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How can you be a True Christian™ if you don't take the Eden story literally?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I said no such thing.

I said that Biden, SPECIFICALLY, was selfish to run. I say this because all the polls showed that the American public did not want him to, largely because of our concern over his mental capacity. Biden, however, doesn't give a hoot what Americans want, or whether he has the capacity to be the President. That's selfishness.
I have listened to him enough, and I'm not worried about his mental capacity, especially when I compare him with Trump. What I am concerned about is his age and the increasing chance he could become incapacitated or die. However, with both Kamala and his advisors around, I do worry about it that much.

BTW, did you hear Trump sing "McDonalds In Paradise"? :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Sure, kill everyone you don’t agree with. Then start squabbling over who the really real Christians are, and kill all the designated heretics. Then start on anyone with scientific ideas you don’t like. I wonder how that would go? Oh, wait, history of the church…
Even with the murder of James the Just he was still a problem for the Christians, and his story was left out of Acts. He is introduced as the leader of the Messianics with no explanation about how that developed when the narrative implies that Paul took the helm after the Messiah left.

12 The disciples said to Jesus: We know that thou wilt go from us. Who is he who shall be great over us? Jesus said to them: In the place to which you come, you shall go to James the Just for whose sake heaven and earth came into being.

Gospel of Thomas, Brill edition


Χριστός ἀνέστη
Are you sure that you are not describing yourself? Just because his reasons are not the same as yours does not mean that he has none.

Evolution has not stopped. Why would you think that it has?

Darwin did not know everything. Evolution is not about Darwin.

Because that isn't testing evolution.

Did he? I doubt it. Learn how to properly support your claims.

That is a very odd question. You have no understanding of the sciences so why oppose them? Do you want to learn how we know that evolution is a fact?
No i just want a simple answer
Someone dear to me was diagnosed with medical condition and the disease has no cure.She died

You claim that abiogenesis is close to finding a solution about how life came to be.
So why there is no cure and nothing hopeless for that kind of conditions?

You value that above human life?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
No i just want a simple answer
Someone dear to me was diagnosed with medical condition and the disease has no cure.She died

You claim that abiogenesis is close to finding a solution about how life came to be.
So why there is no cure and nothing hopeless for that kind of conditions?

You value that above human life?
The two are totally unrelated making your question irrational.

If oranges taste good why is the sky blue?

Does oranges tasting good have anything to do with the color of the sky?


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
How could you possibly know that?

BTW, do you think Trump is "too selfish to run" as well?
"70 percent of Americans think Biden shouldn’t seek a second term — including 51 percent of Democrats. Forty-eight percent of those who said he shouldn’t run again cited his age as a “major” reason. "
Majorities don’t want Biden, Trump to run in 2024: survey Majorities don’t want Biden, Trump to run in 2024: survey

Trump? Trump is a malignant narcissist who raped, committed financial fraud, and tried to overturn a democratic election. He is so selfish he makes Biden look angelic. He needs to be in jail.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
"70 percent of Americans think Biden shouldn’t seek a second term — including 51 percent of Democrats. Forty-eight percent of those who said he shouldn’t run again cited his age as a “major” reason. "
Majorities don’t want Biden, Trump to run in 2024: survey Majorities don’t want Biden, Trump to run in 2024: survey
That's all fine & dandy, but my point was that we simply do not know Biden's motive with any certainty of being correct? For example, he may be thinking that if he doesn't run, who will be next in line? And that could very much be a problem for the Dems as there doesn't seem to be anyone who could that easily pick up enough support. :shrug:
Trump? Trump is a malignant narcissist who raped, committed financial fraud, and tried to overturn a democratic election. He is so selfish he makes Biden look angelic. He needs to be in jail.
Hard to argue with that.

So, between Biden & Trump, which direction would you go, if I may ask?

BTW, I'm no fan of Biden, just to be clear.


Veteran Member
paarsurrey said:
I agree with friend @Sgt. Pepper , the portion I have colored (in aqua) in his post above.
Jesus/Yeshua- son of Mary did exist only as a man and he was the truthful Israelite Messiah.
It is Paul- the false Apostle , I understand, who through a fake vision made Yeshua a myth as pointed by our friend @Sgt. Pepper.
Paul failed to kill Yeshua and when Yeshua , survived death on the Cross and went out of Judea and out of the Romans hands, he invented such stories to deviate Yeshua's followers from the teachings and deeds of the truthful Israelite Messiah, as I understand.

Why would you believe that Jesus survived the crucifixion? That story does not appear to have any legs at all.
How many legs one wants, please, right?


Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
paarsurrey said:
I agree with friend @Sgt. Pepper , the portion I have colored (in aqua) in his post above.
Jesus/Yeshua- son of Mary did exist only as a man and he was the truthful Israelite Messiah.
It is Paul- the false Apostle , I understand, who through a fake vision made Yeshua a myth as pointed by our friend @Sgt. Pepper.
Paul failed to kill Yeshua and when Yeshua , survived death on the Cross and went out of Judea and out of the Romans hands, he invented such stories to deviate Yeshua's followers from the teachings and deeds of the truthful Israelite Messiah, as I understand.

How many legs one wants, please, right?

Since there are none at least one would be a good start.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
paarsurrey said:
I agree with friend @Sgt. Pepper , the portion I have colored (in aqua) in his post above.
Jesus/Yeshua- son of Mary did exist only as a man and he was the truthful Israelite Messiah.
It is Paul- the false Apostle , I understand, who through a fake vision made Yeshua a myth as pointed by our friend @Sgt. Pepper.
Paul failed to kill Yeshua and when Yeshua , survived death on the Cross and went out of Judea and out of the Romans hands, he invented such stories to deviate Yeshua's followers from the teachings and deeds of the truthful Israelite Messiah, as I understand.

How many legs one wants, please, right?


I hope you are not trying to put words in my mouth because I never mentioned the apostle Paul in my posts relating to what I believe about Jesus. I've stated that I believe that it is most likely that his faithful followers embellished ordinary stories about him and also copied and adapted a few stories about different gods from Greek mythology or other ancient pagan religions that they were familiar with and attributed these myths to him in order to make him appear godlike or even God himself, meaning he is fully God and fully human (the hypostatic union). I never mentioned the apostle Paul.

If you read my following post, then you will know what it is that I actually believe.



Well-Known Member
Adam’s purpose was light yard maintenance and some data entry.

Is that secret squirrel code for "be fruitful and multiply" ?
Probably a egret epithets for caring for the Garden, and naming the animals.

In Genesis 2:15 (NIV), it states, "The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it."

In Genesis 2:19-20 (NIV), it states, "Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals..."


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Every temple since they were invented has been nothing but a money pit.
Pretty much the truth.

The temple dedicated to Jehovah’s worship in ancient Isael, though, wasn’t about money.

You know, tithing was part of the Mosaic Law; as such, it was solely to support the Levites & Levitical priests, because they had no inheritance among the other tribes.

Tithing should have no bearing on Christian giving, but many church leaders expect it.
But didn’t Jesus tell his disciples “you received free, give free”?

But Christendom has milked the people for centuries…. since it’s inception!


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Every temple since they were invented has been nothing but a money pit.
Most people would say they get their money's worth. a temple provides inspirational art and beauty. It is practical for following a given religion. And it provides a meeting place for the community, and taht community is something that is very helpful in the lives of people.

I used to be sad that atheists didn't have temples, but then I visited the Griffith Observatory, with its incredible statues of the greatest minds of science and then I thought, well maybe they just do it their way, in a manner that they are more comfortable with.


Χριστός ἀνέστη
Maybe so.
@Apostle95, Is that what you meant?
Kind of

I know that you can't compare the two , but it has indirect effect.

I am just disapointed in how people chose what is primary.

Milions of people die because someone decide what is more important.

There is no progress in the most important things that affect humanity.