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How can other religions reconcile with Islam?


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
Not openly. That'd be illegal given the terms of that pesky Constitution.

Six years doesn't undo over 200 years of history ... and if your comment was directed at the current Chief Executive, keep in mind that's only ever one person. Besides, the GOP is waiting in the wings. Take heart. If they smell a buck in theocratic plutocracy, they'll probably go for it.

What is it you seem to dislike about 200 years of American history????
Do you think either political party is immune to the "smell of a buck"?


Doubting Thomas
In the face of the savage attacks in Paris, in the face of the murders of school children in Pakastan,
the slitting of throats of unarmed innocent people on the internet, how can radical islam be trusted in any way?
When I was a police officer I ran afoul of some muslims that owned businesses.
These men owned a mom and pop corner grocery & bought food stamps for 50 cents on the dollar.
Doubling the profit and it was illegal.
I learned that several muslims in our city that owned businesses were sending money to radical muslims to fund attacks on Israel.
I invite muslim friends here to read and respond please.
When I investigated the practice of buying food stamps illegally for profit I was threatened with death by muslims. These men, 3 of them, told me boldy that they have no use for U.S. laws, only Sharia law.
They did not view themselves as anything but ethical muslims working for the greater cause of world
domination. If I got in the way I would be dealt with. I turned everything over to the F.B.I. I doubt anything was done.
That was 30 years ago and I can see that extremists are very successful at what they do.
How do we of different religious views reconcile with greater islam????
In my spiritual path we are taught to love our enemies


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
In my spiritual path we are taught to love our enemies
Yes indeed. You are quite right.
I can love my enemy even when the enemy attacks me or mine,.....................
as I shoot the sum*b*tch twixt the eyes.:D:D
Loving I am, stupid I'm not.
"yea tho I walk thru the valley of death for I fear no evil"....I carry a .45.:p:p
Just kidding. I don't carry a gun, don't want to cause harm to anyone.
but there is one handy.:D


Active Member
What is it you seem to dislike about 200 years of American history????

Setting the "seeming" aside, there's plenty to dislike about American History (even if we stick to the portions that involve misguided religion). If you really want to hash that out, I have to ask: Did you happen to pack a lunch?

Do you think either political party is immune to the "smell of a buck"?

Nope. But one of the two whores in question is a bit looser.


Doubting Thomas
Yes indeed. You are quite right.
I can love my enemy even when the enemy attacks me or mine,.....................
as I shoot the sum*b*tch twixt the eyes.:D:D
Loving I am, stupid I'm not.
"yea tho I walk thru the valley of death for I fear no evil"....I carry a .45.:p:p
Just kidding. I don't carry a gun, don't want to cause harm to anyone.
but there is one handy.:D
I believe in living a disarmed--and disarming--life. And I live in the murder capital of the US.


Sunni muslim
Isn't it true that Islam has traditionally viewed the world as two diametrically opposed camps?

دار الإسلام
(The House of Islam)


دار الحرب
(The House of War)

On their side of the line is peace, and on your side of the line is war. How do you reconcile with such a worldview?


From wiki :
The notions of "houses" or "divisions" of the world in Islam such as Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb does not appear in the Qur'an or the Hadith. Early Islamic jurists devised these terms to denote legal rulings for ongoing Islamic conquests almost a century after Muhammad.


Active Member
In that case God was also on the side of Pagan Romans, Babylonians, Assyrians, Old Egypt, ancient chinese? And so on...
Indeed. It seems that God's favor ebbs and flows with time. I'd go so far as to suggest that it is indistinguishable from the normal ebb and flow of time.

Being superpower doesnt mean God is pleased with u.

I suppose it follows that being brought to the brink of total annihilation doesn't mean that God is displeased with you?

It only means God gives u that power to test you and to test the believers.

You'll have to explain why an all-knowing God would need to test anything.

History shows that believers were extremely persecuated by some superpowers of the ancient.

No one deserves to be persecuted if they're minding their own business and harming no one.


Active Member

From wiki :
The notions of "houses" or "divisions" of the world in Islam such as Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb does not appear in the Qur'an or the Hadith. Early Islamic jurists devised these terms to denote legal rulings for ongoing Islamic conquests almost a century after Muhammad.

You'll note that I did not say that these traditions were supported by either the Qur'an or the Hadith.

However, pointing out that early Islamic jurists devised these terms a mere 100 years after the death of Mohammad certainly helps underscore that the view is indeed an old and traditional one.


Sunni muslim
You'll note that I did not say that these traditions were supported by either the Qur'an or the Hadith.

However, pointing out that early Islamic jurists devised these terms a mere 100 years after the death of Mohammad certainly helps underscore that the view is indeed an old and traditional one.

You're right.

But muslims don't learn those kind of things.

You know, i went in my childhood in a mosque to learn arabic, my parents teached me the religion, i watched many many many islamic shows on tv, i've read few books, and i never heard/learned things like those i can see since i have internet : dar el harb, the 70 virgins, the killing of apostates, etc ...
All those things are quite radical and are not teached.
Like i said in other threads i almost never go to the mosque but i met and discussed with many Imams and they never teached that.

My parents are religious and used to watch many islamic shows (i watched with them) and i never heard them talking about that. And i was watching the saudis who are supposed to be the more stricts.
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Active Member

Let's talk reality. Muslims can come to Christendom and practice their religion any way they want.

Not true. They are not free to establish theocratic law in the United States, for example. The Bill of Rights forbids the establishment of religion.

That doesn't mean that they can bring their culture as well

No true. You have it backwards. Islamic culture can certainly be brought to "Christendom" by both Muslims and non-Muslims. In fact, the first folks to bring Islamic culture to Christendom were Christians.

Exhibit A: Algebra
Exhibit B: Soap
Exhibit C: Medicine.

but they can practice unimpeded.

Again: Not accurate. We've already looked at one area (theocracy) which is in fact utterly impeded in the United States. Muslims are welcome to worship as they see fit up to the point of instituting theocracy. Theocracy is illegal in the USA.

Doesn't work that way in most of the Islamic world.


Again, not accurate. It is not unprecedented for Christians and Jews living in an Islamic state to be allowed to worship as they see fit.

Please see: Dhimmi.

And give thanks for our separation of church and state.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Far as I can tell, it is actually quite simple, and has a lot less to do with religion proper than with how much of a free pass "belief in God" has become.

Belief in God justifies nothing, but largely for historical reasons and to avoid the immediate aggravation of clarifying the point when given the chance we treat almost as if it automatically justified anything, up to and definitely including outright logical abominations.

Our societies have let that bad habit run so rampant that it has taken firm hold, emboldening a lot of obscurantist stances, such as Creationism and religious terrorism.

Learn to spread the word that belief in God is a strict personal right, but justification for nothing. The merit or demerit of actions and beliefs must stand on its own. Other people have no duty whatsoever to accept or agree with the logical conclusions of your beliefs regarding God. The role of deities is to inspire grave and wisdom, not to substitute for them.

Until and unless that is understood and spread, we will be literally refusing to heal from the sick thinking that enables such situations.

I sinceraly believe it is just that simple.