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How can you justify the sheer complexity that evolution would have to evolve?


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
Lol. I should have put a comma or question mark after the word 'why.' So to rephrase a little bit, I know I'm not the fossil expert. So I will ask you this way...Do you think there are fossils in the lineup of evidence showing the miniscule changes from one organism to another?

I doubt you'd be able to tell a miniscule difference in fossils but I'm not a palaeontologist. I don't feel anyone could tell the difference between one generation and the next.

So now you can go back and answer my questions instead of ignoring them.


Well-Known Member
Likely many philosophical beliefs are problematic, because they deal with subjective subjects. Science is not a philosophical belief system.

and how on earth does that spam relate to the invisible hand .. pushing evolution .. and your lack of understanding of Chaos Theory EL Quantum :)


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I doubt you'd be able to tell a miniscule difference in fossils but I'm not a palaeontologist. I don't feel anyone could tell the difference between one generation and the next.

So now you can go back and answer my questions instead of ignoring them.
Here is what I think you need to recognize about me: I am not arguing over God's word. In other words, here's how I am going to put it to you: when the Biblical account says that God took the woman from Adam's rib, I do not argue against that. Or that He made Adam from the ground. One reason is that I wasn't there. But that is not the primary reason. The primary reason is that I accept the written word as it is because I believe it tells the truth about God and how life came about. I do not attempt to second-guess it. I will wait for further understanding, since I also believe Moses will be resurrected and explain how he got all this information.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I doubt you'd be able to tell a miniscule difference in fossils but I'm not a palaeontologist. I don't feel anyone could tell the difference between one generation and the next.

So now you can go back and answer my questions instead of ignoring them.
I can't always read all the posts, so please excuse if I missed something. What questions do you particularly want me to answer? Also, I guarantee you I cannot answer all questions and sometimes I can be wrong. I try sometimes, however, to relate what I know and think.


Premium Member
and how on earth does that spam relate to the invisible hand .. pushing evolution .. and your lack of understanding of Chaos Theory EL Quantum :)
None, science does not deal with "invisible hands,"

Your obviously clueless loaded with slang and funny faces "knee deep."


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
Here is what I think you need to recognize about me: I am not arguing over God's word. In other words, here's how I am going to put it to you: when the Biblical account says that God took the woman from Adam's rib, I do not argue against that. Or that He made Adam from the ground. One reason is that I wasn't there. But that is not the primary reason. The primary reason is that I accept the written word as it is because I believe it tells the truth about God and how life came about. I do not attempt to second-guess it. I will wait for further understanding, since I also believe Moses will be resurrected and explain how he got all this information.

I didn't ask that.

Here's a question. Why are all these palaeontologists lying about what the fossil record shows? What are they hoping to achieve with these lies?


Admiral Obvious
Again, all I'm going to say here is that there are no video cameras tracking the changing of forms from fish to land dwellers.
Which amounts to nothing more than you saying "I am right until you prove me wrong".
If that is all the better you think your beliefs deserve...


Well-Known Member
None, science does not deal with "invisible hands,"

Your obviously clueless loaded with slang and funny faces "knee deep."

"Your obviously cluless" - cries the one who got Chaos Theory backwards .. the one who understands not how Order arose out of the primordial chaos .. nothing but strawman fallacy and wails of insult to proffer.

Who are you to tell the Scientist what science does and does not deal with . What a joke .. of course Science deals with the invisible hand .. and ghosts ..... UFO's

"Clueless" cries sunnyD .. but no game .. and no argument has thee :)


Premium Member
"Your obviously cluless" - cries the one who got Chaos Theory backwards .. the one who understands not how Order arose out of the primordial chaos .. nothing but strawman fallacy and wails of insult to proffer.

Who are you to tell the Scientist what science does and does not deal with . What a joke .. of course Science deals with the invisible hand .. and ghosts ..... UFO's

"Clueless" cries sunnyD .. but no game .. and no argument has thee :)
More silly slang, name calling and funny faces. Nothing of consequence.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
No, it doesn't.

Hang - "suspend or be suspended from above with the lower part dangling free."

A necklace hangs from a neck and a mobile hangs from a ceiling. An air freshener might hang from a rear-view mirror and a prisoner might hang from a rope in a gallows. They all imply attachment, dangling, and a fixed position. Flying birds aren't hanging. Clouds don't hang. And neither does the earth, moon or stars.
Come on….
“Hanging… (on what?) on nothing”!

No neck, or ceiling, or rear-view mirror.


I think your response shows a certain blindness.
Certainly a bias.

Even tho there’s no empirical evidence that evolutionary processes can build complex machinery in the cell, like the flagellum, yet you’re willing to accept even the weakest of philosophical arguments for such methods, over strong evidence in support of the Bible.
Moreover, just about every other statement about the earth in the Bible has it flat and with edges (and sometimes corners), fixed and motionless, supported on pillars, and domed like a snow globe with stars embedded in the dome and rain leaking in from above it.
It is acknowledged in academia that the Bible contains a large amount of poetic speech.

Even we speak that way at times.
It doesn’t make what we say, any less true.

It’s late… “raqía” means more than just a dome. Yet the atmosphere can act as a protective shield.
More coming.

Take care.
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Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
“Later Jewish thinkers, adopting ideas from Greek philosophy, concluded…”
Yes, exactly! Their tenets were corrupted!

I appreciate your link, though.

Re: the Genesis Flood…

there’s all kind of evidence, which I know you’ll flippantly ignore.

You have no explanation of those untold numbers of megafauna got encased within the Permafrost, nor can you rationally explain how a flood covering the world got engrained in hundreds of unrelated cultures.

Or how the idea of ‘gods and goddesses sleeping with humans’ became embedded in greatly diverse cultural lore. (Which was the reason behind God bringing the Flood.-Genesis 6:1-4)

There are other evidences.


Veteran Member
Yes, exactly! Their tenets were corrupted!

I appreciate your link, though.

Re: the Genesis Flood…

there’s all kind of evidence, which I know you’ll flippantly ignore.

You have no explanation of those untold numbers of megafauna got encased within the Permafrost, nor can you rationally explain how a flood covering the world got engrained in hundreds of unrelated cultures.

Or how the idea of ‘gods and goddesses sleeping with humans’ became embedded in greatly diverse cultural lore. (Which was the reason behind God bringing the Flood.-Genesis 6:1-4)

There are other evidences.
Not quite all kinds of evidence for flood.
There's sketchy, there's, feasible, theres sprcious,
there's fraudulent, there's dishonestly presented,
theres misinterpreted, theres irrelevant...
the kind missing is " plausible'.

You don't just flippantly ignore disproof of
flood, you vanish for days/weeks at a time when
it's presented.
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Well-Known Member
More silly slang, name calling and funny faces. Nothing of consequence.

I did not do any name caling .. that was you doing the name calling .. running around crying "Clueless" because you got Chaos theory backwards and your claims about science were false.. which begs the question who you were referring to as "Clueless"


Well-Known Member
Yes, exactly! Their tenets were corrupted!

I appreciate your link, though.

Re: the Genesis Flood…

there’s all kind of evidence, which I know you’ll flippantly ignore.

You have no explanation of those untold numbers of megafauna got encased within the Permafrost, nor can you rationally explain how a flood covering the world got engrained in hundreds of unrelated cultures.

Or how the idea of ‘gods and goddesses sleeping with humans’ became embedded in greatly diverse cultural lore. (Which was the reason behind God bringing the Flood.-Genesis 6:1-4)

There are other evidences.

There is all kinds of evidence proving a global flood did not happen in ~2100-2300 BC. .. 300 years prior to the great Patriarch Abraham.
1) no flood layer
2) continuous culture in many places in the world through this time period
3) no wipe out of land species

There were floods .. some very big covering what the people of some distant period ~5000 BC believed was the whole world .. but the whole world was not actually flooded.

The reason for the flood myth in every culture is because from when the last Ice age ended ~12,000 BC until ~ 5000 BC the Oceans rose 400 Feet .. such that any cities on the coast .. which is where you want to build a city - were submurged .. and there were great flood events that every culture on the planet would experience .. just not events which covered the whole planet with water .. otherwise you would not have people in Australia telling us about those events .. as no one would be left from that period to tell the story .. so this is more proof the Global glood did not happen as misinterpreted in Genesis.

The idea of a global flood .. passed down through oral tradition .. comes from people misreading the text.. the people living at the time of the Flood ~5000 BC thinking their whole world was flooded .. which was true .. just that their whole world was only a small part of the actual globe.


Well-Known Member
Whatever this word salad is about, I differentiate between "I don't know" and the concept of Goddidit.

It was about you crying out "God of Gaps" .. but unable to define what you mean by God thus engaging in projectile "word salad" ..

God did what friend ? --- and who is this God of Gaps you worship ? What kind of Godly powers does this God have.. and what did this entity do to impress you so much that you claim it is a God ?


Well-Known Member
It was about you crying out "God of Gaps" .. but unable to define what you mean by God thus engaging in projectile "word salad" ..

God did what friend ? --- and who is this God of Gaps you worship ? What kind of Godly powers does this God have.. and what did this entity do to impress you so much that you claim it is a God ?
It wasn't me that was positing gods for things we don't or didn't know or understand.