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how did man appear on earth


Well-Known Member
"while I do believe in the theory of evolution because of all the evidence backing it up, I will also say that because the theory is still in its childhood"

Evolutio is NOT in its childhood, it has as much evidence backing it as any of the theories of the "hard" sciences" such as physics or chemistry. There simply is no reputable scientist that doubts that evolution has occurred.


You either are called to believe or you're not. If you are a believer, the search is complete.

Genesis 1:26 - And Elohim said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over the livestock, and over all the earth and over all the creeping creatures that creep on the earth."


Wonder Woman
Do you believe in the Big Bang theory? Do you believe that all that exists was once compressed into an infinitely dense and hot infintisimiley small atom? Or do you deny the evidence of our most famous scientists?
What evidence? The Big Bang is a theory derived from observation. I'm not saying that it did or it didn't happen. I'm not saying that it explains life or it doesn't. I'm saying "WE CAN'T KNOW". Now how simple is that to understand? I'm sure there is a logical and rational explanation for all that exists...and I'm just as sure that we don't know what those explanations are. Is there a possibility that we may eventually evolve into intelligent enough beings to discover the answers? Maybe, but then again, maybe not. I don't have a need to have a definite answer as to the "how" of existence. I'm fine not knowing and recognizing our limited capabilites of knowing. Why is that so hard to come to terms with for you?


Wonder Woman
You either are called to believe or you're not. If you are a believer, the search is complete.

Genesis 1:26 - And Elohim said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over the livestock, and over all the earth and over all the creeping creatures that creep on the earth."

Or you can not believe and accept the fact that the search may never be complete and therefore may be a worthless search anyway.


Well-Known Member
What evidence? The Big Bang is a theory derived from observation. I'm not saying that it did or it didn't happen. I'm not saying that it explains life or it doesn't. I'm saying "WE CAN'T KNOW". Now how simple is that to understand? I'm sure there is a logical and rational explanation for all that exists...and I'm just as sure that we don't know what those explanations are. Is there a possibility that we may eventually evolve into intelligent enough beings to discover the answers? Maybe, but then again, maybe not. I don't have a need to have a definite answer as to the "how" of existence. I'm fine not knowing and recognizing our limited capabilites of knowing. Why is that so hard to come to terms with for you?

My dear Draka, I have no difficulty coming to terms with the fact that you have no need for a definate answer as to the 'how' of existence, and you are happy with not knowing, and that you recognise that you have a limited capability of ever knowing, and so I say to you, "by all means, continue to wallow in your chosen pool of ignorance." I for one, have a burning desire and an unquenchable thirst for the knowledge that will lead to the answer as to the 'how' of existence, and I see no limit to my capability of finding the answer, and so I must move on, enjoy puddling around in your chosen pool, but boy, how crowded must be in there?
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Citizen Mod
Friend Peace has this to say:

Like everyone to respond this.

Love & rgds
I believe that spiritual entities volunteered. I believe that GOD and these same spiritual entities instigated the creation for a physical entities and would choose to go to earth and fulfill a purpose that they have designed, not GOD.


Well-Known Member
As bruts we invented god to take away the fear of the unknown. Some still need god to explain things.

If you truly believe that, then you will have no difficulty in cursing that indefinable something that has created that body, which is pervaded by the activating universal force in which body there is an inbuilt ancestral consciousness and in which you, the invisible mind is developing. Go ahead and curse my God capslock.
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Just me
Premium Member
Do you believe in the Big Bang theory? Do you believe that all that exists was once compressed into an infinitely dense and hot infintisimiley small atom? Or do you deny the evidence of our most famous scientists?
What evidence?


Well-Known Member
What evidence?

From the proven Big Bang, to the proven Black Holes, from dark matter to the possible Big Crunch. For the evidence you require, go online and visit Stephen Hawking's universe. Get a bit of real learin into ya.
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Just me
Premium Member
From the proven Big Bang, to the proven Black Holes, from dark matter to the possible Big Crunch. For the evidence you require, go online and visit Stephen Hawking's universe.
None of those topics are about the origin of life.


Well-Known Member
Friend Peace has this to say:

Like everyone to respond this.

Love & rgds

Well to best answer this you must ask*what came first,the god or his powers*?.

The answer is simple,both arrived in tandem & we picked up on this,as far as we can perceive,as & when we can perceive(or draw) from the Void(or vast reservoir of untapped energy aka the great unmanifest).

Thus we are merely hindered by our perception.

For Adam read what we now label *atom*.....initial split(division) in the initial *atom*(or whole).a big *ohmmmmmmmmmmmmm* or *ptahhhhhhhhh* creating our approximately one third universe as picked up by our merely external senses which we know & try to love.

Only the subconscious being attached to the other two universes(shrunken & expanded).......which,when alligned(Baphomet),create other universes to explore....until you exhaust all possibilities & the Universe(singularity)does become once more.Until deep sub-conscious as alligned with the void is possible.

(conscious,aware of tandem(duality).aware of plurarity

For Eve I like *Elve* & shall always love the wood nymphs & their pleasure seeking ways.:)

Other main characters too.:) The sons of Atom & Elve..........& daughters & other offspring :)

So why do the muslim not deal with creation?how weird.


Active Member
If you truly believe that, then you will have no difficulty in cursing that indefinable something that has created that body, which is pervaded by the activating universal force in which body there is an inbuilt ancestral consciousness and in which you, the invisible mind is developing. Go ahead and curse my God capslock.
No thank you, I do not use profanity.
There exists a indefinable something that is for sure, something that we can only use metaphors as discription. If I say horse, you instantly retreive a mental image of that thing. If i say god you retrieve that image.
Whatever is causing this manifestation does not want or need your obedience, worship, or fear.

Profanity is a symptom of fear.


Wonder Woman
My dear Draka, I have no difficulty coming to terms with the fact that you have no need for a definate answer as to the 'how' of existence, and you are happy with not knowing, and that you recognise that you have a limited capability of ever knowing, and so I say to you, "by all means, continue to wallow in your chosen pool of ignorance." I for one, have a burning desire and an unquenchable thirst for the knowledge that will lead to the answer as to the 'how' of existence, and I see no limit to my capability of finding the answer, and so I must move on, enjoy puddling around in your chosen pool, but boy, how crowded must be in there?

"Chosen pool of ignorance"? I wasn't saying that I had a limited capability deary. I was saying that all of humantiy has a limited capability. That includes you too. If you are so conceited so as not to recognize something which is beyond comprehension then perhaps it is you who needs to come to terms with a few things. :rolleyes:


I smell something....
My dear Draka, I have no difficulty coming to terms with the fact that you have no need for a definate answer as to the 'how' of existence, and you are happy with not knowing, and that you recognise that you have a limited capability of ever knowing, and so I say to you, "by all means, continue to wallow in your chosen pool of ignorance." I for one, have a burning desire and an unquenchable thirst for the knowledge that will lead to the answer as to the 'how' of existence, and I see no limit to my capability of finding the answer, and so I must move on, enjoy puddling around in your chosen pool, but boy, how crowded must be in there?
I gotta ask. Do you need swimming trunks to be in the pool of ignorance?

Now I don't mean to beat a dead horse here but I happen to have one with me and I might as well. Everything that you are talking about as proof is only theory. You have about as much a chance of gaining the answers to how and where life was created as I or anyone else here does. So when you do get the answer to this question, please let us know so we can send you your scientific awards and make you a millionaire. Until then, we will make room for you in the pool.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
What do you mean by "only theory" Enigmata?
Are you using the term as a synonym for speculation or conjecture?
Yeah, this thread is slightly off topic...all this about pools and trunks and ignorance :D. Here's my two cents (even though it probably won't be worth even that to the lot of you lol).

How did man appear on earth?

God made man. Now you all can tear me to shreds lol, and I'll respond as well as I can. I believe that the trinity (God, Jesus, Holy Ghost, Three in One and One in Three and all that) created man on the 6th day, just before resting on the 7th and just after 5 days of creating everything else. And yes, I believe that the Hebraic text is quite literal when it says all that.

While this may not seem to be anything more than an ancient myth stolen by Christians and Jews and Muslims from other, older civilizations, it is truth.

Now for a little criticism!

Just stop yelling, telling each other to "prove" this and "prove" that, especially if your arguing on the side of Evolution...you ought to know that the scientific method does not claim to prove anything. You can give more and more reasons to accept that is the truth, but nothing is ever truly proven in the scientific world.