet all these flowers, shrubs and trees spring from the self-same earth, the same sun shines upon them and the same clouds give them rain.

Do you understand what I am saying?

I disagree that diversity is defined by oneness or same source. The differences are the sources and identities of each different flower. The earth is made up of different things. They are not all the same rock. There are multiple rocks with their own names. Their are different seas. Their are different plants, animals, and humans. This is unity among diversity. Not diversity dependant on unity.

“So it is with humanity. It is made up of many races, and its peoples are of different colour, white, black, yellow, brown and red—but they all come from the same God, and all are servants to Him. This diversity among the children of men has unhappily not the same effect as it has among the vegetable creation, where the spirit shown is more harmonious. Among men exists the diversity of animosity, and it is this that causes war and hatred among the different nations of the world.”

I disagree. They do not come from the same god. I keep telling you Buddhism has no god. Vishnu is a different god than the god of abraham. Olorin, the god of santeria, is perceived as a female. The Pagan gods vary extremely. There is no one god.


“Read the Gospel and the other Holy Books. You will find their fundamentals are one and the same.”

I read part of the Quran, the Lotus Sutra, there are over thousands of Buddhist scriptures I can't read them all. Most religions rely on oral teachings. Catholicism is also an oral faith as many others. But I know they are difference by experience. Christians interpret scripture in different ways. Bahai is not different.

“All the divine Manifestations have proclaimed the oneness of God and the unity of mankind”

This is your belief. In order for it to be true, it has to be supported and agreed on by the other side. Since it is not agreed upon, this is not a fact. It's a belief.

Ye are the fruits of one tree, and the leaves of one branch. Deal ye one with another with the utmost love and harmony, with friendliness and fellowship.”

Diversity is the source. Many trees, many branches. There are more than one type of tree.

“Bahá'u'lláh promulgated the fundamental oneness of religion. He taught that reality is one and not multiple, that it underlies all divine precepts and that the foundations of the religions are, therefore, the same. Certain forms and imitations have gradually arisen. As these vary, they cause differences among religionists. If we set aside these imitations and seek the fundamental reality underlying our beliefs, we reach a basis of agreement because it is one and not multiple.”

I know what you believe. Do you understand that I see things in a polytheistic light? Diversity is a blessing. When you make reality into one, you take away diversity.

I can agree there are many truths. We understand prejudice or an emotional attachment to an untruth can cause wars. That's fine to disagree. I want you to disagree with anything your heart tells you to. I never accept anything that in my heart I can't.

How can you agree there are many truths when you said above Bahaullah taught the oneness of religions and not multiple?

Just be mindful when you say "people haven't understood yet." One day "people will follow Bahuallah's teachings." These statements are expecting other faiths to seek world peace the way Bahaullah envisions it. You've also said that the other ways are invalid for today. Most religions do not agree. Respect that. Maybe change how you express your religion or accept that you feel Bahaullah is the only way and your religion is not open-minded but one-focused faith. There is nothing wrong with that in and of itself. Just I feel you're contradicting yourself when you have a prophet in your faith but you respect diversity while saying that Bahallah doesn't teach multiple truths but only one.

But I stand to learn from your diversity so I'm happy for you to teach me about your beliefs in paganism.

I can tell you more about my family and my practice. The only thing is, though. When you have minority faiths and you associate with them as if you are them (putting them in your faith and/or saying you are Christian because you are christian minded though don't identify as one nor practice) you let the other party put barriers in what they express to you. General topics and details a Cherokee may tell a non-cherokee. If someone said that a Cherokee god or so have you is a prophet progressing from another faith they oppose's god and prophet, they will withhold personal information because you have overstepped their boundaries.

I don't know if you can see that. I'm hoping it's just not understanding rather than, how do christians say, "rejecting the truth." (Though, I'm not one to say such a thing. I know you have and Christians do too. Many minority religions don't).


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
I find it odd that Krishna and The Buddha are prophets when their religions do not teach that. Krishna is an incarnation of a god. The Buddha was a bodhisattva now his title became a Buddha because of his enlightenment. I don't see how they mix with abrahamic religions.

Bahaullah is not a jew. All biblical prophets are. I don't agree with Muslim either but they believe in the god of abraham and they feel they are children of abraham. They also believe in god and god only and no manifestations of god and other prophets outside the Muslim and Christian faith.

I don't know anything about Zoaraster. I've spoke to Muslims, different sects of Buddhist, Hindu, and many christian denominations. We are predominately christian here so meeting someone of another faith in person is rare unless I stayed with the Catholic Church and work through devotional services that intermingle with people of other religions.

Personal experience is different than association and interacting with people of other faiths. If you identify and are christian, Muslim, Jewish, hindu, or buddhist only and do not follow Bahaullah, I can see it. Since you identify as Bahaullah and see through Bahaullah's words, with Christianity and Buddhism, I can't see how Bahaullah explicitly has anything to do with either faiths. A Hindu has said that Bahaullah is not in the hindu faith.

To me, having saying The Buddha and Krishna are prophets an manefistations and their followers say they not the statement itself is wrong and I heavily disagree with it. It's like my using cultural practices and/or prophets and gods in my faith without identifying and/or being raised in that religion.

Another reason I dislike it on a personal level is I relate it to Deaf culture. As a hearing person, it is rude for me to say I am part of Deaf culture because I associate with Deaf individuals, speak their same language, and understand their culture on a surface level. We are told again and again that is wrong both morally and professionally in class. It's part of my morals. I can't part with it.

Do you understand what I am saying?

I disagree that diversity is defined by oneness or same source. The differences are the sources and identities of each different flower. The earth is made up of different things. They are not all the same rock. There are multiple rocks with their own names. Their are different seas. Their are different plants, animals, and humans. This is unity among diversity. Not diversity dependant on unity.

I disagree. They do not come from the same god. I keep telling you Buddhism has no god. Vishnu is a different god than the god of abraham. Olorin, the god of santeria, is perceived as a female. The Pagan gods vary extremely. There is no one god.


I read part of the Quran, the Lotus Sutra, there are over thousands of Buddhist scriptures I can't read them all. Most religions rely on oral teachings. Catholicism is also an oral faith as many others. But I know they are difference by experience. Christians interpret scripture in different ways. Bahai is not different.

This is your belief. In order for it to be true, it has to be supported and agreed on by the other side. Since it is not agreed upon, this is not a fact. It's a belief.

Diversity is the source. Many trees, many branches. There are more than one type of tree.

I know what you believe. Do you understand that I see things in a polytheistic light? Diversity is a blessing. When you make reality into one, you take away diversity.

How can you agree there are many truths when you said above Bahaullah taught the oneness of religions and not multiple?

Just be mindful when you say "people haven't understood yet." One day "people will follow Bahuallah's teachings." These statements are expecting other faiths to seek world peace the way Bahaullah envisions it. You've also said that the other ways are invalid for today. Most religions do not agree. Respect that. Maybe change how you express your religion or accept that you feel Bahaullah is the only way and your religion is not open-minded but one-focused faith. There is nothing wrong with that in and of itself. Just I feel you're contradicting yourself when you have a prophet in your faith but you respect diversity while saying that Bahallah doesn't teach multiple truths but only one.

I can tell you more about my family and my practice. The only thing is, though. When you have minority faiths and you associate with them as if you are them (putting them in your faith and/or saying you are Christian because you are christian minded though don't identify as one nor practice) you let the other party put barriers in what they express to you. General topics and details a Cherokee may tell a non-cherokee. If someone said that a Cherokee god or so have you is a prophet progressing from another faith they oppose's god and prophet, they will withhold personal information because you have overstepped their boundaries.

I don't know if you can see that. I'm hoping it's just not understanding rather than, how do christians say, "rejecting the truth." (Though, I'm not one to say such a thing. I know you have and Christians do too. Many minority religions don't).

I'd like to try and understand what you mean by 'truths' we believe in oneness as in unity.

There is Ultimate Truth which I think refers to something nobody understands.

Then there are truths. There are spiritual truths and scientific truths.

Baha'u'llah acknowledges there are many truths. For instance Christ to me was a truth and Buddha another truth although they were people also they were expressions of truth.

What do you mean by truths? Baha'u'llah speaks of truths that can't be expressed in words.

How great the multitude of truths which the garment of words can never contain! How vast the number of such verities as no expression can adequately describe, whose significance can never be unfolded, and to which not even the remotest allusions can be made! (Gleanings of Baha'u'llah)


Premium Member
I always want you to know that I respect you and Hinduism and never ever have any intention to belittle your beliefs or disrespect them regardless of whether I agree or not.

And yet that's not how I've see it. The very fact that you see Baha'i' as superiour indicates the rest are inferiour. Adrian has pointed out more than once that there is very little about Hinduism in Baha'i' teachings, yet you continue to insinuate through Baha'u'llah's all knowing and infallibility that he knew all about Hinduism. Once you insinuated he founded the concept of ahimsa.

The more I participate in this thread the more I see fundamentalism. Under the disguise of some very vague concepts like 'unity' and 'humanity', Baha'i's have continued to behave in the same ways fundamentalists do, in the us versus them, the 'I'm right and you're wrong' attitude. The writings that are critical of religion in general always exclude the Baha'i'. You refer to other religions as exclusivist, but oh, no, not us.

So i think this time I'll be out for good. I've learned a lot about universalism, a lot about the behaviour of Bahai'. Enough to continually support anti-conversion laws, open dialogue, looking at all sides, and to encourage folks to really careful looks at faiths, and behaviour of adherents, not the fluffy words that appear in the introductory paragraphs.


Premium Member
Carlita .. I know your trying very hard but please refrain if you can from suggesting I am being "disrespectful"...

For me, individuals vary on the level of disrespect they show, if any. So far I haven't found you personally disrespectful, but then you haven't engaged here all that much,

What I do find disrespectful is the Bahai teachings themselves. By elevating your prophet to the greatest culmination of all other prophets, by borrowing from other faiths only stuff that suits Bahai, ignoring contradictory stuff, ignoring religions not mentioned in the Bahai teachings, by practicing proselytizing, those are the parts (and more) I personally find disrespectful.

Yes, everyone has the right to believe whatever they want to.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
And yet that's not how I've see it. The very fact that you see Baha'i' as superiour indicates the rest are inferiour. Adrian has pointed out more than once that there is very little about Hinduism in Baha'i' teachings, yet you continue to insinuate through Baha'u'llah's all knowing and infallibility that he knew all about Hinduism. Once you insinuated he founded the concept of ahimsa.

The more I participate in this thread the more I see fundamentalism. Under the disguise of some very vague concepts like 'unity' and 'humanity', Baha'i's have continued to behave in the same ways fundamentalists do, in the us versus them, the 'I'm right and you're wrong' attitude. The writings that are critical of religion in general always exclude the Baha'i'. You refer to other religions as exclusivist, but oh, no, not us.

So i think this time I'll be out for good. I've learned a lot about universalism, a lot about the behaviour of Bahai'. Enough to continually support anti-conversion laws, open dialogue, looking at all sides, and to encourage folks to really careful looks at faiths, and behaviour of adherents, not the fluffy words that appear in the introductory paragraphs.

I don't understand how you have interpreted my words to say Baha'u'llah founded ahimsa which is untrue. There isn't much written about Hinduism I don't deny that.

Regarding fundamentalism I have no idea what you mean. We are all expressing our views. I consider only equality not us vs them. I am very much against exclusivism.

Anyway I appreciate the things you've taught me about your sect of Hinduism and I've enjoyed our discussions. I only see good in you and accept that you don't like some of our beliefs.

We are forbidden to consider our Faith as superior so I am at a loss about that.

Anyway because of your patience I have learnt to see more of the beauty of Hinduism and I have said more than once in this forum and say it again, that if the world adopted ahimsa long ago, then there would have been no need for further Prophets.

I praise Hinduism for its non violent ethic and also the wonderful tolerance of Hindus.

I have nothing but praise for you all.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Wait. You are confusing me.
“Bahá'u'lláh promulgated the fundamental oneness of religion. He taught that reality is one and not multiple, that it underlies all divine precepts and that the foundations of the religions are, therefore, the same. C

Reality is oneness not multiple. One truth, right?

There is Ultimate Truth which I think refers to something nobody understands.

One truth? Right?

Then there are truths. There are spiritual truths and scientific truths.

Baha'u'llah acknowledges there are many truths. For instance Christ to me was a truth and Buddha another truth although they were people also they were expressions of truth.

Then your statements above contradict this. Is it multiple or one? There cant be more than one and one at the same time.

Thats like saying I am you one person and I am not you two people at the same time. No metaphor. Does this make sense to you?

How great the multitude of truths which the garment of words can never contain! H

So there isnt one ultimate truth?

Oneness or mutiple? Now bahaullah is contradicting himself.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I'd like to try and understand what you mean by 'truths' we believe in oneness as in unity.

Truth meaning how an individual and/or community sees and understands reality. Does one's truth need a savior? Does one's truth need ancestors? Does one's need to have a mystical experience?


Does one's truth involve family? Football? Art?

These are truth and expressions. They Can Not be separated.

Then there are truths. There are spiritual truths and scientific truths.

No. In life how we interpret reality is putting multiple things together not one. How do we know the sun is sacred? By spiritual truth such as gratitude or because the sun gives us energy? Its both. They are not separated.

My reality is not yours. You say it is. What is my reality?


Premium Member
I don't understand how you have interpreted my words to say Baha'u'llah founded ahimsa which is untrue. There isn't much written about Hinduism I don't deny that.

Regarding fundamentalism I have no idea what you mean. We are all expressing our views. I consider only equality not us vs them. I am very much against exclusivism.

Anyway I appreciate the things you've taught me about your sect of Hinduism and I've enjoyed our discussions. I only see good in you and accept that you don't like some of our beliefs.

We are forbidden to consider our Faith as superior so I am at a loss about that.

Anyway because of your patience I have learnt to see more of the beauty of Hinduism and I have said more than once in this forum and say it again, that if the world adopted ahimsa long ago, then there would have been no need for further Prophets.

I praise Hinduism for its non violent ethic and also the wonderful tolerance of Hindus.

I have nothing but praise for you all.

Yes you did change your mind on ahimsa after I pointed it out to you.

re fundamentalism ... here's a list of characteristics according to one site

Philosophical Disquisitions: Five Features of Fundamentalism

Of the 5, I see Bahais as having all of them except for number 2. So I wouldn't be alone on this consideration.

Of course you consider your faith superiour. All religious people do. I consider my faith superiour ... for me, definitely, for others, probably not.

Generally these sorts of apologies come up occasionally, but then for the next 5 or 6 posts it's right back to quoting Baha'u'llah, talking about unity in all religions, talking about respecting everyone ... but then when someone dares to disagree (like by saying they don't see unity in all religions), it's right back into argument mode, defensive mode, and all that.)

It's all good. Religious dialogue is great because it brings out the best and the worst in people. Any seeker would have better information from reading these discussions.

Two kinds of learning .. what to do, what not to do.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Yes it is an independent Faith but it is the result of the evolution of the other Faiths, humanity as a race and science.

Some of the key tenets of other Faiths are only interpretations of the believers. If one reads those passages symbolically then resurrection and reincarnation take on a completely different meaning.

Progressive Revelation, Bahais believe is the evolution of the one Faith of God throughout the ages just like we develop from infancy to childhood to adolescence and maturity or like we advance from kindergarten to university. Now, in this age and due to advances in technologies that create a global village the time is ripe for one common faith. We can form a world community today. We can now unite as we are one country now, no longer held back by distance.

And this time of the end of the age and a new earth was foretold. We now are able to unite but lack the know how and will power.
I believe it is diversity that makes human civilization greater, not unity. True peace and prosperity will only come when every human being is free to pursue their own meaning, happiness, religion and mode of self-realization without fear of being oppressed by others for these differences. So no, I do not think one religion, one culture, one language or one nation is the way at all.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Yes you did change your mind on ahimsa after I pointed it out to you.

re fundamentalism ... here's a list of characteristics according to one site

Philosophical Disquisitions: Five Features of Fundamentalism

Of the 5, I see Bahais as having all of them except for number 2. So I wouldn't be alone on this consideration.

Of course you consider your faith superiour. All religious people do. I consider my faith superiour ... for me, definitely, for others, probably not.

Generally these sorts of apologies come up occasionally, but then for the next 5 or 6 posts it's right back to quoting Baha'u'llah, talking about unity in all religions, talking about respecting everyone ... but then when someone dares to disagree (like by saying they don't see unity in all religions), it's right back into argument mode, defensive mode, and all that.)

It's all good. Religious dialogue is great because it brings out the best and the worst in people. Any seeker would have better information from reading these discussions.

Two kinds of learning .. what to do, what not to do.

On ahimsa. I have never believed that Baha'u'llah founded ahimsa. So I'm at a complete loss where you got that from??

I'm perfectly happy for you and anyone not to agree. I don't understand argument mode and defensive mode. It is just sharing of views.

You post and make your case and point and I make my case and point.

I am just replying to others posts with what we understand, nothing else.

Fundamentalists? Wow! I never ever think such things about you guys. I think you're very reasonable and good people. I've even bought books you recommended and been reading them and really enjoyed How to become a Hindu.

Maybe we are from two different cultures so the communication is being misunderstood? I'm a born Australian. I don't know your background but your name seems to indicate a different culture to mine.



We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
I believe it is diversity that makes human civilization greater, not unity. True peace and prosperity will only come when every human being is free to pursue their own meaning, happiness, religion and mode of self-realization without fear of being oppressed by others for these differences. So no, I do not think one religion, one culture, one language or one nation is the way at all.

I believe in diversity as you do and the freedom of everyone to choose their path without oppression.

The Baha'is of Iran do not enjoy this freedom so we want freedom to believe without fear of being oppressed.


Premium Member
The Baha'is of Iran do not enjoy this freedom so we want freedom to believe without fear of being oppressed.

Try looking at the Hindu situation in Pakistan or Bangladesh. Baha'i's certainly aren't the only people being persecuted by Islam. In many cases it was genocide, not just persecution. Are the Bahai's facing genocide?


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Idea of pluralism as expounded by King Asoka in 200 BCE

Beloved-of-the-Gods, King Piyadasi, honors both ascetics and the householders of all religions, and he honors them with gifts and honors of various kinds.[22] But Beloved-of-the-Gods, King Piyadasi, does not value gifts and honors as much as he values this -- that there should be growth in the essentials of all religions.[23] Growth in essentials can be done in different ways, but all of them have as their root restraint in speech, that is, not praising one's own religion, or condemning the religion of others without good cause. And if there is cause for criticism, it should be done in a mild way. But it is better to honor other religions for this reason. By so doing, one's own religion benefits, and so do other religions, while doing otherwise harms one's own religion and the religions of others. Whoever praises his own religion, due to excessive devotion, and condemns others with the thought "Let me glorify my own religion," only harms his own religion. Therefore contact (between religions) is good.[24] One should listen to and respect the doctrines professed by others. Beloved-of-the-Gods, King Piyadasi, desires that all should be well-learned in the good doctrines of other religions.

Not that difficult to understand is it? But 2300 years later we are still struggling to do such simple things. If everyone at least honestly attempts to follow this, religious intolerance will be a thing of the past.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Wait. You are confusing me.

Reality is oneness not multiple. One truth, right?

One truth? Right?

Then your statements above contradict this. Is it multiple or one? There cant be more than one and one at the same time.

Thats like saying I am you one person and I am not you two people at the same time. No metaphor. Does this make sense to you?

So there isnt one ultimate truth?

Oneness or mutiple? Now bahaullah is contradicting himself.

Baha'u'llah us simply stating that there are truths that words cannot convey. But there is only one reality.

The sun is one but it's rays are many.