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How Can we know that either Christianity or Islam is right?

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
They have a lot in common after all. They both claim to be the only true religion of God. They both claim that Abraham and the patriarchs were Christians or Muslims respectively. They both claim to be children of Abraham. They both claim that if you leave their religion to become any other religion you'll go to hell. Christians claim that if Christians become Muslim they're going to hell, and Muslims claim if a Muslim leaves Islam for any other religion they're hellbound. Which is actually true?


Well-Known Member
Let each practise their own faith. Secularisim will never be happy untill both of them at each others throats. while secular satanica stays safe and sound system.:no:

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
The question was- how can we know which religion is truly God's religion? Christianity or Islam? They both make similar claims except Christians believe in the Trinity, atonement, etc.


Guardian of Asgaard
Let each practise their own faith. Secularisim will never be happy untill both of them at each others throats. while secular satanica stays safe and sound system.:no:

Oh wow you get more predictabe every day.

To the OP:

I don't think that if God truely chose either Islam or Christianity he would allow them to be such horrible representatives of him.

I can't see how an omnipotent being or whatever you want to call God would allow such petty, narrow-minded idiots represent him.


Well-Known Member
They have a lot in common after all. They both claim to be the only true religion of God. They both claim that Abraham and the patriarchs were Christians or Muslims respectively. They both claim to be children of Abraham. They both claim that if you leave their religion to become any other religion you'll go to hell. Christians claim that if Christians become Muslim they're going to hell, and Muslims claim if a Muslim leaves Islam for any other religion they're hellbound. Which is actually true?

The question is, does the religion save, and how?

How can you be saved if you can't keep the laws specified in quran?


Boethiah yes, basically

Well, Christians and Muslims worship the same God. The doctrines between the religions are different, yes, but essentially they worship the same God. They share many similarities, but it is difficult to say which is more accurate. How we would measure that is unknown. So, it seems to be mostly guesswork I think.

My guess though would be neither have it right.


Veteran Member
I think both advance a path of submission to God - a life of peace.
I think both offer the perspective that if one is sincere one can do no more.
They both say that God not man will judge and they both say God is merciful.
I don't think the question that matters is 'which is right?' I think the one that matters is 'How can I be all I can be?' - to be all one can be, to my mind, is to live peacefully, respectfully, sincerely and to do no harm.


Active Member
Answering the OP:

One should compare evidences used by each group :) , but not by asking normal representatives.
As someone stated here, representatives of each religion are in a pitty situation these days.

So heres what one should do :

Go to a pastor ( known for being on the right path), and ask him about whatever evidence he has about his religion, then go an Islamic scholar (known for being on the right path) and ask him about the evidences he has on his religion.

And then, only then ; you'll be able to compare and decide for yourself.

Of course one should put his feet on earth lol, since it wont be easy to find them very easy, so as a Muslim, I suggest this website to ask your questions :

Islam Question and Answer

And a christian can put a website that he trusts, so you can look by yourself into evidences.

Hope it helps
Best regards :)


you can be sure that there can only be one true religion.As much as some of these religions might have very close resemblance,still only one can be true.In no day shall the devil come out openly and tell you he is the liar, he comes in the name of God so as to many.I beleive that every word that comes from the Creators mouth must come true.This is the only way to know whose God is speaking the truth.


Active Member
Each individual can be sure they are following the correct religion when they no longer look at other religions for the purpose of revealing their incorrectness.


Active Member
I think both advance a path of submission to God
Islam believes in submission, alright.

'Fight those of the People of the Book [Christians] who do not believe... until they pay the tax and agree to submit.' (Koran 9:29, Haleem)


Veteran Member
you can be sure that there can only be one true religion..
I disagree. Welcome btw.
Religion is not something external to the person. It is internal, subjective. A path. Every Christian has their own take on Christianity, so with Islam. God or Allah is great merciful and above our understanding. God or Allah is objective. We mortals are not.
None of us can have a God's eye view. We can only be sincere and do our best.


Veteran Member
Islam believes in submission, alright.

'Fight those of the People of the Book [Christians] who do not believe... until they pay the tax and agree to submit.' (Koran 9:29, Haleem)

Sura 109:6 (Disbelievers): There is no compulsion in religion. There is another passage in Sura 10:100 (Jonah): You will find the nearest in affection to those who believe are those who say, ‘We are Christians’. That is because there are among them priests and monks, and because they are not proud.

Submission to God not man :)