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how did man appear on earth


Wonder Woman
Yeah, this thread is slightly off topic...all this about pools and trunks and ignorance :D. Here's my two cents (even though it probably won't be worth even that to the lot of you lol).

How did man appear on earth?

God made man. Now you all can tear me to shreds lol, and I'll respond as well as I can. I believe that the trinity (God, Jesus, Holy Ghost, Three in One and One in Three and all that) created man on the 6th day, just before resting on the 7th and just after 5 days of creating everything else. And yes, I believe that the Hebraic text is quite literal when it says all that.

While this may not seem to be anything more than an ancient myth stolen by Christians and Jews and Muslims from other, older civilizations, it is truth.

Now for a little criticism!

Just stop yelling, telling each other to "prove" this and "prove" that, especially if your arguing on the side of Evolution...you ought to know that the scientific method does not claim to prove anything. You can give more and more reasons to accept that is the truth, but nothing is ever truly proven in the scientific world.

No yelling, no ripping to shreds, but a gaping mouth and some shaking of my head going on here.

Are you honestly talking about not being able to prove anything via science and claiming something which has absolutely NO evidence to support as being true? :areyoucra
Seriously? :rolleyes:


Veteran Member
Premium Member
That's not an explanation, CCAP. "God made man" answers who, not how.
What was the mechanism by which this was accomplished?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
From the proven Big Bang, to the proven Black Holes, from dark matter to the possible Big Crunch. For the evidence you require, go online and visit Stephen Hawking's universe. Get a bit of real learin into ya.

None of that is proven. It's all still theory.

Sure it has all kinds of evidence backing it up, but nevertheless it's all theory.


Well-Known Member
None of that is proven. It's all still theory.
Sure it has all kinds of evidence backing it up, but nevertheless it's all theory.

And how long did it take for someone to deceive you, or perhaps you are just attempting to deceive yourself, into believing that there are no such things as Black Holes, or that the Big Bang did not occur? Do you believe that wave particles, which are also called photons, are the quantum of the liquid like electromagnetic energy, that in the trillions of degrees was blasted out of the Massive Black Hole where all time and space were one in the singularity that has become all that exists?

And do you believe that photons, which have zero mass, no electric charge and yet carrying angular and linear momentum, are 'The quantum of electromagnetic energy,' and are generally regarded as the discrete stable elementary particles that Paul and the great thinking minds of the ancients, believed was the invisible building blocks of all visible matter, repeat, all visible matter.

And yet, without the created animal senses such as hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch, the visible world does not exist, because it takes those created senses to see the great boundless swirling cloud of invisible photons that are the ever evolving mind that is God, as the visible universe in which we, the spirits that are developing in the body of the most high are the potential invisible children of the eternal evolving mind that is God.

Roman 1: 18-23, "God's anger is revealed from heaven against all the sin and evil of the people whose evil ways prevent the truth from being known. God punishes them, because what can be known about God is plain to them, for God himself made it plain. Ever since God created the world, his invisible qualities, both his eternal power and his divine nature, have been clearly seen; they are perceived in the creation itself (Which is but the visible manifestation of the invisible mind that is God). So these people have no excuse at all!

They know God (Who they believe is omni-present, pervading all that exists in the eternal and boundless Cosmos, and omni-potent, having all popwer and authority), but do not give him the honour that belongs to him, nor do they thank him. Instead, their thoughts have become complete nonsense, and their empty minds are filled with darkness. They say they are wise, but they are fools; instead of worshipping the immortal God, they worship images made to look like mortal man etc."
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That's not an explanation, CCAP. "God made man" answers who, not how.
What was the mechanism by which this was accomplished?

Are you asking how exactly God did this? Well, the NIV translation (which I don't really like, but it's all I have on hand) says in Genesis 2:7,"the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." That's what it says, and don't ask me exactly what that's supposed to look like, because I don't know.

There you go...
No yelling, no ripping to shreds, but a gaping mouth and some shaking of my head going on here.

Are you honestly talking about not being able to prove anything via science and claiming something which has absolutely NO evidence to support as being true? :areyoucra
Seriously? :rolleyes:

Ok...maybe I phrased that wrong. :eek:

First off, I was saying that nothing can ever be proven. Nothing. Ever.

Second, while there may not be any direct evidence of man being created by God, there is historical evidence supporting the Bible, and it's rather hypocritical to take the bits and pieces you like. If any of it happened, it all did.


Its only a Label
Friend CCAP...,

It appears from your posts that you tend to put your money on the bIble's interpretation and never on scientific evidences due to their limitations in proving anything or is it that you do not accept/reject either till you know it yourself?
Love & rgds


Well-Known Member
Ok...maybe I phrased that wrong. :eek:
First off, I was saying that nothing can ever be proven. Nothing. Ever.

Second, while there may not be any direct evidence of man being created by God, there is historical evidence supporting the Bible, and it's rather hypocritical to take the bits and pieces you like. If any of it happened, it all did.

Who I Am, was in the beginning of this three dimensional world, try tracing 'Who I Am,' back to the origin of this world, back beyond the formation of living beings, back before the first Atom was formed from the quantum of the electromagnetic energy and you will find that all that is 'Who I Am' existed in some form or another. Prove me wrong.
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Well, it's not that I ignore science...there are innumerable examples of things that we have learned due to science. In fact, I was virtually raised soaking in formaldehyde; my parents were both biologists, and I love science and biology.

But my belief system rejects some of the prevalent theories put forth by the scientific community today, namely the theory of evolution. I, therefore, must do so as well.

The fact is that Creationism and Evolutionism are far more similar than most people know. While their differences are obvious, their similarities are not.

They both rely on faith. It's obvious that you have to have faith that man was created by a Supreme Being of some sort, but is also true of Evolution. While I have faith in the words of the Bible, you have faith in the words of scientists and professors.

You see, Creationism/Christianity is actually the more intellectually honest. You must have faith if you believe it, and it clearly states that you must have faith.

Evolution also requires faith (in scientists, etc.) to believe it, but it says that faith is useless, something not necessary at all.
Who I Am, was in the beginning of this three dimensional world, try tracing 'Who I Am,' back to the origin of this world, back beyond the formation of living beings, back before the first Atom was formed from the quantum of the electromagnetic energy and you will find that all that is 'Who I Am' existed in some form or another. Prove me wrong.

I'm sorry? That was unclear...:help: lol I don't know what you're saying lol...sorry.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry? That was unclear...:help: lol I don't know what you're saying lol...sorry.

My faith can never be shattered because I Know that it is a proven fact that 'I AM' and that 'I AM' because All that is 'I AM' has always existed. How much more clearer can anything be? If you still do not know what I am saying then go for a walk, but watch out for oncoming traffic.
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If you are referring to the ineffable name of God found in Exodus 3, and if you mean that He exists before all things, including time itself, then I agree. Also proving God exists from a finite mind like our own is a ridiculous proposition. His ways are not our ways, His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. An infinite God cannot be fully and completely comprehended by our finite minds.

Is that what you are trying to say?


Guardian of Asgaard
When it comes to faith proven facts are often reffered to as blind wishful thinking and utter arrogance when faced with reality.
I'm not saying that any proven fact is wishful thinking.

I am saying that evolution is a falsity.

You think everything came about as a result of evolution?

Prove it.


Guardian of Asgaard
I'm not saying that any proven fact is wishful thinking.

I am saying that evolution is a falsity.

You think everything came about as a result of evolution?

Prove it.

Typical response. Even if there was proof you'd pick the smallest discrepency and make it out to be a huge thing. People who ignore the 4.5 billion years worth of evidence should keep their head in the sand, reality is a little too harsh sometimes.

I see millions of years of evolution every time i go on work experience, it this were not the case, and God made us 40,000 years ago, buildings would not stand up the way they currently do. You can argue all you want, maybe my university professors would like you to explain to them a better way in which to teach Geotechnical engineering without using evolution because its false?
I see millions of years of evolution every time i go on work experience, it this were not the case, and God made us 40,000 years ago, buildings would not stand up the way they currently do. You can argue all you want, maybe my university professors would like you to explain to them a better way in which to teach Geotechnical engineering without using evolution because its false?

And I see creation as being a work of God every time I go out. Your statement has no relevance. You're just dodging the question, mate. ;)


Wonder Woman
Ok...maybe I phrased that wrong. :eek:

First off, I was saying that nothing can ever be proven. Nothing. Ever.

Second, while there may not be any direct evidence of man being created by God, there is historical evidence supporting the Bible, and it's rather hypocritical to take the bits and pieces you like. If any of it happened, it all did.

By that logic everything in Bedknobs and Broomsticks and The Chronicles of Narnia and so on all actually happened as well. Just because authors use real life events as backdrops for fictional stories doesn't make the fictional stories any more true.

Well, it's not that I ignore science...there are innumerable examples of things that we have learned due to science. In fact, I was virtually raised soaking in formaldehyde; my parents were both biologists, and I love science and biology.

But my belief system rejects some of the prevalent theories put forth by the scientific community today, namely the theory of evolution. I, therefore, must do so as well.

The fact is that Creationism and Evolutionism are far more similar than most people know. While their differences are obvious, their similarities are not.

They both rely on faith. It's obvious that you have to have faith that man was created by a Supreme Being of some sort, but is also true of Evolution. While I have faith in the words of the Bible, you have faith in the words of scientists and professors.

You see, Creationism/Christianity is actually the more intellectually honest. You must have faith if you believe it, and it clearly states that you must have faith.

Evolution also requires faith (in scientists, etc.) to believe it, but it says that faith is useless, something not necessary at all.

Do you listen to yourself? You claim to reject scientific theories such as evolution, not really based on any flaw in the science, but simply because your faith tells you to. You will look for and see anything you can to be a flaw in the science because you have already convinced yourself that there must be because your faith says it is wrong...with nothing but that to back its stance up.

Creationism is not more "intellectually honest". If anything it is intellectually dishonest for it requires people to pretty much chuck logic and reason and fact right out the window in favor of mythological allegories that have no real basis in reality at all.

Oh, and evolution doesn't "say" anything about faith. It doesn't "say" anything at all. Evolution just is and the theory of it is scientific explanation of observable facts. There is no mention of faith. Truly, the only faith that is required when it comes to understanding and accepting the ToE as the fact that it is is the faith you must have in your own mind to be able to comprehend the actual data.


Well-Known Member
Typical response. Even if there was proof you'd pick the smallest discrepency and make it out to be a huge thing. People who ignore the 4.5 billion years worth of evidence should keep their head in the sand, reality is a little too harsh sometimes.

I see millions of years of evolution every time i go on work experience, it this were not the case, and God made us 40,000 years ago, buildings would not stand up the way they currently do. You can argue all you want, maybe my university professors would like you to explain to them a better way in which to teach Geotechnical engineering without using evolution because its false?

There are times when I would reach out across the vast space that seperates us, and just hug to to pieces darkendless.


Its only a Label
Friend CCAP..,
There is no way to prove either god is there or evolution; AND still there are supporters of both creationist and evolutionist; in such a scenario whatever is happening globally is correct.
Buddha therefore never negated anything as truth is only in the eye of the beholder AND he went to to show that place of balance from where both are right in their own right and both are wrong in the others way. He spoke of the ABSOLUTE TRUTH which is to be understood and realized.
Love & rgds


Guardian of Asgaard
And I see creation as being a work of God every time I go out. Your statement has no relevance. You're just dodging the question, mate. ;)

The difference is i can explain my work, and a lot of people with a PHD who have done a lot of good work for our society will agree with me regardless of their religious beliefs.
Im not dodging the question, i thought my answer was obvious. Evolution is everywhere, there are just people who are too dumb or too ignorant to acknowledge its existance. The same cannot be said about God, there is no evidence, and there never will be.