Since we all have a choice about the god we worship, Muslims, like any others who follow a different path to Christians, have chosen their God.
The God of the Bible does not force people to worship him. Many former Muslims fear for their lives when they choose to serve Jehovah instead of Allah. Jehovah is not a dictator, but a benevolent Father who allows his children to choose their own path. He has no time for mindless obedience motivated by fear. He tells us clearly where other paths lead but will not stop us from making a wrong choice.
Those who have chosen to embrace Islam, who were former Christians, were often turned off by the conduct and teachings of Christendom, which were not representing the God of Jesus anyway. (Luke 17:1, 2)
Since Jesus said that 'no one can come to him' as Messiah unless they are "drawn" by his Father, that means that God will give all potential worshippers an opportunity to come to a knowledge of the truth. (John 6:44) This will be the case no matter where they are in the world or what religion, if any, they were born into.
Jehovah is a reader of hearts and is aware of those who are genuinely searching for him with a complete heart. (1 Chron 28:9) He knows what we are thinking and what motivates us, so it is He who is looking for us, rather than just we who are looking for Him.
He has already stated in his word that "few" are on the road to life. (Matt 713, 14) Will we be among them...that is the question.