Interesting. This is something new in the conversation.
Although I understand what you mean in your post, I always thought that one world peace is a combination of spiritual and, I guess, political. When everyone is agreeing to respect each other and no CA on each other's beliefs, there would hopefully be
as a result less wars, more comprise, and better politics. What is also important is that US, for example, won't stick their nose into other country's political concerns without their sayso. A lot of people take advantage of US and put down our culture a lot. World peace will hopefully relieve all of that. That, to me, is greater peace. I don't see how they can be separated and i my language be greater or lesser.
I'd think the lesser world peace will happen as a result of the greater world peace?
This is not a step towards world peace. Rather, instead of expecting people to recognize Bahaullah, since that's not in everyone's religion, be like a bodhisattva and expect people to derive at world peace through their respective founders, practice, prophets, and/or gods. It's not about Bahai, you, or I. World peace focus on other people not making other people have peace as we define it.
This is not a step towards world peace. World peace, greater world peace, will respect people for how they get to love or spirituality by their respectiev faiths. It will not tell others they
will not have greate peace on love nad spirituality because to do so is basing it on that person's religion rather than the other person.
This and the other bold comment is exactly what I'm talking about. If you change your perspective and focus on other people and how they get to love and spirituality as defined by their
TLC (pun and no pun) you are at a greater chance of being in unity.
If not, to many people on this thread, it's me vs. them. There is nothing wrong with that as long as one can acknowledge it and admit it.