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How can other religions reconcile with Islam?


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
In the face of the savage attacks in Paris, in the face of the murders of school children in Pakastan,
the slitting of throats of unarmed innocent people on the internet, how can radical islam be trusted in any way?
When I was a police officer I ran afoul of some muslims that owned businesses.
These men owned a mom and pop corner grocery & bought food stamps for 50 cents on the dollar.
Doubling the profit and it was illegal.
I learned that several muslims in our city that owned businesses were sending money to radical muslims to fund attacks on Israel.
I invite muslim friends here to read and respond please.
When I investigated the practice of buying food stamps illegally for profit I was threatened with death by muslims. These men, 3 of them, told me boldy that they have no use for U.S. laws, only Sharia law.
They did not view themselves as anything but ethical muslims working for the greater cause of world
domination. If I got in the way I would be dealt with. I turned everything over to the F.B.I. I doubt anything was done.
That was 30 years ago and I can see that extremists are very successful at what they do.
How do we of different religious views reconcile with greater islam????


Veteran Member
If I found out you were making all this up it would be a relief.

It doesn't surprise me that they said this to you. If I believed that Sharia was the best thing for society and God's form of Government, I would do the same thing.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
With only about 10% of Muslims being extremist, I find nothing in need of reconciliation. Those 10% are lower than cow dung and I hope they get showered in pig's blood before they die. The other 90% though, from my experience, have been nice people and have typically been much easier to get along with than the regular Average Joe.


Avid JW Bible Student
Since we all have a choice about the god we worship, Muslims, like any others who follow a different path to Christians, have chosen their God.

The God of the Bible does not force people to worship him. Many former Muslims fear for their lives when they choose to serve Jehovah instead of Allah. Jehovah is not a dictator, but a benevolent Father who allows his children to choose their own path. He has no time for mindless obedience motivated by fear. He tells us clearly where other paths lead but will not stop us from making a wrong choice. :(

Those who have chosen to embrace Islam, who were former Christians, were often turned off by the conduct and teachings of Christendom, which were not representing the God of Jesus anyway. (Luke 17:1, 2)

Since Jesus said that 'no one can come to him' as Messiah unless they are "drawn" by his Father, that means that God will give all potential worshippers an opportunity to come to a knowledge of the truth. (John 6:44) This will be the case no matter where they are in the world or what religion, if any, they were born into.

Jehovah is a reader of hearts and is aware of those who are genuinely searching for him with a complete heart. (1 Chron 28:9) He knows what we are thinking and what motivates us, so it is He who is looking for us, rather than just we who are looking for Him.

He has already stated in his word that "few" are on the road to life. (Matt 713, 14) Will we be among them...that is the question. o_O


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
O.K. you say aout 10% are extremist. I've read 15%.
Lets call it 10%. There are 1.6 BILLION islamics in the world.
That makes 1,600,000, that's one million, six hundred thousand that want you and
me dead simply because we aren't muslim.
One million, six hundred thousand. Think about that. That is more people than many countries have citizens.
There is reason to fear muslims because how does one know which one is wearing a suicide belt?
All most ALL extemists belong to an extremist group that is highly organized and armed very well. Extremists TRAIN together to learn how to fight in military style. They are also quite good at it.
One million six hundred thousand armed, trained, killers. That is more than most nations have soldiers.
I'm calling that a world wide problem. I fear more murders here in the U.S.
I can't remember the name of the producer that made a film about the way women were treated in islamic nations. He was shot down in the steets and his head nearly severed.
This isn't a condemnation of islam or muslims. It is a condemnation of muslim extremists that act like savage animals.
Show me any other religion with zealots that number 1.6 million members all well armed and trained?
As me gandpappy would have said "sumpin' ain't right here."


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
Jehovah is a reader of hearts and is aware of those who are genuinely searching for him with a complete heart. (1 Chron 28:9) He knows what we are thinking and what motivates us, so it is He who is looking for us, rather than just we who are looking for Him.

I really do believe that.
I read once, long ago, that 66% of JWs were Catholic.
Don't know if the figure is still the same or not.
Just a matter of trivia is all.
I'm thinking the truth is the Truth.:p
I can't find any wrong in it. You do know what I mean JayDeeDee.:D

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
As a Muslim I hope I am Identified by my actual actions and not by a presumption of what someone thinks a Muslim is.

We are very diverse and come from a multitude of backgrounds, traditions, teachings and culture. Like all people we are individuals and represent only our self.

We do carry a bit of flavoring from our individual choices and heritage. some examples:
All Sunni will share some similarities
All sufi will share a different set of similarities as will a Shi'ite, Wahhabi, Salafi, Islaili etc but will also retain unique individual qualities
All Polish Muslims will share some qualities
All Lithuanian Muslims will share some qualities as will Indonesian, Chinese, American, Lesotho, Punjab, Pashtun, Bangla, Berber, British, French, German etc.

Each is a various combination of factors and no 2 of us are the same.
We all have varying degrees of goodness ranging from nearly Angelic to absolute evil

There are very few things all Muslims have in common. There is no identifying caricature that represents all of us.
Please treat us as individual people as we try to treat you as an individual. Judge us for the good or evil we do our self and not believe we are all the same.

Hold each of us responsible for what we do and do not believe we are the product of some Muslim producing factory. Blame me for what I do, not for what you think I am taught to do.

I personally believe all Muslims are commanded to:
Love For Your Brother What You Love For Yourself

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Lets call it 10%. There are 1.6 BILLION islamics in the world.
Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil Washington's Blog
Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil
An FBI report shows that only a small percentage of terrorist attacks carried out on U.S. soil [URL='http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/terrorism-2002-2005/terror02_05#terror_05sum']between 1980 and 2005 were perpetrated by Muslims.[/URL]

you’re more likely to die from brain-eating parasites, alcoholism, obesity, medical errors, risky sexual behavior or just about anything other than terrorism.
Kurzman told the Young Turks in February that Islamic terrorism “doesn’t even count for 1 percent” of the 180,000 murders in the US since 9/11.

Report: U.S. Muslim Terrorism Was Practically Nil in 2012 | WIRED
Report: U.S. Muslim Terrorism Was Practically Nil in 2012
Try as al-Qaida might to encourage them, American Muslims still aren’t committing acts of terrorism. Only 14 people out of a population of millions were indicted for their involvement in violent terrorist plots in 2012, a decline from 2011’s 21. The plots themselves hit the single digits last year.

Study: Threat of Muslim-American terrorism in U.S. exaggerated - CNN.com
Study: Threat of Muslim-American terrorism in U.S. exaggerated
(CNN) -- The terrorist threat posed by radicalized Muslim- Americans has been exaggerated, according to a study released Wednesday by researchers at Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

10% is actually a number to focus on, because although 160,000,000 may seem like a lot (it's actually only about 2% of the global population), it does not define the religion that the other 1,440,000,000 follow. And what about Christian terrorists? Did you know that Guy Fawkes, an English Catholic, is considered to have started modern terrorism with the Gunpowder Plot of 1605? What of Christians who butcher Mulsims? Execute atheists? Murder abortion doctors? Hang people just for being black? And what about this monster?
I believe today that I am acting in the sense of the Almighty
Creator. By warding off the Jews I am fighting for the Lord’s work.

I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of
the Almighty Creator.

Anyone who dares to lay hands on the highest image of the Lord
commits sacrilege against the benevolent creator of this miracle and
contributes to the expulsion from paradise.
-Adolf Hitler

There is reason to fear muslims because how does one know which one is wearing a suicide belt?
How does one know if someone is friendly or if they have a gun tucked away and are about to shoot you? How do you know if they are really just walking past you, or trying to pick your pocket? How do you know if someone really wants to help, or wants to hurt you? How do you even know you wont cross the path of a drunk driver?


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
As a Muslim I hope I am Identified by my actual actions and not by a presumption of what someone thinks a Muslim is.

We are very diverse and come from a multitude of backgrounds, traditions, teachings and culture. Like all people we are individuals and represent only our self.

We do carry a bit of flavoring from our individual choices and heritage. some examples:
All Sunni will share some similarities
All sufi will share a different set of similarities as will a Shi'ite, Wahhabi, Salafi, Islaili etc but will also retain unique individual qualities
All Polish Muslims will share some qualities
All Lithuanian Muslims will share some qualities as will Indonesian, Chinese, American, Lesotho, Punjab, Pashtun, Bangla, Berber, British, French, German etc.

Each is a various combination of factors and no 2 of us are the same.
We all have varying degrees of goodness ranging from nearly Angelic to absolute evil

There are very few things all Muslims have in common. There is no identifying caricature that represents all of us.
Please treat us as individual people as we try to treat you as an individual. Judge us for the good or evil we do our self and not believe we are all the same.

Hold each of us responsible for what we do and do not believe we are the product of some Muslim producing factory. Blame me for what I do, not for what you think I am taught to do.

I personally believe all Muslims are commanded to:
Love For Your Brother What You Love For Yourself

Woodrow LI: Thank you for the perspective & point of view.
1,600,000 extremists is pretty scary.
About judging a group. I can't do that based on the actions of about 10% but that 10% is huge.
I feel that you present a valid point about the individual muslim.
I'm sure you faith in your chosen religion is as strong as mine.
I can't condone murder by any group(s) or person(s). be they poltical, religious or any other form of idealisim.
Thank you for coming forth and posting your point of view.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
Shadow wolf. Thank you also for the stats.
I'm addressing murderous acts in the here and now, not many hundred of years ago.
I acknowledged that Christianity has had a very bloody, wicked, past.
Those actions by Christians have long ago gone the way of the extinct creatures that crawled our planet. By and large nearly NONE of the religions of the world commit the kinds of savage acts we see worldwide committed by muslim extremists.
I'm addressing violent, savage acts, committed across the globe. I did not see Isreal citizens openly cheering the deaths of innocent Palistinains.
I'm not suggesting the vast majority of muslims support this inhmane treatment of people who conjure up cartoons.
By the way. Islam makes up 23% of the world population, not 2%. From wiki: " With about 1.6 billion followers or 23% of earth's population, Islam is the second- largest religion and one of the fastest-growing major religions in the world."
We don't see Buddist, or Hindus, or Christians acting out acts like extremist muslims by publishing beheadings on the internet or siezing territory by warfare.
I think every religious group is aware of the crimes committed in the name of Christianity in centuries past.
When hamas began rocket attacks against Isreal the t-v showed thousands of Palistinian
muslims cherring in the streets in support of the attacks.
When muslim extremists killed Jews in a synagogue again thousand of muslims cheered in the streets while handing out candies and treets to passersby.
That was an example of collective support for murder. We don't see any other group, religious or political cheering en mass when muslims are killed by military action.
When did we ever see mass collective cheering by Americans when the coaltion military bombs and kills ISIS fighters?????? Or the French or the Brits, or the Aussies, or anyone else.
I can't grasp, my mind won't wrap around actions by a collective group in support of murders.
The same collective support is shown tonight on CNN televison. Thousands of muslims cheering the muders of the innocents in France.
I find that collective group support abhorrent behavior.
Still that kind of support is found in Arabic and north African islam, not in other islamic countrys.


Active Member
How do we of different religious views reconcile with greater islam????

Isn't it true that Islam has traditionally viewed the world as two diametrically opposed camps?

دار الإسلام
(The House of Islam)


دار الحرب
(The House of War)


On their side of the line is peace, and on your side of the line is war. How do you reconcile with such a worldview?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Um without adding petrol to the fire one might correct the simple math error above. 10% of 1.6 Billion is 160 Million (or approximately half the population of the US), not 1.6 Million. Are you using common core math? :)


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
What do you know of the political and social history of those areas?

I'm certanly no expert but I've read a fair amount about the history of the Arabic countries.
In the early 1900 they were splintered groups engaging in tribal warfare.
Through out history there have been tribal warfare among the Arab countries and a lot of political and military medling by the Brits.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
Um without adding petrol to the fire one might correct the simple math error above. 10% of 1.6 Billion is 16 Million, not 1.6 Million. Are you using common core math? :)
Oooops. Decimile in the worng place. Thanks for the correction.
16 million militant islamics.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I'm certanly no expert but I've read a fair amount about the history of the Arabic countries.
In the early 1900 they were splintered groups engaging in tribal warfare.
Through out history there have been tribal warfare among the Arab countries and a lot of political and military medling by the Brits.
And the Germans, and the French, the Romans, the Greeks, the Turks etc...